Definition of the Names Generator class.
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
uint32_t pedMinEvents
Minimal number of events to produce calibration.
O2ParamDef(CPVCalibParams, "CPVCalibParams")
uint32_t gainMinEvents
Minimal number of events to produce calibration in one channel.
float noiseToleratedChannelEfficiencyLow
Tolerated channel efficiency (lower limit)
float gainToleratedChi2PerNDF
Tolerated max Chi2 of the fit.
uint16_t pedToleratedGapWidth
Tolerated gap between bins: if |bin1 - bin2| < width -> bin1 and bin2 belongs to same peak.
float pedSuspiciousPedestalRMS
Take additional care for channel if its RMS > mPedSuspiciousPedestalRMS.
float pedZSnSigmas
Zero Suppression threshold.
uint32_t gainMinNChannelsToCalibrate
Minimal number of channels ready to be calibrated to produce calibration.
float gainMaxAllowedCoeff
Max value of gain coeff.
float noiseFrequencyCriteria
Appearance frequency of noisy channels.
unsigned char gainMinClusterMultForCalib
Min cluster multiplicity for calibration digit production.
unsigned char gainMaxClusterMultForCalib
Max cluster multiplicity for calibration digit production.
uint16_t noiseThreshold
ADC threshold.
float noiseToleratedChannelEfficiencyHigh
Tolerated channel efficiency (upper limit)
float gainDesiredLandauMPV
Desired LandauMPV of the spectrum: gain coeff = 200./(max Ampl of the cluster)
float gainFitRangeL
Fit range of amplitude spectrum (left)
float gainFitRangeR
Fit range of amplitude spectrum (right)
uint32_t noiseMinEvents
Minimal number of events to produce calibration.
float gainMinAllowedCoeff
Min value of gain coeff.
uint32_t gainCheckForCalibrationInterval
Check interval (in TFs) if statistics is enough.