No Matches
Electronic Mapping

MCH Raw Electronic Mapping

The electronic mapping offers a few methods to convert electronic-oriented identifiers (that are found in the raw data) into detector-oriented identifiers.

The raw data references the dual sampa chips relative to a solar board, while for the rest of the processing we are used to reference them relative to detection elements.

The solar board based id is represented by the class DsElecId while the detection element based one is represented by the class DsDetId

In addition, one must know to which CRU a given solar board is connected. This is currently handled with the help of the FeeLinkId class which store a pair (FeeId,LinkId), where the FeeId is basically cruId * 2 + endpoint (remember here that each CRU has two endpoints, each handling 12 links out of the 24 of a CRU).

As the time of this writing the electronic mapping is still a bit in flux, as :

  • the detector electronic is still being (re)installed
  • the FeeId,LinkId to Solar part is still to be implemented at Pt2

so things might evolve...

Nevertheless the current mapping is generated from a "master" (google) sheet that is used at Pt2 for commissionning. Another mapping (called Dummy) is also provided for testing only.

The API is to be found in Mapper.h file.

Generation of electronic mapping

The code generation uses the script which basically loops on all chambers and call for each one, e.g.

./ -gs "MCH Electronic Mapping" -s CH6R --credentials=cred.json -c CH6R

(for the moment a credential JSON file is required, we'll try to remove that constraint as soon as possible)

The python script requires a number of python modules to be installed to be able to run :

pip install oauth2client
pip install gspread
pip install numpy
pip install pandas

Or, if you use conda (e.g. miniforge), a environment.yml is provided so that :

conda env create
conda env activate mch-elecmap

should bring you all you need to execute the script.