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EMCAL workflow

EMCAL reconstruction workflow. More...


class  o2::emcal::reco_workflow::AnalysisClusterSpec< InputType >
 Analysis Cluster task for EMCAL anlaysis clusters. More...
class  o2::emcal::reco_workflow::CellConverterSpec
 Coverter task for EMCAL digits to EMCAL cells. More...
class  o2::emcal::CellRecalibratorSpec
 Recalibration workflow at cell level. More...
class  o2::emcal::reco_workflow::ClusterizerSpec< InputType >
 Clusterizer task for EMCAL digits. More...
class  o2::emcal::reco_workflow::DigitsPrinterSpec< InputType >
 Example task for EMCAL digits monitoring. More...
class  o2::emcal::OfflineCalibSpec
 Task for producing offline calibration objects. More...
class  o2::emcal::reco_workflow::RawToCellConverterSpec
 Coverter task for Raw data to EMCAL cells and trigger objects. More...


framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::reco_workflow::getAnalysisClusterSpec (bool useDigits)
 Creating DataProcessorSpec for the EMCAL Analysis Cluster Spec.
framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::reco_workflow::getCellConverterSpec (bool propagateMC, int inputSubsepc=0, int outputSubspec=0)
 Creating DataProcessorSpec for the EMCAL Cell Converter Spec.
framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::reco_workflow::getClusterizerSpec (bool useDigits)
 Creating DataProcessorSpec for the EMCAL Clusterizer Spec.
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::reco_workflow::getEmcalDigitsPrinterSpec (std::string inputtype)
 Creating digits printer spec.
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::getEmcalOfflineCalibSpec (bool makeCellIDTimeEnergy, bool rejectCalibTriggers, bool rejectL0Trigger, uint32_t inputsubspec, bool enableGainCalib, bool ctpcfgperrun)
 Creating offline calib spec.

Detailed Description

EMCAL reconstruction workflow.

EMCAL reconstruction workflow package. See EMCAL reconstruction workflow for more information.

Function Documentation

◆ getAnalysisClusterSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::reco_workflow::getAnalysisClusterSpec ( bool  useDigits)

Creating DataProcessorSpec for the EMCAL Analysis Cluster Spec.

Refer to AnalysisClusterSpec::run for input and output specs

Definition at line 154 of file AnalysisClusterSpec.cxx.

◆ getCellConverterSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::reco_workflow::getCellConverterSpec ( bool  propagateMC,
int  inputSubsepc = 0,
int  outputSubspec = 0 

Creating DataProcessorSpec for the EMCAL Cell Converter Spec.

propagateMCIf true the MC truth container is propagated to the output
useccdbIf true the RecoParams are loaded from the CCDB
inputSubsepcSubspec of input objects
outputSubspecSubspec of output objects

Refer to CellConverterSpec::run for input and output specs

Definition at line 457 of file CellConverterSpec.cxx.

◆ getClusterizerSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::reco_workflow::getClusterizerSpec ( bool  useDigits)

Creating DataProcessorSpec for the EMCAL Clusterizer Spec.

Refer to ClusterizerSpec::run for input and output specs

Definition at line 124 of file ClusterizerSpec.cxx.

◆ getEmcalDigitsPrinterSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::reco_workflow::getEmcalDigitsPrinterSpec ( std::string  inputtype)

Creating digits printer spec.

Refer to DigitsPrinterSpec::run for a list of input specs

Definition at line 68 of file DigitsPrinterSpec.cxx.

◆ getEmcalOfflineCalibSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::emcal::getEmcalOfflineCalibSpec ( bool  makeCellIDTimeEnergy,
bool  rejectCalibTriggers,
bool  rejectL0Trigger,
uint32_t  inputsubspec,
bool  enableGainCalib,
bool  ctpcfgperrun 

Creating offline calib spec.

Definition at line 207 of file OfflineCalibSpec.cxx.