a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
Configurable parameters for MCH tracking.
double chamberResolutionX
chamber resolution (cm) in x used as cluster resolution during tracking
bool moreCandidates
find more track candidates starting from 1 cluster in each of station (1..) 4 and 5
double bendingVertexDispersion
vertex dispersion (cm) in bending plane
bool refineTracks
refine the tracks in the end using cluster resolution
O2ParamDef(TrackerParam, "MCHTracking")
bool requestStation[5]
if true, at least one cluster in the station is requested to validate the track
double sigmaCutForImprovement
to select clusters (local chi2) and tracks (global chi2) during improvement
double chamberResolutionY
chamber resolution (cm) in y used as cluster resolution during tracking
std::size_t maxCandidates
maximum number of track candidates above which the tracking abort
double nonBendingVertexDispersion
vertex dispersion (cm) in non bending plane
double sigmaCutForTracking
to select clusters (local chi2) and tracks (global chi2) during tracking
double maxTrackingDuration
maximum tracking duration in second above which the tracking abort