No Matches
MID Filtering executable

MID filtering

This directory contains executable code to analyse calibration triggers and the subsequent FET event in order to produce masks.

MID mask maker

This utility allows produce the MID masks Basic usage:

o2-mid-mask-maker --feeId-config-file feeId_filename filename [filename_2 filename_3 ...]

The feeId_filename is a file allowing to tell which feeId is readout by the configured GBT. The file should be in the form explained here

The executable prints the (possible) list of noisy channels and dead channels and the corresponding masks. The mask is provided in two formats:

  • a digit masks in the form of a ColumnData
  • the corresponding masks at the Local Board level. This is useful because it allows to more easily identify the masks to be set in the electronics via DCS.