No Matches
KTask Struct Reference

Public Attributes

std::string prefix = "foo"
Configurable< intanInt {"someConfigurable", {}, "Some Configurable Object"}
Configurable< intanotherInt {"someOtherConfigurable", {}, "Some Configurable Object"}
Configurable< intanThirdInt {"someThirdConfigurable", {}, "Some Configurable Object"}
Condition< TestCCDBObjecttest {"path"}
std::unique_ptr< intsomeInt
std::shared_ptr< intsomeSharedInt

Detailed Description

Definition at line 164 of file test_AnalysisTask.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ anInt

Configurable<int> KTask::anInt {"someConfigurable", {}, "Some Configurable Object"}

Definition at line 167 of file test_AnalysisTask.cxx.

◆ anotherInt

Configurable<int> KTask::anotherInt {"someOtherConfigurable", {}, "Some Configurable Object"}

Definition at line 168 of file test_AnalysisTask.cxx.

◆ anThirdInt

Configurable<int> KTask::anThirdInt {"someThirdConfigurable", {}, "Some Configurable Object"}

Definition at line 171 of file test_AnalysisTask.cxx.

◆ conditions


◆ foo


◆ prefix

std::string KTask::prefix = "foo"

Definition at line 166 of file test_AnalysisTask.cxx.

◆ someInt

std::unique_ptr<int> KTask::someInt

Definition at line 175 of file test_AnalysisTask.cxx.

◆ someSharedInt

std::shared_ptr<int> KTask::someSharedInt

Definition at line 176 of file test_AnalysisTask.cxx.

◆ test

Condition<TestCCDBObject> KTask::test {"path"}

Definition at line 173 of file test_AnalysisTask.cxx.

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