No Matches
o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelper Member List

This is the complete list of members for o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelper, including all inherited members.

drawIDCZeroStackCanvas(const IDCDraw &idc, const o2::tpc::Side side, const std::string_view type, const int nbins1D, const float xMin1D, const float xMax1D, TCanvas &outputCanvas, int integrationInterval)o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelperstatic
drawRadialProfile(const IDCDraw &idc, TH2F &hist, const o2::tpc::Side side)o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelperstatic
drawSector(const IDCDraw &idc, const unsigned int startRegion, const unsigned int endRegion, const unsigned int sector, const std::string zAxisTitle, const std::string filename, const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1)o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelperstatic
drawSide(const IDCDraw &idc, const o2::tpc::Side side, const std::string zAxisTitle, const std::string filename, const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1)o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelperstatic
drawSide(const IDCDraw &idc, const o2::tpc::Side side, const std::string zAxisTitle)o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelperstatic
drawSide(const IDCDraw &idc, std::string_view type, const o2::tpc::Side side, const int nbins1D, const float xMin1D, const float xMax1D)o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelperstatic
drawSideGIF(const IDCDrawGIF &idcs, const unsigned int slices, const std::string zAxisTitle, const std::string filename="IDCs", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1, const int run=-1)o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelperstatic
getZAxisTitle(const IDCType type, const IDCDeltaCompression compression=IDCDeltaCompression::NO)o2::tpc::IDCDrawHelperstatic