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EMCAL reconstruction

EMCAL reconstruction code. More...


class  o2::emcal::AltroDecoderError
 Error handling of the ALTRO Decoder. More...
class  o2::emcal::MinorAltroDecodingError
 Error handling for the ALTRO decoder for non-crashing errors. More...
class  o2::emcal::AltroDecoder
 Decoder of the ALTRO data in the raw page. More...
class  o2::emcal::Bunch
 ALTRO bunch information. More...
class  o2::emcal::CaloFitResults
 Container class to hold results from fitting. More...
class  o2::emcal::CaloRawFitterGamma2
 Raw data fitting: Gamma-2 function. More...
class  o2::emcal::CaloRawFitterStandard
 Raw data fitting: standard TMinuit fit. More...
class  o2::emcal::Channel
 ALTRO channel representation. More...
class  o2::emcal::Clusterizer< InputType >
 Meta class for recursive clusterizer. More...
class  o2::emcal::ClusterizerParameters
 Contains all parameters to set up the clusterizer. More...
class  o2::emcal::ClusterizerTask< InputType >
 Stand-alone task running EMCAL clusterization. More...
class  o2::emcal::DigitReader< InputType >
 DigitReader class for EMCAL. Loads cells/digits and feeds them to clusterizer. More...
class  o2::emcal::FastORTimeSeries
 Container for FastOR time series. More...
class  o2::emcal::RawBuffer
 Buffer for EMCAL raw pages. More...
class  o2::emcal::RawDecodingError
 Error handling of the raw reader. More...
class  o2::emcal::RawPayload
 Class for raw payload excluding raw data headers from one or multiple DMA pages. More...
class  o2::emcal::RawReaderMemory
 Reader for raw data produced by the Readout application in in-memory format. More...
class  o2::emcal::EventContainer
 Containter of cells for a given event. More...
class  o2::emcal::EventContainer::TRUIndexException
 Handler for access of TRU data with invalid TRU index. More...
class  o2::emcal::RecoContainer
 Handler for cells/LEDMONS/Trigger data in timeframes. More...
class  o2::emcal::RecoContainerReader
 Iterator over reco containers. More...
class  GeometryError_t
 Errors appearing in geometry access obtaining the tower ID. More...
class  o2::emcal::RecoParam
 EMCal reconstruction parameters. More...
class  o2::emcal::StuDecoder
 Decoder of the EMCAL/DCAL STU data. More...
class  o2::emcal::STUDecoderError
 Handling of STU reconstruction errors. More...
class  o2::emcal::TRUDataHandler
 Helper class to handle decoded TRU data during the reconstruction. More...
class  o2::emcal::TRUDataHandler::PatchIndexException
 Handler of errors related to invalid trigger patch IDs. More...
class  o2::phos::AltroDecoderError
 Error handling of the ALTRO Decoder. More...

Detailed Description

EMCAL reconstruction code.

EMCAL reconstruction package. See EMCAL reconstruction module for more information