Brief instruction on how to run the IDC
workflow on the FLPs and the aggregator node and how to run it on a local machine using simulated digits as input.
Definition of IDC
: $ I(r,\phi,t) $ \ IDC0
: $I_0(r,\phi) = \langle I(r,\phi,t) \rangle _{t=1000\text{ TFs}}$ \ IDC1
: $I_1(t) = \langle I(r,\phi,t) / I_0(r,\phi) \rangle _{r,\phi}$ \ IDCDelta
: $ \Delta I(r,\phi,t) = I(r,\phi,t) / \left[ I_0(r,\phi) \cdot I_1(t) \right] $
IDC Workflow (FLPs and aggregator)
s are integrated on the CRUs and converted to a std::vector<float>
using the o2-tpc-idc-to-vector
workflow. The IDC1
are used for the fourier transform and the resulting coefficients as an input for the space-charge correction. For the synchronous reconstruction the IDC1
are calculated on the FLPs using the o2-tpc-idc-flp
workflow and send to the EPNs for the FFT. The FFT is performed on the EPNs by the o2-tpc-idc-ft-epn
workflow. Additionally the IDC
s are send to an aggregator for performing the factorization of the IDC
s for a given calibration interval and afterwards performing the FFT. The factorized IDC
s (IDC0
, IDC1
, IDCDelta
) and the fourier coefficients can then be stored in the CCDB.
on FLPs
Parallelisation can be archieved by splitting the CRUs on an FLP to an own device using --lanes
or by using time lanes --time-lanes
o2-tpc-idc-flp \ # calculation of `IDC1`
--lanes 2 \ # crus of the FLP will be split to two parallel processes
--time-lanes 1 \ # number of time lanes
--disableIDC0CCDB true \ # do not load the `IDC0` from the CCDB which will be used for normalization of the `IDC`s
--crus ${crus} \ # expected CRUs
--enable-synchronous-processing true \ # enable `IDC1` calculation
Output proxy
Sending the IDC
s from the FLPs to the aggregator node:
loc="'downstream:TPC/IDCGROUPA;downstream:TPC/IDCGROUPC'" # output address for `IDC`s
o2-dpl-output-proxy \
--channel-config "name=downstream,method=connect,address=tcp://localhost:30453,type=push,transport=zeromq" \
--dataspec ${loc} -b
On the aggregator node the IDC
s from the FLPs are received by an input proxy and aggregated until data from all defined CRUs have been received. After the IDC
s for a given number of TFs are received, the factorization of the IDC
s, the averaging/grouping of the factorized IDCDelta
and the FFT of the factorized IDC1
is performed. The factorized IDC
s, the grouping parameters and the fourier coefficients can be stored in the CCDB using the o2-calibration-ccdb-populator-workflow
Set global parameters for the workflow:
crus="0-359" # expect data from all CRUs from FLPs
lanes=2 # number of parallel devices for the factorization (min. 2 devices should be used)
nTFs=1000 # number of TFs which will be used for the factorization and the Fourier transform
url="http://localhost:8080" # CCDB URI: for local CCDB or use ""
Input proxy
Receiving the IDC
s from the FLPs:
# input adresses for `IDC`s
# running the input proxy
o2-dpl-raw-proxy \
--dataspec ${loc} \
--channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=bind,address=tcp://localhost:30453,rateLogging=1,transport=zeromq"
Distribute received IDC
s from proxy
Receiving the IDC
s from the proxy and distribute them to the o2-tpc-idc-factorize
workflow for factorization according to the number of specified lanes (also perform checks if some data is dropped. In case data is droped, empty dummy data is send):
o2-tpc-idc-distribute \
--crus=${crus} \ # expected CRUs
--timeframes ${nTFs} \ # number of TFs which will be send to one factorization device
--output-lanes ${lanes} # number of output lanes for parallelisation of factorisation
Factorization of IDC
Perform the factorization of the IDC
s i.e. convert the IDC
s to IDC0
, IDC1
, IDCDelta
and perform the averaging/grouping and compression of IDCDelta
. The grouping parameters can be set with e.g. --groupPads "..." --groupRows "..."
. A dedicated grouping at the edge of the sectors can be set via e.g. ‘--configKeyValues 'TPCIDCGroupParam.groupPadsSectorEdges=32211’`.
o2-tpc-idc-factorize \
--crus=${crus} \ # expected CRUs
--timeframes ${nTFs} \ # number of TFs which were send from o2-tpc-idc-distribute
--input-lanes ${lanes} \ # number of lanes which were defined in o2-tpc-idc-distribute
--groupPads "5,6,7,8,4,5,6,8,10,13" \ # number of pads in pad direction which are grouped
--groupRows "2,2,2,3,3,3,2,2,2,2" \ # number of pads in row direction which are grouped
--nthreads-grouping 8 \ # number of threads used for the grouping
--nthreads-IDC-factorization 8 \ # number of threads used for the factorization
--enablePadStatusMap true \ # perform outlier filtering using the `IDC0`
--enable-CCDB-output true \ # enable creation/sending of CCDB output + grouping of `IDCDelta`
--sendOutputFFT true \ # send the output to the `o2-tpc-idc-ft-aggregator`
Receive IDC1
from the o2-tpc-idc-factorize
and perform the FFT of IDC1
o2-tpc-idc-ft-aggregator \
--rangeIDC 200 \ # number of `IDC1` used during the FFT per TF
--nFourierCoeff 40 \ # number of fourier coefficients per TF which will be stored in the CCDB
--inputLanes ${lanes} \ # number of lanes which were defined in `o2-tpc-idc-distribute`
--nthreads 8 \ # number of threads used for the FFT
All the steps which have to be called (on a local machine):
Send raw data
# FLPs
o2-raw-tf-reader-workflow \
--input-data ${pathToRawData} \
--shm-segment-size $((8<<30)) \
| o2-tpc-idc-to-vector \
--crus ${crus} \
| o2-tpc-idc-flp \
--crus ${crus} \
--disableIDC0CCDB true \
--lanes 1 \
| o2-dpl-output-proxy --channel-config "name=downstream,method=connect,address=tcp://localhost:30453,type=push,transport=zeromq" --dataspec ${loc} -b
Receive raw data
# define global parameters for the work flow
crus="0-359" # expect data from all CRUs from FLPs
lanes=2 # number of parallel devices for the factorization (min. 2 devices should be used)
nTFs=1000 # number of TFs which will be used for the factorization and the Fourier transform
# input adresses for `IDC`s
# shm size
ARGS_ALL="--shm-segment-size 50000000000"
# proxy settings
o2-dpl-raw-proxy ${ARGS_ALL} \
--dataspec ${loc} \
--channel-config "${configProxy}" \
| o2-tpc-idc-distribute ${ARGS_ALL} \
--crus=${crus} \
--timeframes ${nTFs} \
--output-lanes ${lanes} \
| o2-tpc-idc-factorize ${ARGS_ALL} \
--crus=${crus} \
--timeframes ${nTFs} \
--input-lanes ${lanes} \
--nthreads-grouping 8 \
--nthreads-IDC-factorization 8 \
--nTFsMessage 250 \
--enablePadStatusMap true \
--enable-CCDB-output true \
--sendOutputFFT true \
--configKeyValues 'TPCIDCGroupParam.groupPadsSectorEdges=32211' \
| o2-tpc-idc-ft-aggregator ${ARGS_ALL} \
--rangeIDC 200 \
--nFourierCoeff 40 \
--timeframes ${nTFs} \
--nthreads 8 \
| o2-calibration-ccdb-populator-workflow --ccdb-path \
IDC Workflow using simulated digits
One can also use simulated raw digits as input or use the o2-tpc-idc-test-ft
workflow to generate random IDC
s or load IDC
s from an input file (and perform some randomization on it).
Simulate the input
Run a o2-sim
simulation, create the digits and the raw digits (e.g.):
# running o2-sim
o2-sim -g pythia8pp -n 600 -m TPC [ PIPE ITS ]
# producing tpc digits for 5MHz interaction rate
o2-sim-digitizer-workflow -b -q —onlyDet TPC --disable-mc --TPCuseCCDB --shm-segment-size $((8<<35)) --interactionRate 5000000
# to create raw data
o2-tpc-digits-to-rawzs -i tpcdigits.root -o raw/TPC
Start the following workflows to perform the factorization of the IDC
s, the grouping of the IDCDelta
, FFT on aggregator and EPN and writing the output to the CCDB and to local files:
nTFs=1 # consider only the first TF
nLoop=1 # number of loops over the data
o2-raw-file-reader-workflow --detect-tf0 --shm-segment-size ${shm} --input-conf raw/TPC/tpcraw.cfg --loop ${nLoop} --max-tf 0 \
| o2-tpc-reco-workflow --input-type zsraw --output-type digits,disable-writer \
| o2-tpc-idc-integrate \
| o2-tpc-idc-flp \
--disableIDC0CCDB true \
--lanes 1 \
--enable-synchronous-processing true \
| o2-tpc-idc-distribute \
--timeframes ${nTFs} \
--condition-tf-per-query -1 \
--send-precise-timestamp true \
| o2-tpc-idc-factorize \
--timeframes ${nTFs} \
--nthreads-grouping 4 \
--configKeyValues 'TPCIDCGroupParam.groupPadsSectorEdges=32211' \
--dump-IDCs true \
--dump-IDCDelta \
--enable-CCDB-output true \
--sendOutputFFT true \
| o2-tpc-idc-ft-aggregator \
--rangeIDC 200 \
--nFourierCoeff 40 \
--dump-coefficients-agg true \
| o2-tpc-idc-ft-epn \
--rangeIDC 200 \
--nFourierCoeff 40 \
--dump-coefficients-epn true \
IDC generator Workflow
One can also generate IDC
s as input for the o2-tpc-idc-flp
workflow using the o2-tpc-idc-test-ft
workflow. The IDC
s can be generated randomly from a gaussian distribution or one can load IDC
s from a IDCGroup.root
file (--load-from-file true
) created from a simulation etc. which were written to file with the o2-tpc-idc-flp
workflow (o2-tpc-idc-flp --dump-idcs-flp true
nTFs=1000 # number of TFs to generate
o2-tpc-idc-test-ft \
--dropTFsRandom 20 \ # randomly drop every n-Th TF
--delay true \
--load-from-file true \
--only-idc-gen true \
--timeframes ${nTFs} \
| o2-tpc-idc-flp \
--disableIDC0CCDB true \
--lanes 1 \
--enable-synchronous-processing true \
--severity warning \
| o2-tpc-idc-distribute \
--timeframes ${nTFs} \
--condition-tf-per-query -1 \
--send-precise-timestamp true \
--severity warning \
| o2-tpc-idc-factorize \
--timeframes ${nTFs} \
--nthreads-grouping 1 \
--configKeyValues 'TPCIDCGroupParam.groupPadsSectorEdges=32211' \
--enable-CCDB-output true \
--sendOutputFFT true \
--nTFsMessage 250 \
| o2-tpc-idc-ft-aggregator \
--rangeIDC 200 \
--nFourierCoeff 40 \
| o2-tpc-idc-ft-epn \
--rangeIDC 200 \
--nFourierCoeff 40 \
--severity warning \
Unit test for FFT
To test and compare the fourier coefficients which are calculated on the aggregator for a given integration interval and on the EPNs per TF the o2-tpc-idc-test-ft
can be used. In a first iteration the IDC0
are calculated and dumped to a file. In a next iteration the dumped IDC0
are used in the o2-tpc-idc-flp
workflow for normalization of the IDC
s and calculation of IDC1
. The IDC1
are then used in the o2-tpc-idc-ft-epn
workflow to perform the FFT. The IDC
s from the o2-tpc-idc-flp
workflow are send to the o2-tpc-idc-factorize
where the factorization and calculation of IDC1
will be performed and send to o2-tpc-idc-ft-aggregator
which performs the FFT. The fourier coefficients from the o2-tpc-idc-ft-epn
are at the end compared with the fourier coefficients from the o2-tpc-idc-ft-aggregator
crus="0-179" # use CRUs from only one TPC side
o2-tpc-idc-test-ft --timeframes 200 --delay true --iter 0 --crus $crus --dump-IDC0
o2-tpc-idc-test-ft --timeframes 200 --delay true --iter 1 --crus $crus