No Matches

MCH Preclustering

Brief description of the algorithm

For each DE, build preclusters on each cathod separately (recursive loop over fired pads and their neighbours), then merge recusively overlapping preclusters between cathods.

Parameters of the algorithm

Preclustering configurable parameters are defined in PreClusterFinderParam.

The flag excludeCorners (disabled by default) allows to exclude neighbouring pads connected only by corners when looking for fired neighbours.



Take as input the list of all digits (Digit) in the current time frame, with the data description "DIGITS", and the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the digits associated to each interaction. The ROF records input can have the data description "inputrofs:MCH/DIGITROFS" if the direct output of the raw decoder is used, or "inputrofs:MCH/TIMECLUSTERROFS" if the time clustering output is used (default option). The ROF input description can be set on the command line via the rof-spec option.

Send the list of all preclusters (PreCluster) in the time frame, the list of all associated digits (Digit), the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the preclusters associated to each interaction and the list of processing errors (Error) in four separate messages with the data description "PRECLUSTERS", "PRECLUSTERDIGITS", "PRECLUSTERROFS" and "PRECLUSTERERRORS", respectively.

Workflow / Spec options

Option --check-no-leftover-digits xxx allows to drop an error message (xxx = "error" (default)) or an exception (xxx = "fatal") in case not all the input digits end up in a precluster, or to disable this check (xxx = "off").

Option --sanity-check allows to perform some input digit sanity checks.

Option --discard-high-occupancy-des allows to discard DEs with occupancy > 20%.

Option --discard-high-occupancy-events allows to discard events with 5 DEs or more above 20% occupancy.

Option --configKeyValues "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." allows to change the preclustering parameters from the command line.

  • Example of parameter changed from the command line:
    --configKeyValues "MCHPreClustering.excludeCorners=true"