No Matches
o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5 Struct Reference

#include <RAWDataHeader.h>

Public Attributes

union { 
   uint64_t   word0 = 0x00000000ffff4005 
   struct { 
      uint64_t   version: 8 
      uint64_t   headerSize: 8 
 bit 0 to 7: header version More...
      uint64_t   feeId: 16 
 bit 8 to 15: header size More...
      uint64_t   priority: 8 
 bit 16 to 31: FEE identifier More...
      uint64_t   zero0: 24 
 bit 32 to 39: priority bit More...
union { 
   uint64_t   word1 = 0x0 
   struct { 
      uint32_t   offsetToNext: 16 
      uint32_t   memorySize: 16 
 bit 64 to 79: offset to next packet in memory More...
      uint32_t   linkID: 8 
 bit 80 to 95: memory size More...
      uint32_t   packetCounter: 8 
 bit 96 to 103: link id More...
      uint16_t   cruID: 12 
 bit 104 to 111: packet counter More...
      uint32_t   endPointID: 4 
 bit 112 to 123: CRU ID More...
 data written by the CRU
union { 
   uint64_t   word2 = 0x0 
   struct { 
      uint32_t   bunchCrossing: 12 
      uint32_t   reserved2: 20 
 bit 0 to 11: bunch crossing counter More...
      uint32_t   orbit 
 bit 12 to 31: reserved More...
union { 
   uint64_t   word3 = 0x0 
union { 
   uint64_t   word4 = 0x0 
   struct { 
      uint64_t   triggerType: 32 
      uint64_t   pageCnt: 16 
 bit 0 to 31: trigger type More...
      uint64_t   stop: 8 
 bit 32 to 47: pages counter More...
      uint64_t   zero4: 8 
 bit 48 to 53: stop code More...
union { 
   uint64_t   word5 = 0x0 
union { 
   uint64_t   word6 = 0x0 
   struct { 
      uint64_t   detectorField: 32 
      uint64_t   detectorPAR: 16 
 bit 0 to 31: detector field More...
      uint64_t   zero6: 16 
 bit 32 to 47: detector PAR (Pause and Reset) More...
union { 
   uint64_t   word7 = 0x0 

Detailed Description

RAWDataHeaderV5 In version 5, the RDH stores the information of the heartbeat trigger which opens the page. Additional detector specific triggers can be in the payload.

preliminary description of the fields can be found here accessed on Oct 07 2019 FIXME: replace citation with correct ALICE note reference when published

  63     56      48      40      32      24      16       8       0

  |                       | priori|               |    header     |

0 | reserve zero | ty bit| FEE id | size |version|

1 |ep | cru id |pcount|link id | memory size |offset nxt pack|

2 | orbit | reserved |bunch cross |

3 | reserved |

4 | zero | stop | page count | trigger type |

5 | reserved |

6 | zero | detector par | detector field |

7 | reserved |

Definition at line 259 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ [union]

◆ bunchCrossing

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::bunchCrossing

Definition at line 289 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ cruID

uint16_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::cruID

bit 104 to 111: packet counter

Definition at line 282 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ detectorField

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::detectorField

Definition at line 312 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ detectorPAR

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::detectorPAR

bit 0 to 31: detector field

Definition at line 313 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ endPointID

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::endPointID

bit 112 to 123: CRU ID

Definition at line 283 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ feeId

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::feeId

bit 8 to 15: header size

Definition at line 270 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ headerSize

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::headerSize

bit 0 to 7: header version

Definition at line 269 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ linkID

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::linkID

bit 80 to 95: memory size

Definition at line 280 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ memorySize

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::memorySize

bit 64 to 79: offset to next packet in memory

Definition at line 279 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ offsetToNext

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::offsetToNext

Definition at line 278 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ orbit

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::orbit

bit 12 to 31: reserved

Definition at line 291 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ packetCounter

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::packetCounter

bit 96 to 103: link id

Definition at line 281 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ pageCnt

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::pageCnt

bit 0 to 31: trigger type

Definition at line 301 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ priority

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::priority

bit 16 to 31: FEE identifier

Definition at line 271 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ reserved2

uint32_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::reserved2

bit 0 to 11: bunch crossing counter

Definition at line 290 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ stop

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::stop

bit 32 to 47: pages counter

Definition at line 302 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ triggerType

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::triggerType

Definition at line 300 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ version

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::version

Definition at line 268 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word0

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::word0 = 0x00000000ffff4005

Definition at line 262 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word1

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::word1 = 0x0

Definition at line 276 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word2

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::word2 = 0x0

Definition at line 287 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word3

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::word3 = 0x0

Definition at line 295 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word4

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::word4 = 0x0

Definition at line 298 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word5

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::word5 = 0x0

Definition at line 307 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word6

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::word6 = 0x0

Definition at line 310 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ word7

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::word7 = 0x0

Definition at line 318 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ zero0

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::zero0

bit 32 to 39: priority bit

Definition at line 272 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ zero4

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::zero4

bit 48 to 53: stop code

Definition at line 303 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

◆ zero6

uint64_t o2::header::RAWDataHeaderV5::zero6

bit 32 to 47: detector PAR (Pause and Reset)

Definition at line 314 of file RAWDataHeader.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: