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For historical reason the digit reader was targeted at simulated digits (for which we have an extra branch containing MClabel information), so to read real digit files, you'll unfortunately must use the --disable-mc
The digit file to be read can be specified with the --mch-digit-infile
For some expert usage you can also specify the data specifications that will be used for the digits and the rofs messages (respectively MCH/DIGITS
by default) using the --mch-output-digits-data-description
and -mch-output-digitrofs-data-description
The digit file to be written can be specified with the --mch-digit-outfile
For some expert usage you can also specify the data specifications that will be used as sources for the digits and the rofs messages (respectively MCH/DIGITS
by default) using the --mch-input-digits-data-description
and -mch-input-digitrofs-data-description
Send the list of all preclusters (PreCluster) in the current time frame, with the data description "PRECLUSTERS", the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the preclusters associated to each interaction, with the data description "PRECLUSTERROFS", and the list of digits (Digit) associated to preclusters, with the data description "PRECLUSTERDIGITS".
Option --input-dir
allows to set the name of the directory containing the input file (default = current directory).
Option --enable-mc
allows to also send the precluster MC labels with the data description "PRECLUSTERLABELS".
Take as input the list of all preclusters (PreCluster) in the current time frame, the list of all associated digits (Digit) and the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the preclusters associated to each interaction, with the data description "PRECLUSTERS", "PRECLUSTERDIGITS" and "PRECLUSTERROFS", respectively, and write them in the root file "mchpreclusters.root".
Option --enable-mc
allows to also write the precluster MC labels, with the data description "PRECLUSTERLABELS".
Send the list of all clusters (Cluster) in the current time frame, with the data description "GLOBALCLUSTERS", the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the clusters associated to each interaction, with the data description "CLUSTERROFS", and the list of digits (Digit) associated to clusters, with the data description "CLUSTERDIGITS".
Option --local
assumes that clusters are in the local coordinate system and send them with the description "CLUSTERS".
Option --no-digits
allows to do not send the associated digits.
Option --enable-mc
allows to also send the cluster MC labels with the data description "CLUSTERLABELS".
Take as input the list of all clusters (Cluster) in the current time frame, with the data description "GLOBALCLUSTERS", the list of associated digits (Digit), with the data description "CLUSTERDIGITS", and the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the clusters associated to each interaction, with the data description "CLUSTERROFS", and write them in the root file "mchclusters.root".
Option --local
allows to write the list of clusters in the local coordinate system, with the data description "CLUSTERS".
Option --no-digits
allows to do not write the associated digits.
Option --enable-mc
allows to also write the cluster MC labels, with the data description "CLUSTERLABELS".
Does the same work as the Track sampler but starting from a Root file (mchtracks.root
) containing TRACKS
containers written e.g. by the o2-mch-tracks-writer-workflow. Note that a very basic utility also exists to get a textual dump of a Root tracks file : o2-mch-tracks-file-dumper
Option --input-dir
allows to set the name of the directory containing the input file (default = current directory).
Option --digits
allows to also read the associated digits (Digit) and send them with the data description "TRACKDIGITS".
Option --enable-mc
allows to also read the track MC labels and send them with the data description "TRACKLABELS".
Option --subspec
allows to specify a subspec (default is 0) so that several mchtracks.root
files can be read in the same workflow (usefull for instance in a comparison workflow).
Does the same kind of work as the track sink but the output is in Root format instead of custom binary one. It is implemented using the generic MakeRootTreeWriterSpec and thus offers the same options.
Option --digits
allows to also write the associated digits (Digit) from the input message with the data description "TRACKDIGITS".
Option --enable-mc
allows to also write the track MC labels from the input message with the data description "TRACKLABELS".
Send the status map (StatusMap) of the current time frame, with the data description "STATUSMAP".
Option --input-dir
allows to set the name of the directory containing the input file (default = current directory).
Take as input the status map (StatusMap) of the current time frame, with the data description "STATUSMAP", and write it in the root file "mchstatusmaps.root".