DPL workflows for the TPC
TPC reconstruction workflow
The TPC reconstruction workflow starts from the TPC digits, the clusterer reconstructs clusters in the ClusterHardware format. The clusters are directly written in the RAW page format. The raw data are passed onto the decoder providing the TPC native cluster format to the tracker.
Note: The format of the raw pages is preliminary and does not reflect what is currently implemented in the CRU.
The workflow consists of the following DPL processors:
Depending on the input and output types the default workflow is extended by the following readers and writers:
writes the binary raw format data to binary branches in a ROOT file
reads data from binary branches of a ROOT file
writes the binary native cluster data to binary branches in a ROOT file
reads data from binary branches of a ROOT file
MC labels are passed through the workflow along with the data objects and also written together with the output at the configured stages (see output types).
Input data
The input can be created by running the simulation (o2sim
) and the digitizer workflow (digitizer-workflow
). The digitizer workflow produces the file tpcdigits.root
by default, data is stored in separated branches for all sectors.
The workflow can be run starting from digits, raw clusters, or (native) clusters, or directly attached to the o2-sim-digitizer-workflow
, see comment on inputs types below.
Quickstart running the reconstruction workflow
The workflow is implemented in the o2-tpc-reco-workflow
Display all options
o2-tpc-reco-workflow --help
Important options for the tpc-digit-reader
as initial publisher
--infile arg Name of the input file
--treename arg (=o2sim) Name of the input tree
--digitbranch arg (=TPCDigit) Digit branch
--mcbranch arg (=TPCDigitMCTruth) MC label branch
--nevents Number of events
The tpc-raw-cluster-reader
uses the same options except the branch name configuration –databranch arg (==TPCClusterHw) RAW Cluster branch –mcbranch arg (==TPCClusterHwMCTruth) MC label branch
Options for the tpc-track-writer
--outfile arg (=tpctracks.root) Name of the output file
--treename arg (=tpcrec) Name of tree
--nevents arg (=-1) Number of events to execute
--terminate arg (=process) Terminate the 'process' or 'workflow'
--track-branch-name arg (=TPCTracks) configurable branch name for the tracks
--trackmc-branch-name arg (=TPCTracksMCTruth) configurable branch name for the MC labels
o2-tpc-reco-workflow --infile tpcdigits.root --tpc-sectors 0-17 --tracker-options "cont refX=83 bz=-5.0068597793"
o2-tpc-reco-workflow --infile tpcdigits.root --tpc-sectors 0-17 --disable-mc 1 --tracker-options "cont refX=83 bz=-5.0068597793"
Global workflow options:
--input-type arg (=digits) digitizer, digits, raw, clusters
--output-type arg (=tracks) digits, raw, clusters, tracks
--disable-mc arg (=0) disable sending of MC information
--tpc-lanes arg (=1) number of parallel lanes up to the tracker
--tpc-sectors arg (=0-35) TPC sector range, e.g. 5-7,8,9
Input Type
Input type digitizer
will create the clusterers with dangling input, this is used to connect the reconstruction workflow directly to the digitizer workflow.
All other input types will create a publisher process reading data from branches of a ROOT file. File and branch names are configurable. The MC labels are always read from a parallel branch, the sequence of data and MC objects is assumed to be identical.
Output Type
The output type selects up to which final product the workflow is executed. Multiple outputs are supported in order to write data at intermediate steps, e.g.
MC label data are stored in corresponding branches per sector. The sequence of MC objects must match the sequence of data objects.
By default, all data is written to ROOT files, even the data in binary format like the raw data and cluster data. This allows to record multiple sets (i.e. timeframes/events) in one file alongside with the MC labels.
Parallel processing
Parallel processing is controlled by the option --tpc-lanes n
. The digit reader will fan out to n processing lanes, each with clusterer, and decoder. The tracker will fan in from multiple parallel lanes. For each sector, a dedicated DPL data channel is created. The channels are distributed among the lanes. The default configuration processes sector data belonging together in the same time slice, but in earlier implementations the sector data was distributed among multiple time slices (thus abusing the DPL time slice concept). The tracker spec implements optional buffering of the input data, if the set is not complete within one invocation of the processing function.
TPC sector selection
By default, all TPC sectors are processed by the workflow, option --tpc-sectors
reduces this to a subset.
Processor options
TPC CA tracker
The tracker spec interfaces the o2::tpc::GPUCATracking worker class which can be initialized using an option string. The processor spec defines the option --tracker-option
. Currently, the tracker should be run with options:
--tracker-option "refX=83 cont"
The most important tracker options are:
cont activation of continuous mode
refX= reference x coordinate, tracker tries to propagate all track to the reference
bz= magnetic field
Current limitations/TODO
- the propagation of MC labels goes together with multiple rearrangements and thus copy
- raw pages are using RawDataHeader version 2 with 4 64bit words, need to be converted to version 4 also the CRU will pad all words, RawDataHeader and data words to 128 bits, this is not yet reflected in the produced raw data
- implement configuration from the GRP
Open questions
Calibration workflows
Pedestal calibration
--direct-file-dump write final calibration to local root file
--max-events maximum number of events to process
--no-write-ccdb don't send the calibration data via DPL (required in case the calibration write is not attached)
--use-old-subspec use old subspec definition (CruId << 16) | ((LinkId + 1) << (CruEndPoint == 1 ? 8 : 0))
--lanes arg (=1) number of parallel processes
--sectors arg (=0-35) list of TPC sectors, comma separated ranges, e.g. 0-3,7,9-15
Running with data distribution
In one shell start the data distribution playback, e.g.
StfBuilder --id builder --data-source-enable --data-source-dir=2020-11-11T14_18_25Z --data-source-rate=100 --dpl-channel-name=dpl-chan --channel-config "name=dpl-chan,type=pair,method=connect,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=zeromq,rateLogging=1"
In another shell start the pedestal calibration
o2-dpl-raw-proxy -b --dataspec "A:TPC/RAWDATA" --channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pair,method=bind,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=zeromq,rateLogging=1" \
| o2-tpc-calib-pedestal --max-events 5 --direct-file-dump --shm-segment-size $((8<<30)) --no-calib-output --use-old-subspec
Running with raw file playback
Create a raw-reader.cfg e.g.
i=0; echo -e "[defaults]\ndataOrigin = TPC\ndataDescription = RAWDATA\n" > raw-reader.cfg; echo; for file in *.raw; do echo "[input-$i]"; echo "dataOrigin = TPC"; echo "dataDescription = RAWDATA"; echo "filePath=$file"; echo; i=$((i+1)); done >> raw-reader.cfg
Then run
o2-raw-file-reader-workflow --input-conf raw-reader.cfg --nocheck-hbf-per-tf --nocheck-hbf-jump --shm-segment-size $((8<<30)) \
| o2-tpc-calib-pedestal --max-events 5 --direct-file-dump --shm-segment-size $((8<<30)) --no-calib-output
Send data to CCDB
Remove the --no-write-ccdb
option and add
| o2-calibration-ccdb-populator-workflow
Laser track calibration
Laser track filter
filters TPC/TRACKS
looking for laser track candidates. The output is provided as TPC/LASERTRACKS
. With the option --enable-writer
, the filtere tracks can be writte to file (tpc-laser-tracks.root
linear workflow reading from a local track file, direclty running the calibration component
By default o2-tpc-calib-laser-tracks
assumes non-filtered TPC/TRACKS
as input. Using the option --use-filtered-tracks
will be used.
running without laser track filter
o2-tpc-file-reader --input-type tracks --disable-mc --tpc-track-reader '--infile tpctracks.root' \
| o2-tpc-calib-laser-tracks --write-debug
running with laser track filter
o2-tpc-file-reader --input-type tracks --disable-mc --tpc-track-reader '--infile tpctracks.root' \
| o2-tpc-laser-track-filter \
| o2-tpc-calib-laser-tracks --use-filtered-tracks --write-debug --run
linear workflow reading from a local track file, running with time slot calibration
The time slot calibration assumes as input prefiltered laser track candates (o2-tpc-laser-track-filter
). They are published as TPC/LASERTRACKS
–tf-per-slot arg (=5000) number of TFs per calibration time slot –max-delay arg (=3) number of slots in past to consider –min-entries arg (=100) minimum number of TFs with at least 50 tracks on each sideto finalize a slot so 100 means 5000 matched laser tracks on each side. –write-debug write a debug output tree.
o2-tpc-file-reader --input-type tracks --disable-mc --tpc-track-reader '--infile tpctracks.root' \
| o2-tpc-laser-track-filter \
| o2-tpc-laser-tracks-calibrator --write-debug --min-entries 100 --tf-per-slot 5000 --run
simple distributed workflow with output and input proxy, running with time slot calibration
Sending side zeromq
o2-tpc-file-reader --input-type tracks --disable-mc --tpc-track-reader '--infile tpctracks.root' \
| o2-tpc-laser-track-filter \
| o2-dpl-output-proxy --channel-config "name=downstream,method=connect,address=tcp://localhost:30453,type=push,transport=zeromq" --dataspec lasertracks:TPC/LASERTRACKS -b --run
Receeving side zeromq
o2-dpl-raw-proxy --dataspec lasertracks:TPC/LASERTRACKS/0 --channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=bind,address=tcp://localhost:30453,rateLogging=1,transport=zeromq" \
| o2-tpc-laser-tracks-calibrator --write-debug --min-entries 100 --tf-per-slot 5000 --run
Sending side shmem
ARGS_ALL="--session tpc-laser-tracks -b"
o2-tpc-file-reader $ARGS_ALL --input-type tracks --disable-mc --tpc-track-reader '--infile tpctracks.root' \
| o2-tpc-laser-track-filter $ARGS_ALL \
| o2-dpl-output-proxy $ARGS_ALL --channel-config "name=downstream,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc://@tpc-laser-tracks-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=1" --dataspec lasertracks:TPC/LASERTRACKS \
| o2-dpl-run $ARGS_ALL --run
Receeving side shmem
ARGS_ALL="--session tpc-laser-tracks -b"
o2-dpl-raw-proxy $ARGS_ALL --dataspec lasertracks:TPC/LASERTRACKS/0 --channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=connect,address=ipc://@tpc-laser-tracks-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=1" \
| o2-tpc-laser-tracks-calibrator $ARGS_ALL --write-debug --min-entries 100 --tf-per-slot 5000 \
| o2-dpl-run $ARGS_ALL --run
Running the recontruction on GBT raw data
This requires to do zero suppression in the first stage. For this the DigiDump
class is used, wrapped in an o2 workflow.
Use either the DD part or raw file playback from above and add as processor
| o2-tpc-raw-to-digits-workflow --pedestal-file pedestals.root --configKeyValues "TPCDigitDump.ADCMin=3;TPCDigitDump.NoiseThreshold=3" \
| o2-tpc-reco-workflow --input-type digitizer --output-type tracks --disable-mc
To directly dump the digits to file for inspection use for the reco workflow
| o2-tpc-reco-workflow --input-type digitizer --output-type digits --disable-mc