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o2::framework::PresliceBase< T, Policy, OPT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for o2::framework::PresliceBase< T, Policy, OPT >, including all inherited members.

bindingo2::framework::PresliceBase< T, Policy, OPT >
getSliceFor(int value, std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > const &input, uint64_t &offset) consto2::framework::PresliceBase< T, Policy, OPT >inline
getSliceFor(int value) consto2::framework::PresliceBase< T, Policy, OPT >inline
optionalo2::framework::PresliceBase< T, Policy, OPT >static
policy_t typedefo2::framework::PresliceBase< T, Policy, OPT >
PresliceBase(expressions::BindingNode index_)o2::framework::PresliceBase< T, Policy, OPT >inline
target_t typedefo2::framework::PresliceBase< T, Policy, OPT >