Residual gainmap calibration
The workflow o2-tpc-calib-gainmap-tracks
will run on the EPNs. In this workflow the cluster charge qMax is normalized to the dE/dx of the track and stored for each pad in a histogram. As input tracks and clusters are required which can be provided by the o2-tpc-file-reader
workflow. The options for the pad-by-pad histograms and the cuts for the tracks can be set with these CLI options:
Histogram options:
--nBins Number of bins per histogram
--reldEdxMin Minimum x coordinate of the histogram for Q/(dE/dx)
--reldEdxMax Maximum x coordinate of the histogram for Q/(dE/dx)
--underflowBin Using under flow bin
--overflowBin Using under flow bin
--useEveryNthTF Use only every nth TF
Track cuts:
--momMin Minimum momentum of the tracks
--momMax Maximum momentum of the tracks
--etaMax Maximum eta of the tracks
--minClusters Minimum number of clusters of tracks
--field Magnetic field in kG, need for track propagations, this value will be overwritten if a grp file is present
--debug Writing debug files when objects are send
--publish-after-tfs Number of TFs after which the pad-by-pad histograms are send
The workflow o2-tpc-calibrator-gainmap-tracks
should run in an aggregation node. It will use the pad-by-pad histograms sent by o2-tpc-calib-gainmap-tracks
to create the pad-by-pad residual gainmap for every time slot. The following options are available:
--tf-per-slot Number of TFs per calibration slot
--max-delay Number of slots in past to consider
--min-entries Minimum number of entries per pad-by-pad histogram which are required
--lowTrunc Lower truncation range for calculating the residual gain from the pad-by-pad histogram
--upTrunc Upper truncation range for calculating the residual gain from the pad-by-pad histogram
--file-dump Save calibration class object to a file
The full residual gainmap extraction workflow can be executed in the following way:
o2-tpc-file-reader --input-type "clusters,tracks" --disable-mc \
| o2-tpc-calib-gainmap-tracks --publish-after-tfs 100 --overflowBin true --condition-tf-per-query -1 --debug true \
| o2-tpc-calibrator-gainmap-tracks --min-entries 0 --tf-per-slot 100 --file-dump true --shm-segment-size 100000000000 -b
Simulating EPN workflow
To simulate the EPN/Agregation node topology one can execute the following:
For the Aggregator:
o2-dpl-raw-proxy --dataspec A:TPC/TRACKGAINHISTOS/0 --channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=bind,address=tcp://localhost:30453,rateLogging=1,transport=zeromq" \
| o2-tpc-calibrator-gainmap-tracks --ccdb-uri "http://localhost:8080" --min-entries 0 --tf-per-slot 100
For the EPN start the o2-tpc-calib-gainmap-tracks
workflow in a new shell:
o2-tpc-file-reader --input-type "clusters,tracks" --disable-mc \
| o2-tpc-calib-gainmap-tracks --publish-after-tfs 100 --overflowBin true --condition-tf-per-query -1 \
| o2-dpl-output-proxy --channel-config "name=downstream,method=connect,address=tcp://localhost:30453,type=push,transport=zeromq" --dataspec downstream:TPC/TRACKGAINHISTOS -b