No Matches
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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
15#ifdef __CLING__
17#pragma link off all globals;
18#pragma link off all classes;
19#pragma link off all functions;
21#pragma link C++ nestedclasses;
22#pragma link C++ nestedtypedef;
24#pragma link C++ struct o2::tpc::MGParameters + ;
25#pragma link C++ struct o2::tpc::TPCParameters < double> + ;
26#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::AnalyticalFields < double> + ;
27#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::RegularGrid3D < double> + ;
28#pragma link C++ struct o2::tpc::RegularGridHelper < double> + ;
29#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::TriCubicInterpolator < double> + ;
30#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::DataContainer3D < double> + ;
31#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::PoissonSolver < double> + ;
32#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::SpaceCharge < double> + ;
33#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::NumericalFields < double> + ;
34#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::DistCorrInterpolator < double> + ;
35#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::GridProperties < double> + ;
36#pragma link C++ struct o2::tpc::TPCParameters < float> + ;
37#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::AnalyticalFields < float> + ;
38#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::RegularGrid3D < float> + ;
39#pragma link C++ struct o2::tpc::RegularGridHelper < float> + ;
40#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::TriCubicInterpolator < float> + ;
41#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::DataContainer3D < float> + ;
42#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::PoissonSolver < float> + ;
43#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::SpaceCharge < float> + ;
44#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::NumericalFields < float> + ;
45#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::DistCorrInterpolator < float> + ;
46#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::GridProperties < float> + ;
47#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::AnalyticalDistCorr < double> + ;
48#pragma link C++ class o2::tpc::AnalyticalDistCorr < float> + ;
49#pragma link C++ struct o2::tpc::ParamSpaceCharge + ;
50#pragma link C++ struct o2::tpc::SCMetaData + ;