47 int matCorr =
122 float mBBpars[5] = {0.217553, 4.02762, 0.00850178, 2.33324, 0.880904};
V0 or Cascade and 3-body decay hypothesis checker.
static constexpr int NPIDParams
static constexpr int NPIDParams
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
int maxPVContributors
max number PV contributors to allow in V0
float pidCutsHhydrog4[SVertexHypothesis::NPIDParams]
float minCosPA
min cos of PA to PV for prompt V0 candidates
bool mRejectITSonlyOBtrack
float pidCutsHe5L3body[SVertex3Hypothesis::NPIDParams]
float maxDCAXYToMeanVertex
max DCA of V0 from beam line (mean vertex) for prompt V0 candidates
float maxV0ToProngsRDiff
V0 radius cannot be lower than this ammount wrt minR of contributors.
float pidCutsPhoton[SVertexHypothesis::NPIDParams]
bool useAbsDCA
use abs dca minimization
bool usePropagator
use external propagator
float maxDCAXYToMeanVertex3bodyV0
max DCA of V0 from beam line (mean vertex) for 3body V0 candidates
float maxRIni
don't consider as a seed (circles intersection) if its R exceeds this
uint8_t mITSSAminNcluCascades
bool checkCascadeHypothesis
bool createFullCascades
fill cascades prongs/kinematics
float maxDCAXYToMeanVertexV0Casc
max DCA of V0 from beam line (mean vertex) for cascade V0 candidates
float minParamChange
stop when tracks X-params being minimized change by less that this value
float causalityRTolerance
V0 radius cannot exceed its contributors minR by more than this value.
float maxSnp
max snp when external propagator is used
float minXSeed
minimal X of seed in prong frame (within the radial resolution track should not go to negative X)
float maximalCascadeWidth
int matCorr
material correction to use
int mTPCTrackMinNClusters
float maxV0TglAbsDiff
max absolute difference in Tgl for V0 for photons only
bool check3bodyHypothesis
float maxDZIni
don't consider as a seed (circles intersection) if Z distance exceeds this
float maxStep
max step size when external propagator is used
float pidCutsK0[SVertexHypothesis::NPIDParams]
float pidCutsHe4L3body[SVertex3Hypothesis::NPIDParams]
float minPtV0
v0 minimum pT
float minPtV0FromCascade
v0 minimum pT for v0 to be used in cascading (lowest pT Run 2 lambda: 0.4)
float mTPCTrackMaxDCAXY2ToMeanVertex
max DCA^2 of V0 from beam line (mean vertex) for prompt V0 candidates, for photon TPC-only track only
bool mRequireTPCforCascBaryons
float pidCutsLambda[SVertexHypothesis::NPIDParams]
bool createFull3Bodies
fill 3-body decays prongs/kinematics
float minRelChi2Change
stop when chi2 changes by less than this value
float maxChi2
max dca from prongs to vertex
bool selectBestV0
match only the best v0 for each cascade candidate
float mFractiondEdxforCascBaryons
float minRFor3DField
above this radius use 3D field
bool refitWithMatCorr
refit V0 applying material corrections
float pidCutsH3L3body[SVertex3Hypothesis::NPIDParams]
float minRDiffV0Casc
cascade should be at least this radial distance below V0
O2ParamDef(SVertexerParams, "svertexer")
float pidCutsOmegaMinus[SVertexHypothesis::NPIDParams]
float minRToMeanVertex
min radial distance of V0 from beam line (mean vertex)
float pidCutsXiMinus[SVertexHypothesis::NPIDParams]
float maxRDiffV03body
Maximum difference between V0 and 3body radii.
float mTPCTrackMaxDXYIni
don't consider as a seed (circles intersection) if XY distance exceeds this, for photon TPC-only trac...
float minDCAToPV
min DCA to PV of single track to accept
float mTPCTrackMaxDZIni
don't consider as a seed (circles intersection) if Z distance exceeds this, for photon TPC-only track...
float minCosPAXYMeanVertexCascV0
min cos of PA to beam line (mean vertex) in tr. plane for V0 of cascade cand.
float pidCutsHTriton[SVertexHypothesis::NPIDParams]
float minCosPAXYMeanVertex3bodyV0
min cos of PA to beam line (mean vertex) in tr. plane for 3body V0 cand.
float maxDXYIni
don't consider as a seed (circles intersection) if XY distance exceeds this
float maxRToMeanVertexCascV0
float mTPCTrackMaxChi2
max DCA from prongs to vertex for photon TPC-only track only
float pidCutsH4L3body[SVertex3Hypothesis::NPIDParams]
float minCosPAXYMeanVertex
min cos of PA to beam line (mean vertex) in tr. plane for prompt V0 candidates
bool createFullV0s
fill V0s prongs/kinematics
float maxTglV0
maximum tgLambda of V0