No Matches
Digit filtering

MCH Digit Filtering


Filter out some digits.

StatusMap based filtering :

The status map lists all the pads that are not perfect and assigns them a status word summarizing the origin of the issue(s). The filtering based on the status map is governed by the MCHDigitFilterParam.statusMask parameter, from which we can select the issue(s) to be filtered.

Noise filtering :

The exact behavior of the noise filtering is governed by the MCHDigitFilterParam configurable param, where you can select the minimum ADC value to consider, and whether to select signal (i.e. killing as much background as possible, possibly killing some signal as well) and/or to reject background (while not killing signal).

Time calibration :

The time of the digits and ROFs can be shifted in the positive or negative direction in order to time-align the MCH data with the rest of the ALICE detectors. The time offset is passed through the MCHDigitFilterParam.timeOffset parameter.

Inputs :

  • list of all digits (Digit) in the current time frame, with the (default) data description DIGITS (can be changed with --input-digits-data-description option)
  • the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the digits associated to each interaction, with the (default) data description DIGITROFS (can be changed with --input-digit-rofs-data-description option)

Outputs :

  • list of digits that pass the filtering criteria, with the (default) data description F-DIGITS (can be changed with --output-digits-data-description option)
  • list of ROF records corresponding to the digits above, with a (default) data description of F-DIGITROFS (can be changed with --output-digit-rofs-data-description option)