No Matches
o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W > Member List

This is the complete list of members for o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >, including all inherited members.

appendToTree(TTree &tree, const std::string &name) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
base typedefo2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
checkANSVersion(ANSHeader ansVersion) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlineprotected
ClassDefNV(EncodedBlocks, 3)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
clear()o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
cloneHeader() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
compactify()o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
copyToFlat(V &vec)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
copyToFlat(void *base)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
create(void *head, size_t sz)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlinestatic
create(VD &v)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlinestatic
createDictionaryBlocks(const std::vector< rans::DenseHistogram< int32_t > > &vfreq, const std::vector< Metadata > &prbits)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >static
decode(container_T &dest, int slot, const std::any &decoderExt={}) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
decode(D_IT dest, int slot, const std::any &decoderExt={}) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
decode(D_IT dest, int slot, const std::any &decoderExt) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
decodeCompatImpl(dst_IT dest, int slot, const std::any &decoderExt) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
decodeCopyImpl(dst_IT dest, int slot) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
decodeRansV1Impl(dst_IT dest, int slot, const std::any &decoderExt) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
decodeUnpackImpl(dst_IT dest, int slot) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
dictionaryType typedefo2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
dump(const std::string &prefix="", int ncol=20) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
empty() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
encode(const VE &src, int slot, uint8_t symbolTablePrecision, Metadata::OptStore opt, buffer_T *buffer=nullptr, const std::any &encoderExt={}, float memfc=1.f)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
encode(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, uint8_t symbolTablePrecision, Metadata::OptStore opt, buffer_T *buffer=nullptr, const std::any &encoderExt={}, float memfc=1.f)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
encodeRANSV1External(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, const std::any &encoderExt, buffer_T *buffer=nullptr, double_t sizeEstimateSafetyFactor=1)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
encodeRANSV1External(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, const std::any &encoderExt, buffer_T *buffer, double_t sizeEstimateSafetyFactor)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
encodeRANSV1Inplace(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, Metadata::OptStore opt, buffer_T *buffer=nullptr, double_t sizeEstimateSafetyFactor=1)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
encodeRANSV1Inplace(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, Metadata::OptStore opt, buffer_T *buffer, double_t sizeEstimateSafetyFactor)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
entropyCodeRANSCompat(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, uint8_t symbolTablePrecision, buffer_T *buffer=nullptr, const std::any &encoderExt={}, float memfc=1.f)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
entropyCodeRANSV1(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, Metadata::OptStore opt, buffer_T *buffer=nullptr, const std::any &encoderExt={}, float memfc=1.f)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
estimateBlockSize(int n)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlinestatic
estimateSize() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
estimateSizeFromMetadata() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
expand(buffer_T &buffer, size_t newsizeBytes)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >static
expandStorage(size_t slot, size_t nElemets, T *buffer=nullptr) -> decltype(auto)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
FallbackStorageTypeo2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlineprotectedstatic
fillFlatCopy(EncodedBlocks &dest) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
fillTreeBranch(TTree &tree, const std::string &brname, D &dt, int compLevel, int splitLevel=99)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlineprotectedstatic
flat() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
get(void *head)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlinestatic
get(const void *head)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlinestatic
getANSHeader() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
getANSHeader()o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
getBlock(int i) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
getDictionary(int i, ANSHeader ansVersion=ANSVersionUnspecified) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
getFreeSize() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
getHeader() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
getHeader()o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
getImage(const void *newHead)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >static
getMetadata() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
getMetadata(int i) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
getMinAlignedSize()o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlinestatic
getNBlocks()o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlinestatic
getRegistry() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
init(size_t sz)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
mANSHeadero2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
mBlockso2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
mHeadero2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
mMetadatao2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
mRegistryo2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
pack(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, rans::Metrics< typename std::iterator_traits< input_IT >::value_type > metrics, buffer_T *buffer=nullptr)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected
pack(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, buffer_T *buffer=nullptr)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inlineprotected
print(const std::string &prefix="", int verbosity=1) consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
readFromTree(TTree &tree, const std::string &name, int ev=0)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >
readFromTree(VD &vec, TTree &tree, const std::string &name, int ev=0)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >static
readTreeBranch(TTree &tree, const std::string &brname, D &dt, int ev=0)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protectedstatic
relocate(const char *oldHead, char *newHead, char *wrapper, size_t newsize=0)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protectedstatic
setANSHeader(const ANSHeader &h)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
setHeader(const H &h)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
size() consto2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >inline
store(const input_IT srcBegin, const input_IT srcEnd, int slot, Metadata::OptStore opt, buffer_T *buffer=nullptr)o2::ctf::EncodedBlocks< H, N, W >protected