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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
11#include <iostream>
12#include <sstream>
13#include <string>
17#include "Headers/DAQID.h"
19using namespace o2::emcal;
23RawReaderMemory::RawReaderMemory(gsl::span<const char> rawmemory) : mRawMemoryBuffer(rawmemory)
25 init();
28void RawReaderMemory::setRawMemory(const gsl::span<const char> rawmemory)
30 mRawMemoryBuffer = rawmemory;
31 init();
36 auto headerversion = RDHDecoder::getVersion(payloadwords);
37 if (headerversion < RDHDecoder::getVersion<o2::header::RDHLowest>() || headerversion > RDHDecoder::getVersion<o2::header::RDHHighest>()) {
39 }
40 if (!RDHDecoder::checkRDH(payloadwords, false, true)) {
41 // Header size != to 64 and 0 in reserved words indicate that the header is a fake header
43 }
44 if (RDHDecoder::getVersion(payloadwords) >= 6) {
45 // If header version is >= 6 check that the source ID is EMCAL
46 if (RDHDecoder::getSourceID(payloadwords) != o2::header::DAQID::EMC) {
48 }
49 }
50 return {*reinterpret_cast<const o2::header::RDHAny*>(payloadwords)};
55 mCurrentPosition = 0;
56 mRawHeaderInitialized = false;
57 mPayloadInitialized = false;
58 mRawBuffer.flush();
63 mRawPayload.reset();
64 mCurrentTrailer.reset();
65 mMinorErrors.clear();
66 bool isDataTerminated = false;
67 do {
68 nextPage(false);
69 if (hasNext()) {
70 auto nextheader = decodeRawHeader( + mCurrentPosition);
78 auto nextpagecounter = RDHDecoder::getPageCounter(nextheader);
79 if (nextpagecounter == 0) {
80 isDataTerminated = true;
81 } else {
82 isDataTerminated = false;
83 }
84 } else {
85 isDataTerminated = true;
86 }
87 // Check if the data continues
88 } while (!isDataTerminated);
89 // add combined trailer to payload (in case the FEE is a SRU DDL)
90 if (mCurrentTrailer.isInitialized()) {
91 mRawPayload.appendPayloadWords(mCurrentTrailer.encode());
92 }
95void RawReaderMemory::nextPage(bool doResetPayload)
97 if (!hasNext()) {
99 }
100 if (doResetPayload) {
101 mRawPayload.reset();
102 }
103 mRawHeaderInitialized = false;
104 mPayloadInitialized = false;
105 // Read header
106 try {
107 mRawHeader = decodeRawHeader( + mCurrentPosition);
108 auto feeID = RDHDecoder::getFEEID(mRawHeader);
109 if (mCurrentFEE < 0 || mCurrentFEE != feeID) {
110 // update current FEE ID
111 mCurrentFEE = feeID;
112 }
113 // RDHDecoder::printRDH(mRawHeader);
114 if (RDHDecoder::getOffsetToNext(mRawHeader) == RDHDecoder::getHeaderSize(mRawHeader)) {
115 // No Payload - jump to next rawheader
116 // This will eventually move, depending on whether for events without payload in the SRU we send the RCU trailer
117 mCurrentPosition += RDHDecoder::getHeaderSize(mRawHeader);
118 mRawHeader = decodeRawHeader( + mCurrentPosition);
119 feeID = RDHDecoder::getFEEID(mRawHeader);
120 if (mCurrentFEE < 0 || mCurrentFEE != feeID) {
121 // update current FEE ID
122 mCurrentFEE = feeID;
123 }
124 // RDHDecoder::printRDH(mRawHeader);
125 }
126 mRawHeaderInitialized = true;
127 } catch (...) {
129 }
130 if (mCurrentPosition + RDHDecoder::getMemorySize(mRawHeader) > mRawMemoryBuffer.size()) {
131 // Payload incomplete
132 // Set to offset to next or buffer size, whatever is smaller
133 if (mCurrentPosition + RDHDecoder::getOffsetToNext(mRawHeader) < mRawMemoryBuffer.size()) {
134 mCurrentPosition += RDHDecoder::getOffsetToNext(mRawHeader);
135 if (mCurrentPosition + 64 < mRawMemoryBuffer.size()) {
136 // check if the page continues with a RDH
137 // if next page is not a header decodeRawHeader will throw a RawDecodingError
138 auto nextheader = decodeRawHeader( + mCurrentPosition);
139 if (RDHDecoder::getVersion(nextheader) != RDHDecoder::getVersion(mRawHeader)) {
140 // Next header has different header version - clear indication that it is a fake header
142 }
143 }
144 } else {
145 mCurrentPosition = mRawMemoryBuffer.size();
146 }
147 // RDHDecoder::printRDH(mRawHeader);
149 } else if (mCurrentPosition + RDHDecoder::getHeaderSize(mRawHeader) > mRawMemoryBuffer.size()) {
150 // Start position of the payload is outside the payload range
151 // Set to offset to next or buffer size, whatever is smaller
152 if (mCurrentPosition + RDHDecoder::getOffsetToNext(mRawHeader) < mRawMemoryBuffer.size()) {
153 mCurrentPosition += RDHDecoder::getOffsetToNext(mRawHeader);
154 } else {
155 mCurrentPosition = mRawMemoryBuffer.size();
156 }
158 } else {
159 mRawBuffer.readFromMemoryBuffer(gsl::span<const char>( + mCurrentPosition + RDHDecoder::getHeaderSize(mRawHeader), RDHDecoder::getMemorySize(mRawHeader) - RDHDecoder::getHeaderSize(mRawHeader)));
161 gsl::span<const uint32_t> payloadWithoutTrailer;
162 auto feeID = RDHDecoder::getFEEID(mRawHeader);
163 if (feeID >= mMinSRUDDL && feeID <= mMaxSRUDDL) {
164 // Read off and chop trailer (if required)
165 //
166 // In case every page gets a trailer (intermediate format). The trailers from the single
167 // pages need to be removed. There will be a combined trailer which keeps the sum of the
168 // payloads for all trailers. This will be appended to the chopped payload.
169 //
170 // Trailer only at the last page (new format): Only last page gets trailer. The trailer is
171 // also chopped from the payload as it will be added later again.
172 //
173 // The trailer is only decoded if the DDL is in the range of SRU DDLs. STU pages are propagated
174 // 1-1 without trailer parsing
175 auto lastword = *(mRawBuffer.getDataWords().rbegin());
176 if (RCUTrailer::checkLastTrailerWord(lastword)) {
177 // lastword is a trailer word
178 // decode trailer and chop
179 try {
180 auto trailer = RCUTrailer::constructFromPayloadWords(mRawBuffer.getDataWords());
181 if (!mCurrentTrailer.isInitialized()) {
182 mCurrentTrailer = trailer;
183 } else {
184 mCurrentTrailer.setPayloadSize(mCurrentTrailer.getPayloadSize() + trailer.getPayloadSize());
185 }
186 payloadWithoutTrailer = gsl::span<const uint32_t>(mRawBuffer.getDataWords().data(), mRawBuffer.getDataWords().size() - trailer.getTrailerSize());
187 if (trailer.getTrailerWordCorruptions()) {
188 mMinorErrors.emplace_back(RawDecodingError::ErrorType_t::TRAILER_INCOMPLETE, mCurrentFEE);
189 }
190 } catch (RCUTrailer::Error& e) {
191 // We must forward the position in such cases in order to not end up in an infinity loop
192 if (mCurrentPosition + RDHDecoder::getOffsetToNext(mRawHeader) < mRawMemoryBuffer.size()) {
193 mCurrentPosition += RDHDecoder::getOffsetToNext(mRawHeader);
194 } else {
195 mCurrentPosition = mRawMemoryBuffer.size();
196 }
197 // Page is not consistent - must be skipped
199 }
200 } else {
201 // Not a trailer word = copy page as it is
202 payloadWithoutTrailer = mRawBuffer.getDataWords(); // No trailer to be chopped
203 }
204 } else {
205 payloadWithoutTrailer = mRawBuffer.getDataWords(); // No trailer to be chopped
206 }
208 mRawPayload.appendPayloadWords(payloadWithoutTrailer);
209 mRawPayload.increasePageCount();
210 }
211 mCurrentPosition += RDHDecoder::getOffsetToNext(mRawHeader);
216 if (!mRawHeaderInitialized) {
218 }
219 return mRawHeader;
224 if (!mPayloadInitialized) {
226 }
227 return mRawBuffer;
Definition of the RAW Data Header.
Error handling of the RCU trailer.
Definition RCUTrailer.h:80
void reset()
Reset the RCU trailer.
void setPayloadSize(uint32_t size)
set the payload size in number of DDL (32-bit) words
Definition RCUTrailer.h:174
static RCUTrailer constructFromPayloadWords(const gsl::span< const uint32_t > payloadwords)
Decode RCU trailer from payload.
uint32_t getPayloadSize() const
Get size of the payload as number of DDL (32-bit) words.
Definition RCUTrailer.h:154
static bool checkLastTrailerWord(uint32_t trailerword)
Check whether the word is a valid last trailer word.
std::vector< uint32_t > encode() const
Encode RCU trailer as array of DDL (32-bit) words.
bool isInitialized() const
checlks whether the RCU trailer is initialzied
Definition RCUTrailer.h:374
Buffer for EMCAL raw pages.
Definition RawBuffer.h:30
void readFromMemoryBuffer(const gsl::span< const char > rawmemory)
Read page from raw memory buffer.
Definition RawBuffer.cxx:46
const gsl::span< const uint32_t > getDataWords() const
Get all data words from the raw buffer.
Definition RawBuffer.h:72
void flush()
Flush the buffer Does not overwrite the word buffer but just resets the counter and iterator.
Definition RawBuffer.cxx:19
Error handling of the raw reader.
Incomplete trailer words (i.e. registers)
Header cannot be decoded (format incorrect)
Inconsistent trailer in memory (several trailer words missing the trailer marker)
Page was not found (page index outside range)
Header in memory not belonging to requested superpage.
Page position starting outside payload size.
Payload cannot be decoded (format incorrect)
Payload in memory not belonging to requested superpage.
void reset()
Resetting payload words and page counter.
void increasePageCount()
Increase the page counter of the current payload.
Definition RawPayload.h:63
void appendPayloadWords(const gsl::span< const uint32_t > payloadwords)
Append many words to the current payload (usually of a given DMA page)
bool hasNext() const
check if more pages are available in the raw file
const o2::header::RDHAny & getRawHeader() const
access to the raw header of the current page
RawReaderMemory(const gsl::span< const char > rawmemory)
void setRawMemory(const gsl::span< const char > rawmemory)
set new raw memory chunk
const RawBuffer & getRawBuffer() const
access to the raw buffer (single DMA page)
void init()
Initialize the raw stream.
void next()
Read next payload from the stream.
void nextPage(bool resetPayload=true)
Read the next page from the stream (single DMA page)
o2::header::RDHAny decodeRawHeader(const void *headerwords)
Decode raw header words.
static constexpr ID EMC
Definition DAQID.h:44
static bool checkRDH(const RDHv4 &rdh, bool verbose=true, bool checkZeros=false)
Definition RDHUtils.cxx:133
static constexpr int getVersion()
get numeric version of the RDH
Definition RDHUtils.h:58