
NodeJS Profiling

NodeJS provides a built-in profiler which allows developer to analyse and optimise their code. Official documentation and in-depth details can be found here.

Summary of how to:

  1. Start WebUI server that is to be investigated with: node --prof index.js
  2. Execute for a few times at an interval the user scenarios that are suspected to be causing a big stress on the server. During this time, NodeJS will automatically create and update a file with the analysis details while the server is running.
  3. Once done, stop the server.
  4. Use the NodeJS generated log file prefixed with isolate- to get a report of the activities by running: node --prof-process isolate-<rest_of_log_file_name>.log > processed.txt
  5. Open the processed.txt file in your preferred editor, analyse the [Summary] section and identify Components/Sub-Sections that have a high number of ticks or increased percentage from the total.
  6. Proceed to analyse sub-sections that appear to be taking lots of resources.