Monitoring  3.3.4
O2 Monitoring library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NmonitoringALICE O2 Monitoring system
 NbackendsMonitoring backends
 CApMonBackendBackend that uses AppMon (MonALISA)
 CInfluxDBBackend that sends metrics to InfluxDB time-series databse
 CNoopNo-op backend
 CStdOutPrints metrics to standard output via std::cout
 NtransportsMonitoring transports
 CKafkaTransport that sends string formatted metrics via Kafka
 CStdOutTransport that sends string formatted metrics via StdOut
 CTCPTransport that sends string formatted metrics via TCP
 CTransportInterfaceTransport interface for backends
 CUDPTransport that sends string formatted metrics via UDP
 CUnixTransport that sends string formatted metrics via Unix datagram socket
 CBackendBackend pure virtual interface
 CDerivedMetricsEnables Calculation of derived metrics
 CMetricRepresents a metric including value, type of the value, name, timestamp and tags
 CMonitoringMain class that collects metrics from user and dispatches them to selected monitoring backends
 CMonitoringExceptionInternal monitoring exception
 CMonitoringFactoryMonitoring and monitoring backends factory
 CMonLoggerSimple Monitoring logging class
 CProcessDetailsCollects process and machine related details such as PID, process name, hostname
 CProcessMonitorMonitors current process and/or other processes running at the same machien
 CVariantVisitorAddAdds boost variants
 CVariantVisitorRateSubtracts boost variants in order to calculate rate