This is the complete list of members for o2::mch::ClusterPEM, including all inherited members.
addBoundaryPads() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
buildGroupOfPads() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
buildProjectedGeometry(int includeAlonePads) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
ClusterPEM() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
ClusterPEM(const double *x, const double *y, const double *dx, const double *dy, const double *q, const short *cathodes, const short *saturated, int chId, int nPads) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
ClusterPEM(Pads *pads0, Pads *pads1) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
ClusterPEM(ClusterPEM &cluster, Groups_t g) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
computeChargeBarycenter(int plane) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
findLocalMaxWithBothCathodes(double *thetaOut, int kMax) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
findLocalMaxWithPEM(double *thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
findLocalMaxWithPEM2Lev(double *thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
findLocalMaxWithPEMFullRefinement(double *thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
fit(double *thetaInit, int K) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
getCathGroup(int c) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getCharges(int c) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getMapCathPadToPad(int c) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getMaxCharge() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
getNbrOfObsPads(int c) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getNbrOfObsPads() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getNbrOfPads(int c) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getNbrOfPads() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getNbrOfPadsInGroup(int g) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
getNbrOfProjectedPads() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getNxNy(int c) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
getPads(int c) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getProjectedPads() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getProjPadGroup() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
getTotalCharge(int c) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | inline |
projectChargeOnProjGeometry(int includeAlonePads) | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |
~ClusterPEM() | o2::mch::ClusterPEM | |