No Matches
o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6 Struct Reference

#include <RAWDataHeader.h>

Public Attributes

union { 
   uint64_t   word0 = 0x00000000ffff4006 
   struct { 
      uint64_t   version: 8 
      uint64_t   headerSize: 8 
 bit 0 to 7: header version More...
      uint64_t   feeId: 16 
 bit 8 to 15: header size More...
      uint64_t   priority: 8 
 bit 16 to 31: FEE identifier More...
      uint64_t   sourceID: 8 
 bit 32 to 39: priority bit More...
      uint64_t   zero0: 16 
 bit 40 to 47: source ID More...
union { 
   uint64_t   word1 = 0x0 
   struct { 
      uint32_t   offsetToNext: 16 
      uint32_t   memorySize: 16 
 bit 64 to 79: offset to next packet in memory More...
      uint32_t   linkID: 8 
 bit 80 to 95: memory size More...
      uint32_t   packetCounter: 8 
 bit 96 to 103: link id More...
      uint16_t   cruID: 12 
 bit 104 to 111: packet counter More...
      uint32_t   endPointID: 4 
 bit 112 to 123: CRU ID More...
 data written by the CRU
union { 
   uint64_t   word2 = 0x0 
   struct { 
      uint32_t   bunchCrossing: 12 
      uint32_t   reserved2: 20 
 bit 0 to 11: bunch crossing counter More...
      uint32_t   orbit 
 bit 12 to 31: reserved More...
union { 
   uint64_t   word3 = 0x0 
union { 
   uint64_t   word4 = 0x0 
   struct { 
      uint64_t   triggerType: 32 
      uint64_t   pageCnt: 16 
 bit 0 to 31: trigger type More...
      uint64_t   stop: 8 
 bit 32 to 47: pages counter More...
      uint64_t   zero4: 8 
 bit 48 to 53: stop code More...
union { 
   uint64_t   word5 = 0x0 
union { 
   uint64_t   word6 = 0x0 
   struct { 
      uint64_t   detectorField: 32 
      uint64_t   detectorPAR: 16 
 bit 0 to 31: detector field More...
      uint64_t   zero6: 16 
 bit 32 to 47: detector PAR (Pause and Reset) More...
union { 
   uint64_t   word7 = 0x0 

Detailed Description

RAWDataHeaderV6 V6 introduces a detector source ID field Description of the fields can be found here

  63     56      48      40      32      24      16       8       0

  | reserved              | priori|               |    header     |

0 | reserve zero |Source | ty bit| FEE id | size |version|

1 |ep | cru id |pcount|link id | memory size |offset nxt pack|

2 | orbit | reserved |bunch cross |

3 | reserved |

4 | zero | stop | page count | trigger type |

5 | reserved |

6 | zero | detector par | detector field |

7 | reserved |

Definition at line 166 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ bunchCrossing

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::bunchCrossing

Definition at line 197 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ cruID

uint16_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::cruID

bit 104 to 111: packet counter

Definition at line 190 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ detectorField

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::detectorField

Definition at line 220 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ detectorPAR

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::detectorPAR

bit 0 to 31: detector field

Definition at line 221 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ endPointID

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::endPointID

bit 112 to 123: CRU ID

Definition at line 191 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ feeId

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::feeId

bit 8 to 15: header size

Definition at line 177 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ headerSize

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::headerSize

bit 0 to 7: header version

Definition at line 176 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ linkID

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::linkID

bit 80 to 95: memory size

Definition at line 188 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ memorySize

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::memorySize

bit 64 to 79: offset to next packet in memory

Definition at line 187 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ offsetToNext

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::offsetToNext

Definition at line 186 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ orbit

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::orbit

bit 12 to 31: reserved

Definition at line 199 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ packetCounter

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::packetCounter

bit 96 to 103: link id

Definition at line 189 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ pageCnt

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::pageCnt

bit 0 to 31: trigger type

Definition at line 209 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ priority

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::priority

bit 16 to 31: FEE identifier

Definition at line 178 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ reserved2

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::reserved2

bit 0 to 11: bunch crossing counter

Definition at line 198 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ sourceID

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::sourceID

bit 32 to 39: priority bit

Definition at line 179 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ stop

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::stop

bit 32 to 47: pages counter

Definition at line 210 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ triggerType

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::triggerType

Definition at line 208 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ version

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::version

Definition at line 175 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word0

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::word0 = 0x00000000ffff4006

Definition at line 169 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word1

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::word1 = 0x0

Definition at line 184 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word2

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::word2 = 0x0

Definition at line 195 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word3

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::word3 = 0x0

Definition at line 203 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word4

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::word4 = 0x0

Definition at line 206 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word5

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::word5 = 0x0

Definition at line 215 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word6

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::word6 = 0x0

Definition at line 218 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word7

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::word7 = 0x0

Definition at line 226 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ zero0

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::zero0

bit 40 to 47: source ID

Definition at line 180 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ zero4

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::zero4

bit 48 to 53: stop code

Definition at line 211 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ zero6

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV6::zero6

bit 32 to 47: detector PAR (Pause and Reset)

Definition at line 222 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: