QualityControl  1.5.1
O2 Data Quality Control Framework
runClustersRootFileReaderMFT.cxx File Reference

This is an executable that reads clusters from a root file from disk and sends the data to QC via DPL. More...

#include <vector>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <Framework/CallbackService.h>
#include <Framework/ControlService.h>
#include <Framework/runDataProcessing.h>
#include <Framework/Task.h>
#include <DataFormatsITSMFT/Cluster.h>
#include <DataFormatsITSMFT/ROFRecord.h>
Include dependency graph for runClustersRootFileReaderMFT.cxx:


class  ClustersRootFileReaderMFT


WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing (const ConfigContext &)

Detailed Description

This is an executable that reads clusters from a root file from disk and sends the data to QC via DPL.

Guillermo Contreras
Tomas Herman

This is an executable that reads clusters from a root file from disk and sends the data to QC via the Data Processing Layer. The idea is based in a similar reader by Andrea Ferrero and the DigitReaderSpec definition in MFT