#define O2ParamDef(classname, key)
float noiseOnlySigma
dispersion of noise-only signal (in ADC counts)
float timeSigma
time dispersion added to digit times (in bc unit)
bool continuous
whether we assume continuous mode or not
float minChargeSigma
dispersion of lower charge threshold for a signal to be digitized (in ADC counts)
float noiseSigma
dispersion of noise added to physical signal per ADC sample (in ADC counts)
float noiseOnlyProba
probability of noise-only signal (per pad per ROF=4BC)
bool handlePileup
merge digits in overlapping readout windows (defined by the number of samples + 2)
int seed
seed for random number generators used for time, noise and threshold (0 means no seed given)
bool onlyNoise
for debug only: disable treatment of physical signals (i.e. keep only noise)
float noiseOnlyMean
mean value of noise-only signal (in ADC counts)
float minChargeMean
mean value of lower charge threshold for a signal to be digitized (in ADC counts)