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Forward Conversion Tracker

This is a top page for the Forward Conversion Tracker (FCT) detector documentation.

The FCT measures photon conversions at forward rapidity, 3 < $\eta$ < 5.

Simulations can be run with three options

  1. Default version. This builds the FCT according to thhe function detector::buildFCTV1. No parameters are required
  2. Using basic parameters. This builds the FCT according to the parameters passed to FCTBaseParam
  3. Using a config file. This builds the FCT from a config file. To do this, use
    o2-sim -m FCT -e TGeant3 -g boxgen -n 10 --configKeyValues 'BoxGun.pdg=13 ; BoxGun.eta[0]=-5.0 ; BoxGun.eta[1]=-3.0; BoxGun.number=500; FCTBase.configFile=my_fwd_detector.cfg'
    An example for the config file can be found at

Digitization is not implemented as of yet