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EMCAL calib

EMCAL bad channel calibration. More...


class  o2::emcal::BadChannelMap
 CCDB container for masked cells in EMCAL. More...
class  o2::emcal::CalibDB
 Interface to calibration data from CCDB for EMCAL. More...
class  o2::emcal::CellRecalibrator
 Tool for recalibration at cell level. More...
class  o2::emcal::GainCalibrationFactors
 CCDB container for the gain calibration factors. More...
class  o2::emcal::Pedestal
 CCDB container for pedestal values. More...
class  TempCalibParamSM
 CCDB container for the temperature calibration coefficients per SM. More...
class  TempCalibrationParams
 CCDB container for the temperature calibration coefficients. More...
class  TimeCalibParamL1Phase
 CCDB container for the L1 phase shifts. More...
class  TimeCalibrationParams
 CCDB container for the time calibration coefficients. More...
class  TimeCalibrationSlewingParams
 CCDB container for the time calibration slewing coefficients. More...
class  o2::emcal::TriggerDCS
 CCDB container for the DCS data in EMCAL. More...
class  o2::emcal::TriggerSTUDCS
 CCDB container for STU DCS data in EMCAL. More...
class  o2::emcal::TriggerSTUErrorCounter
 CCDB container for STU error counts. More...
class  o2::emcal::TriggerTRUDCS
 CCDB container for TRU DCS data in EMCAL. More...
class  EMCDCSProcessor
 DCS processor for EMCAL DPs. More...

Detailed Description

EMCAL bad channel calibration.

EMCAL calibrator performing