No Matches
MID QC executable

Checkers for MID RAW data

This directory contains executable code to verify the raw data. This is particularly important for testing and debugging the MID read-out.

MID raw file checker

This utility allows to test files produced by the CRU w/o using the User Logic. Basic usage:

o2-mid-raw-checker --feeId-config-file feeId_filename filename [filename_2 filename_3 ...]

The feeId_filename is a file allowing to tell which feeId is readout by the configured GBT. The file should be in the form explained here

The output is a file (or a series of files if a list of inputs is provided), named after the input file as check_filename.txt, so that it is easy to understand to which input file the output is referring to. The different e-links are read out and then grouped according to their interaction record. The output file contains:

  • a list of possible problems (if any) for each event processed
  • a summary with the number of faulty events

The list of problems is provided per interaction record. This should be unique, but it is not always the case, since it can happen that either the decoded local clock information is wrong, or some reset is performed and the same interaction record is repeated. The data corresponding to one interaction record can be found in different pages. Notice that this also happens for a perfectly good event in case the information does not fit inside the maximum page size. For debugging purposes, we try to keep track of the page (HB) where the data corresponding to the interaction record were found. This is rather accurate, although sometimes the data can be found in the preceding page. We therefore print the interaction records and the corresponding pages (HB), together with the line in the file where the page start. The line is counted assuming that one reads the file as a series of 4 words of 32 bits each (this is the typical way the binary file is converted into text during the tests).

For a list of the other available options:

o2-mid-raw-checker --help

Performed checks

The decoded information is read HB per HB (multiple pages are read out when needed). For each HB, the decoded information are gathered according to their interaction. Notice that, in principle, events belonging to different HBs should have different interaction records, so one could in principle read the full file and then perform the check. However, in the tests the RDH is not always correctly set, and the orbit number might not increase. That is why we read the HB one by one, and limit the tests to 1 HB at the time. This makes it easier to tag HBs with issues in the RO. For each interaction record, a number of checks are performed:

  • The number of local cards read must be compatible with the number of non-null cards provided by the regional cards. Notice that a mismatch can occur when the local board is busy (but does not correctly signal it) and we therefore get the regional info but not the corresponding local card. An incompatibility can also appear in case of corrupted data reading.
  • The word describing the event (SOX, EOX, HC, Calibration, etc.) should be the same for all cards in the interaction record.
  • The number of non-zero patterns read must match the information written in the corresponding word that indicates the non-zero detector planes.
  • For each card we check that the information is consistent. For example we cannot have SOX and Calibration bits fired at the same time. Also, during an HC, we expect to have no chamber fired for the local boards. Notice that during tests this information is added by hand, so we should not have any issue by design.
  • When the overwritten bit is fired, the readout data is actually filled with the masks. In this case we therefore check that the masks are as expected (i.e. they are compatible with the masks that are transmitted at the SOX)

MID user logic checker

The aim of this utility is to validate the user logic. In the simulations of the CRU user logic, the electronic input is read out from an input file. The raw data are then processed by the CRU user logic, that performs the zero suppression, and an output file is generated. This utility decodes both the simulation inputs and outputs and compares them, in order to spot any difference.

The utility can be launched with:

o2-mid-raw-ul-decoder-checker --bare-filename <raw_input_data.dat> --ul-filename <raw_ul_output_data.dat> --feeId-config-file <feeId_config_file.txt>


  • raw_input_data.dat is the input to the user logic simulation
  • raw_ul_output_data.dat is the output of the simulation
  • feeId_config_file is the file specifying which GBT links are simulated (see here for details)

The program decodes the data, and ranges them according to the local/regional board that produces them. In principle, the data of one single board is taken in a sequential way, and this sequence must be respected also in the user logic output. The check consists of comparing the information of each local/regional board, searching for a mismatch between the input data and the CRU user logic output. As soon as a difference is found, the check for that board stops and an error is raised. This check is done for all of the boards. In this way we know, for each board, the first time when an error occurred (but there might be others after it).

Checker output

The checker writes a file (default name: check_ul.txt) containing the number of errors found. The error typically consists of the timestamp of the event, in the form of orbit and bunch crossing id, the type of error and the corresponding decoded board information. The errors can be:

  • only in bare (the event or board was found in the input file, but not on the output)
  • only in ul (the event or board was found in the output file, but not on the input)
  • difference (the board was found in both the input and the output, but some bytes where different)