No Matches
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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
12#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE Test EMCAL Calib
15#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
17#include "EMCALBase/Geometry.h"
19#include <algorithm>
21namespace o2
24namespace emcal
27std::vector<unsigned short> getBadChannelsLHC18m_block1();
28std::vector<unsigned short> getWarmChannelsLHC18m_block1();
29std::vector<unsigned short> getDeadChannelsLHC18m_block1();
31std::vector<unsigned short> getBadChannelsLHC17o_block2();
32std::vector<unsigned short> getWarmChannelsLHC17o_block2();
33std::vector<unsigned short> getDeadChannelsLHC17o_block2();
35std::vector<unsigned short> combineMaps(const std::vector<unsigned short>& list1, const std::vector<unsigned short> list2);
36void filterBad(std::vector<unsigned short> warmcells, const std::vector<unsigned short> badcells);
48 // Closure creating function testing whether a cell is good, bad
49 // or warm. The outer function takes two vectors, (with bad and warm cells),
50 // the inner function (used in comparisons) a cell ID.
51 auto refChannelCombined = [](const std::vector<unsigned short>& deadcells, const std::vector<unsigned short>& badcells, const std::vector<unsigned short>& warmcells) {
52 return [&deadcells, &badcells, &warmcells](unsigned short cellID) {
53 if (std::find(deadcells.begin(), deadcells.end(), cellID) != deadcells.end()) {
55 }
56 if (std::find(badcells.begin(), badcells.end(), cellID) != badcells.end()) {
58 }
59 if (std::find(warmcells.begin(), warmcells.end(), cellID) != warmcells.end()) {
61 }
63 };
64 };
66 // Single channel test
67 //
68 // For each channel test set and update, and compare read value
69 // against set value
70 for (unsigned short c = 0; c < static_cast<unsigned short>(geo->GetNCells()); c++) {
71 BadChannelMap singletest;
74 // update: BAD_CELL
77 // update: WARN_CELL
80 // update: GOOD_CELL (=erase)
83 }
85 // Pattern test
86 //
87 // Insert user definde pattern of bad and warm channels, and check for each channel
88 // whether the channel is masked or not. The original pattern has to be reconstructed.
89 // Test also handles checking good cells.
90 //
91 // Test data obtained from LHC18m block1
92 BadChannelMap patterntest;
93 std::vector<unsigned short> badcells = getBadChannelsLHC18m_block1(),
94 deadcells = getDeadChannelsLHC18m_block1(),
95 warmcells = getWarmChannelsLHC18m_block1();
96 for (auto bc : badcells) {
98 }
99 for (auto wc : warmcells) {
101 }
102 for (auto dc : deadcells) {
104 }
105 auto getRefChannelTypeLHC18m = refChannelCombined(deadcells, badcells, warmcells);
106 for (unsigned short c = 0; c < static_cast<unsigned short>(geo->GetNCells()); c++) {
107 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(patterntest.getChannelStatus(c), getRefChannelTypeLHC18m(c));
108 }
110 // Combine test
111 // Second bad channel map is taken from LHC17o block 2
112 BadChannelMap lhc17omap;
113 std::vector<unsigned short> badLHC17o = getBadChannelsLHC17o_block2(),
114 warmLHC7o = getWarmChannelsLHC17o_block2(),
115 deadLHC17o = getDeadChannelsLHC17o_block2(),
116 combinedBad = combineMaps(badLHC17o, badcells),
117 combinedDead = combineMaps(deadLHC17o, deadcells),
118 combinedWarm = combineMaps(warmLHC7o, warmcells);
119 filterBad(combinedWarm, combinedBad);
120 filterBad(combinedWarm, combinedDead);
121 filterBad(combinedBad, combinedDead);
122 for (auto bc : badLHC17o) {
124 }
125 for (auto wc : warmLHC7o) {
127 }
128 for (auto dc : deadLHC17o) {
130 }
131 BadChannelMap summed(lhc17omap);
132 summed += patterntest;
133 auto getRefChannelTypeCombined = refChannelCombined(combinedDead, combinedBad, combinedWarm);
134 for (unsigned short c = 0; c < static_cast<unsigned short>(geo->GetNCells()); c++) {
135 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(summed.getChannelStatus(c), getRefChannelTypeCombined(c));
136 }
138 // Equal
139 //
140 // - Compare map for LHC17o with itself. The result must be true.
141 // - Compare map for LHC18m with map for LHC17o. The result must be false
142 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lhc17omap == lhc17omap, true);
143 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lhc17omap == patterntest, false);
147// Helper functions
150std::vector<unsigned short> combineMaps(const std::vector<unsigned short>& list1, const std::vector<unsigned short> list2)
152 std::vector<unsigned short> combined;
153 for (auto l1 : list1) {
154 combined.emplace_back(l1);
155 }
156 for (auto l2 : list2) {
157 auto found = std::find(combined.begin(), combined.end(), l2);
158 if (found == combined.end()) {
159 combined.emplace_back(l2);
160 }
161 }
162 std::sort(combined.begin(), combined.end(), std::less<>());
163 return combined;
166void filterBad(std::vector<unsigned short> warmcells, const std::vector<unsigned short> badcells)
168 std::vector<unsigned short> todelete;
169 for (auto wc : warmcells) {
170 if (std::find(badcells.begin(), badcells.end(), wc) != badcells.end()) {
171 todelete.emplace_back(wc);
172 }
173 }
174 for (auto td : todelete) {
175 auto it = std::find(warmcells.begin(), warmcells.end(), td);
176 warmcells.erase(it);
177 }
181// Comparison data
184std::vector<unsigned short> getBadChannelsLHC18m_block1()
186 return {103, 128, 152, 176, 191, 198, 287, 324, 328, 353, 384, 386, 387, 397, 399,
187 434, 437, 443, 444, 447, 554, 592, 595, 655, 717, 720, 759, 764, 917, 1002,
188 1022, 1038, 1050, 1175, 1204, 1222, 1288, 1327, 1329, 1366, 1376, 1380, 1382, 1384, 1386,
189 1414, 1519, 1535, 1542, 1693, 1696, 1704, 1711, 1738, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1844, 1860,
190 1867, 1892, 1961, 1963, 2014, 2020, 2022, 2026, 2094, 2126, 2127, 2161, 2193, 2196, 2245,
191 2298, 2309, 2313, 2325, 2389, 2395, 2397, 2399, 2406, 2424, 2474, 2487, 2505, 2506, 2533,
192 2534, 2540, 2544, 2575, 2581, 2586, 2624, 2665, 2682, 2787, 2797, 2805, 2823, 2824, 2825,
193 2841, 2857, 2884, 2888, 2891, 2915, 2921, 2985, 3002, 3039, 3051, 3135, 3161, 3176, 3196,
194 3223, 3236, 3244, 3259, 3297, 3307, 3339, 3353, 3397, 3403, 3488, 3493, 3503, 3551, 3732,
195 3740, 3748, 3754, 3770, 3772, 3796, 3803, 3826, 3836, 3839, 3840, 3854, 3876, 3906, 3908,
196 3914, 3916, 3940, 3962, 3974, 4011, 4027, 4058, 4098, 4100, 4129, 4212, 4230, 4236, 4237,
197 4282, 4320, 4371, 4372, 4421, 4516, 4530, 4532, 4538, 4543, 4596, 4597, 4602, 4613, 4614,
198 4621, 4627, 4637, 4642, 4643, 4646, 4647, 4648, 4649, 4650, 4651, 4652, 4653, 4655, 4688,
199 4691, 4692, 4695, 4696, 4697, 4699, 4700, 4701, 4702, 4817, 4967, 5183, 5201, 5231, 5259,
200 5263, 5267, 5295, 5328, 5330, 5354, 5411, 5414, 5420, 5448, 5469, 5560, 5698, 5831, 6064,
201 6104, 6275, 6295, 6331, 6481, 6527, 6689, 6735, 6802, 6803, 6810, 6811, 6814, 6922, 6991,
202 7150, 7371, 7375, 7430, 7491, 7507, 7581, 7583, 7595, 7747, 7751, 7774, 8005, 8047, 8165,
203 8176, 8236, 8238, 8244, 8260, 8264, 8274, 8275, 8276, 8277, 8283, 8298, 8340, 8352, 8354,
204 8355, 8356, 8357, 8358, 8360, 8361, 8362, 8365, 8372, 8404, 8420, 8436, 8577, 8578, 8584,
205 8585, 8586, 8610, 8724, 8795, 8807, 8809, 8916, 8938, 9060, 9061, 9066, 9076, 9078, 9092,
206 9098, 9140, 9146, 9179, 9216, 9217, 9222, 9253, 9259, 9262, 9269, 9275, 9286, 9288, 9291,
207 9307, 9323, 9349, 9354, 9357, 9361, 9533, 9598, 9703, 9706, 9769, 9794, 9795, 9798, 9802,
208 9806, 9807, 9815, 9818, 9819, 9823, 9825, 9829, 9831, 9836, 9837, 9849, 9884, 9886, 9892,
209 9927, 9940, 9941, 9942, 9943, 9945, 9951, 10073, 10121, 10123, 10125, 10134, 10139, 10154, 10164,
210 10196, 10203, 10267, 10325, 10326, 10331, 10357, 10363, 10451, 10474, 10596, 10609, 10706, 10707, 10723,
211 10760, 10852, 10854, 10855, 10857, 10858, 10859, 10899, 10910, 10921, 10980, 10986, 10999, 11043, 11044,
212 11052, 11091, 11241, 11286, 11363, 11589, 11738, 11867, 12052, 12068, 12134, 12142, 12216, 12287, 12317,
213 12384, 12592, 12595, 12601, 12602, 12604, 12605, 12606, 12610, 12613, 12614, 12616, 12617, 12618, 12619,
214 12621, 12622, 12801, 12802, 12805, 12806, 12809, 12813, 12831, 12864, 12865, 12867, 12869, 12870, 12871,
215 12874, 12875, 12876, 12877, 12878, 12879, 12913, 12914, 12916, 12917, 12918, 12919, 12920, 12921, 12922,
216 12923, 12924, 12925, 12926, 12927, 13049, 13053, 13055, 13059, 13064, 13068, 13126, 13172, 13193, 13236,
217 13284, 13292, 13456, 13457, 13461, 13462, 13463, 13464, 13466, 13467, 13470, 13471, 13508, 13514, 13556,
218 13562, 13761, 13920, 13931, 13943, 13953, 13984, 13985, 13988, 13989, 13990, 13991, 13994, 13995, 13996,
219 13997, 13998, 13999, 14042, 14081, 14145, 14153, 14157, 14191, 14193, 14232, 14234, 14236, 14239, 14248,
220 14249, 14313, 14320, 14325, 14374, 14378, 14381, 14485, 14498, 14534, 14543, 14557, 14595, 14625, 14628,
221 14632, 14636, 14639, 14641, 14644, 14649, 14678, 14679, 14706, 14707, 14709, 14710, 14712, 14714, 14715,
222 14716, 14719, 14772, 14832, 14862, 14863, 14867, 14874, 14877, 14880, 14882, 14895, 14977, 14993, 15012,
223 15094, 15098, 15156, 15201, 15202, 15204, 15207, 15208, 15209, 15210, 15211, 15212, 15213, 15214, 15255,
224 15305, 15307, 15314, 15349, 15456, 15458, 15460, 15461, 15462, 15463, 15464, 15465, 15466, 15468, 15469,
225 15480, 15483, 15489, 15505, 15506, 15507, 15510, 15511, 15513, 15514, 15515, 15518, 15519, 15563, 15641,
226 15646, 15653, 15690, 15707, 15719, 15776, 15777, 15785, 15797, 15821, 15859, 15860, 15863, 15869, 15870,
227 15871, 15872, 15874, 15904, 15906, 15912, 15916, 15920, 15921, 15923, 15926, 15927, 15928, 15929, 15933,
228 15958, 15965, 16033, 16073, 16083, 16215, 16268, 16304, 16305, 16306, 16307, 16308, 16309, 16311, 16312,
229 16313, 16316, 16318, 16324, 16349, 16413, 16468, 16469, 16477, 16480, 16481, 16482, 16483, 16484, 16485,
230 16488, 16489, 16491, 16492, 16493, 16495, 16500, 16501, 16502, 16503, 16507, 16508, 16509, 16529, 16531,
231 16532, 16533, 16534, 16535, 16536, 16538, 16540, 16541, 16542, 16543, 16576, 16577, 16578, 16585, 16586,
232 16610, 16616, 16620, 16634, 16741, 16784, 16785, 16789, 16886, 16887, 16888, 16913, 16928, 16971, 16977,
233 17129, 17203, 17206, 17207, 17211, 17214, 17280, 17300, 17408, 17413, 17504, 17531, 17595, 17597, 17636,
234 17651, 17652, 17654, 17655, 17660, 17662, 17663};
237std::vector<unsigned short> getWarmChannelsLHC18m_block1()
239 return {35, 68, 145, 192, 385, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 398,
240 432, 433, 435, 436, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 445, 446, 594, 597, 598, 599,
241 862, 1054, 1056, 1057, 1391, 1857, 1859, 1861, 1863, 1865, 1869, 1871, 1876, 1968, 2190,
242 2209, 2211, 2213, 2215, 2217, 2219, 2221, 2223, 2244, 2350, 2421, 2542, 2678, 2688, 2793,
243 2795, 2880, 2904, 3394, 3413, 3485, 3759, 4107, 4414, 4635, 4753, 5470, 5714, 5767, 6049,
244 6094, 6141, 6673, 6720, 6721, 6808, 6813, 7056, 7101, 7102, 7104, 7105, 7148, 7390, 7871,
245 8222, 8359, 8638, 8686, 9120, 9408, 9799, 9803, 9805, 10201, 10206, 10322, 10560, 10565, 10572,
246 10657, 10658, 10659, 10660, 10661, 10662, 10663, 10664, 10665, 10666, 10667, 10668, 10670, 10671, 10702,
247 10703, 10704, 10705, 10708, 10709, 10714, 10716, 10717, 10719, 10752, 10759, 10779, 10814, 10815, 10851,
248 10853, 10856, 10862, 10863, 10896, 10898, 10902, 10904, 10906, 10908, 10909, 10911, 11040, 11042, 11048,
249 11050, 11051, 11054, 11089, 11090, 11093, 11095, 11096, 11097, 11099, 11102, 11103, 11132, 11135, 11138,
250 11141, 11148, 11150, 11197, 11198, 11280, 11329, 11380, 11553, 11630, 11647, 11937, 12260, 12270, 12276,
251 12385, 12478, 12611, 12615, 12623, 12872, 12912, 12988, 13056, 13058, 13066, 13067, 13281, 13290, 13294,
252 13383, 13433, 13458, 13460, 13465, 13469, 13554, 13871, 13921, 13941, 13944, 13971, 13986, 14060, 14107,
253 14225, 14229, 14231, 14495, 14686, 14704, 14708, 14717, 15120, 15269, 15309, 15315, 15322, 15323, 15450,
254 15749, 15753, 15758, 15856, 15857, 15858, 15861, 15862, 15864, 15865, 15866, 15867, 15868, 15905, 15907,
255 15908, 15909, 15910, 15911, 15913, 15914, 15915, 15917, 15918, 15919, 15967, 16096, 16127, 16317, 16365,
256 16471, 16479, 16487, 16490, 16497, 16667, 16686, 16897, 16961, 17061, 17117, 17151, 17265, 17376, 17457,
257 17501, 17593, 17631};
260std::vector<unsigned short> getDeadChannelsLHC18m_block1()
262 return {1534, 2047, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2116, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2124,
263 2125, 2776, 4640, 4641, 4644, 4645, 4654, 4689, 4690, 4693, 4694, 4698, 4703, 8353, 8505,
264 8576, 8579, 8580, 8581, 8582, 8583, 8587, 8588, 8589, 8590, 8591, 8743, 9282, 9828, 11462,
265 12147, 12593, 12594, 12596, 12597, 12598, 12599, 12600, 12603, 12607, 12800, 12803, 12804, 12807, 12808,
266 12810, 12811, 12812, 12814, 12815, 12866, 12868, 12873, 12915, 13152, 13153, 13154, 13155, 13156, 13157,
267 13158, 13159, 13160, 13161, 13162, 13163, 13164, 13165, 13166, 13167, 13200, 13201, 13202, 13203, 13204,
268 13205, 13206, 13207, 13208, 13209, 13210, 13211, 13212, 13213, 13214, 13215, 13524, 13589, 13848, 13969,
269 14443, 14624, 14626, 14627, 14629, 14630, 14631, 14633, 14634, 14635, 14637, 14638, 15051, 15200, 15203,
270 15205, 15206, 15215, 15217, 15457, 15459, 15467, 15470, 15471, 15504, 15508, 15509, 15512, 15516, 15517,
271 15624, 15963, 16395, 16528, 16530, 16537, 16539, 16579, 16580, 16581, 16582, 16583, 16584, 16587, 16588,
272 16589, 16590, 16591, 16608, 16609, 16611, 16612, 16613, 16614, 16615, 16617, 16618, 16619, 16621, 16622,
273 16623, 17200, 17201, 17202, 17204, 17205, 17208, 17209, 17210, 17212, 17213, 17215, 17648, 17649, 17650,
274 17653, 17656, 17657, 17658, 17659, 17661};
277std::vector<unsigned short> getBadChannelsLHC17o_block2()
279 return {74, 103, 128, 152, 176, 191, 198, 287, 324, 353, 447, 554, 594, 655, 720,
280 759, 764, 917, 1002, 1038, 1050, 1143, 1204, 1222, 1275, 1288, 1329, 1366, 1376, 1380,
281 1382, 1384, 1386, 1519, 1534, 1535, 1696, 1704, 1711, 1738, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1844, 1860,
282 1892, 1961, 1963, 1967, 2014, 2020, 2022, 2026, 2094, 2113, 2118, 2119, 2122, 2124, 2125,
283 2126, 2127, 2193, 2196, 2210, 2245, 2298, 2325, 2395, 2397, 2399, 2406, 2424, 2474, 2487,
284 2505, 2506, 2533, 2534, 2540, 2575, 2581, 2586, 2624, 2665, 2688, 2787, 2793, 2797, 2805,
285 2824, 2825, 2841, 2857, 2884, 2888, 2891, 2915, 2921, 2985, 3002, 3039, 3051, 3135, 3161,
286 3176, 3196, 3223, 3236, 3244, 3259, 3297, 3307, 3339, 3353, 3397, 3403, 3488, 3493, 3503,
287 3528, 3732, 3740, 3748, 3754, 3772, 3796, 3803, 3826, 3836, 3839, 3840, 3854, 3876, 3906,
288 3908, 3914, 3940, 3962, 3974, 4011, 4027, 4058, 4100, 4129, 4212, 4230, 4236, 4237, 4282,
289 4320, 4371, 4421, 4516, 4530, 4532, 4538, 4543, 4596, 4597, 4613, 4621, 4627, 4637, 4817,
290 4967, 5183, 5201, 5217, 5220, 5225, 5229, 5263, 5270, 5271, 5276, 5278, 5279, 5354, 5448,
291 5602, 5603, 5604, 5606, 5607, 5608, 5648, 5649, 5650, 5651, 5652, 5655, 5656, 5657, 5659,
292 5661, 5698, 5831, 5850, 6064, 6104, 6184, 6275, 6295, 6331, 6481, 6527, 6640, 6641, 6642,
293 6645, 6646, 6648, 6649, 6650, 6735, 6802, 6803, 6808, 6810, 6811, 6814, 6991, 7150, 7328,
294 7331, 7332, 7333, 7334, 7335, 7336, 7337, 7338, 7339, 7340, 7342, 7343, 7371, 7375, 7380,
295 7383, 7388, 7389, 7390, 7417, 7425, 7430, 7457, 7491, 7520, 7521, 7522, 7524, 7525, 7526,
296 7527, 7528, 7529, 7532, 7533, 7534, 7568, 7569, 7570, 7571, 7573, 7574, 7575, 7577, 7579,
297 7581, 7582, 7583, 7747, 7751, 7793, 8047, 8165, 8176, 8236, 8238, 8244, 8260, 8264, 8274,
298 8275, 8283, 8340, 8352, 8354, 8356, 8372, 8404, 8420, 8436, 8576, 8577, 8584, 8585, 8587,
299 8610, 8628, 8630, 8724, 8807, 8809, 8916, 8938, 9056, 9060, 9066, 9076, 9078, 9092, 9098,
300 9140, 9216, 9217, 9222, 9262, 9269, 9275, 9286, 9288, 9291, 9332, 9354, 9357, 9533, 9598,
301 9703, 9706, 9769, 9794, 9795, 9798, 9802, 9803, 9806, 9807, 9810, 9811, 9815, 9818, 9819,
302 9823, 9849, 9927, 9940, 9941, 9942, 9943, 9945, 9951, 10121, 10125, 10139, 10164, 10196, 10203,
303 10326, 10331, 10357, 10363, 10451, 10505, 10609, 10611, 10660, 10666, 10718, 10723, 10921, 10986, 11091,
304 11241, 11307, 11308, 11363, 11462, 11589, 11738, 11867, 11904, 11905, 11906, 11907, 11908, 11909, 11910,
305 11911, 11912, 11913, 11914, 11915, 11916, 11917, 11918, 11919, 12032, 12033, 12034, 12035, 12036, 12037,
306 12038, 12039, 12042, 12043, 12044, 12045, 12046, 12047, 12052, 12068, 12142, 12160, 12161, 12162, 12163,
307 12164, 12165, 12166, 12167, 12168, 12169, 12170, 12171, 12172, 12173, 12174, 12175, 12216, 12311, 12317,
308 12384, 12592, 12593, 12594, 12595, 12596, 12597, 12598, 12599, 12600, 12601, 12602, 12603, 12605, 12606,
309 12607, 12616, 12617, 12618, 12619, 12621, 12622, 12640, 12641, 12642, 12643, 12644, 12645, 12646, 12647,
310 12648, 12649, 12650, 12651, 12652, 12653, 12654, 12655, 12800, 12803, 12804, 12805, 12806, 12808, 12810,
311 12812, 12813, 12815, 12831, 12848, 12851, 12852, 12855, 12859, 12860, 12861, 12862, 12863, 12864, 12865,
312 12866, 12867, 12868, 12869, 12871, 12872, 12873, 12876, 12912, 12915, 12918, 12919, 12920, 12921, 12925,
313 12926, 12927, 13049, 13053, 13055, 13068, 13126, 13172, 13236, 13406, 13459, 13464, 13466, 13467, 13470,
314 13508, 13514, 13554, 13556, 13558, 13589, 13849, 13941, 13943, 13951, 13953, 13969, 13988, 13989, 13990,
315 13991, 13994, 13995, 13996, 13997, 13998, 13999, 14042, 14049, 14059, 14061, 14063, 14081, 14108, 14111,
316 14153, 14157, 14191, 14193, 14228, 14229, 14232, 14234, 14236, 14239, 14248, 14249, 14313, 14374, 14378,
317 14381, 14400, 14401, 14402, 14403, 14405, 14407, 14409, 14410, 14411, 14413, 14414, 14415, 14498, 14543,
318 14557, 14594, 14624, 14625, 14632, 14633, 14636, 14678, 14679, 14704, 14706, 14707, 14709, 14710, 14711,
319 14712, 14714, 14715, 14716, 14718, 14719, 14772, 14832, 14862, 14867, 14874, 14895, 14928, 14977, 15012,
320 15025, 15027, 15094, 15098, 15111, 15152, 15153, 15201, 15204, 15206, 15208, 15209, 15210, 15212, 15215,
321 15255, 15297, 15299, 15301, 15305, 15309, 15349, 15445, 15458, 15460, 15461, 15462, 15465, 15466, 15469,
322 15480, 15483, 15489, 15507, 15508, 15509, 15510, 15511, 15513, 15514, 15515, 15516, 15517, 15518, 15519,
323 15653, 15690, 15719, 15754, 15776, 15785, 15798, 15799, 15800, 15802, 15804, 15805, 15806, 15807, 15821,
324 15872, 15933, 15941, 15958, 15963, 15965, 15967, 16033, 16073, 16268, 16289, 16305, 16309, 16311, 16318,
325 16319, 16349, 16353, 16354, 16355, 16361, 16362, 16363, 16364, 16366, 16367, 16393, 16394, 16395, 16400,
326 16401, 16404, 16405, 16406, 16411, 16412, 16413, 16448, 16449, 16451, 16452, 16453, 16454, 16456, 16457,
327 16459, 16460, 16461, 16463, 16507, 16510, 16529, 16532, 16534, 16535, 16536, 16540, 16541, 16543, 16576,
328 16578, 16579, 16580, 16581, 16582, 16583, 16585, 16586, 16587, 16588, 16589, 16590, 16591, 16609, 16612,
329 16615, 16616, 16620, 16634, 16784, 16785, 16800, 16801, 16803, 16804, 16807, 16808, 16809, 16849, 16850,
330 16851, 16852, 16853, 16854, 16855, 16856, 16857, 16858, 16860, 16861, 16862, 16863, 16886, 16887, 16977,
331 17093, 17117, 17129, 17184, 17187, 17189, 17191, 17197, 17200, 17201, 17202, 17203, 17210, 17211, 17214,
332 17280, 17300, 17408, 17413, 17504, 17597, 17632, 17633, 17634, 17635, 17637, 17638, 17640, 17642, 17644,
333 17645, 17646, 17647, 17648, 17649, 17650, 17651, 17652, 17653, 17654, 17655, 17657, 17658, 17659, 17660,
334 17661, 17662, 17663};
337std::vector<unsigned short> getWarmChannelsLHC17o_block2()
339 return {68, 904, 907, 909, 947, 954, 1061, 1276, 1414, 2153, 2190, 2778, 2795, 4026, 4531,
340 4986, 5600, 5601, 5605, 5609, 5610, 5611, 5612, 5613, 5615, 5653, 5654, 5658, 5660, 5714,
341 5897, 6653, 6937, 7377, 7381, 8625, 8632, 8813, 9202, 9799, 9801, 9805, 9820, 9821, 9875,
342 10123, 10565, 10779, 10831, 11042, 11044, 11048, 11050, 11052, 11093, 11095, 11102, 11139, 11141, 11148,
343 11197, 11243, 11411, 11630, 11647, 12040, 12041, 12276, 12308, 12309, 12310, 12314, 12316, 12319, 12430,
344 12610, 12611, 12870, 12874, 12988, 13281, 13282, 13286, 13289, 13291, 13292, 13293, 13383, 13402, 13403,
345 13407, 13462, 13463, 13465, 13471, 13562, 13761, 13903, 13985, 14057, 14060, 14373, 14485, 14600, 14708,
346 14717, 14789, 14839, 14987, 14993, 15054, 15108, 15110, 15118, 15119, 15162, 15165, 15167, 15296, 15298,
347 15304, 15307, 15401, 15749, 15758, 16308, 16310, 16315, 16317, 16358, 16365, 16389, 16392, 16402, 16409,
348 16425, 17396, 17452, 17463, 17537};
351std::vector<unsigned short> getDeadChannelsLHC17o_block2()
353 return {2047, 2112, 2114, 2115, 2116, 2117, 2120, 2123, 2776, 5216, 5218, 5219, 5221, 5222, 5223,
354 5224, 5226, 5227, 5228, 5230, 5231, 5264, 5265, 5266, 5267, 5268, 5269, 5272, 5273, 5274,
355 5275, 5277, 5280, 5281, 5282, 5283, 5284, 5285, 5286, 5287, 5288, 5289, 5290, 5291, 5292,
356 5293, 5294, 5295, 5328, 5329, 5330, 5331, 5332, 5333, 5334, 5335, 5336, 5337, 5338, 5339,
357 5340, 5341, 5342, 5343, 7330, 7341, 7523, 7530, 7531, 7535, 7572, 7576, 7578, 7580, 8353,
358 8578, 8579, 8580, 8581, 8582, 8583, 8586, 8588, 8589, 8590, 8591, 8743, 8832, 8833, 8834,
359 8835, 8836, 8837, 8838, 8839, 8840, 8841, 8842, 8843, 8844, 8845, 8846, 8847, 8880, 8881,
360 8882, 8883, 8884, 8885, 8886, 8887, 8888, 8889, 8890, 8891, 8892, 8893, 8894, 8895, 9282,
361 9361, 12147, 12604, 12801, 12802, 12807, 12809, 12811, 12814, 12849, 12850, 12853, 12854, 12856, 12857,
362 12858, 12913, 12914, 12916, 12917, 12922, 12923, 12924, 13524, 13848, 14406, 14443, 14626, 14627, 14628,
363 14629, 14630, 14631, 14634, 14635, 14637, 14638, 14639, 15051, 15200, 15202, 15203, 15205, 15207, 15211,
364 15213, 15214, 15217, 15456, 15457, 15459, 15463, 15464, 15467, 15468, 15470, 15471, 15504, 15505, 15506,
365 15512, 15624, 16450, 16455, 16458, 16462, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 16537, 16538, 16539, 16542, 16577,
366 16584, 16608, 16610, 16611, 16613, 16614, 16617, 16618, 16619, 16621, 16622, 16623, 16802, 16805, 16806,
367 16810, 16811, 16812, 16813, 16814, 16815, 16848, 16859, 17185, 17186, 17188, 17190, 17192, 17193, 17194,
368 17195, 17196, 17198, 17199, 17204, 17205, 17206, 17207, 17208, 17209, 17212, 17213, 17215, 17636, 17639,
369 17641, 17643, 17656
371 };
374} // namespace emcal
376} // namespace o2
uint64_t bc
Definition RawEventData.h:5
uint32_t c
Definition RawData.h:2
CCDB container for masked cells in EMCAL.
MaskType_t getChannelStatus(unsigned short channelID) const
Get the status of a certain cell.
Dead cell, no data obtained.
Bad cell, must be excluded.
GOOD cell, can be used without problems.
Warm cell, to be used with care.
void addBadChannel(unsigned short channelID, MaskType_t mask)
Add bad cell to the container.
static Geometry * GetInstanceFromRunNumber(Int_t runNumber, const std::string_view="", const std::string_view mcname="TGeant3", const std::string_view mctitle="")
Instanciate geometry depending on the run number. Mostly used in analysis and MC anchors.
Definition Geometry.cxx:219
std::vector< unsigned short > getWarmChannelsLHC17o_block2()
std::vector< unsigned short > getBadChannelsLHC18m_block1()
std::vector< unsigned short > getBadChannelsLHC17o_block2()
std::vector< unsigned short > combineMaps(const std::vector< unsigned short > &list1, const std::vector< unsigned short > list2)
std::vector< unsigned short > getDeadChannelsLHC18m_block1()
void filterBad(std::vector< unsigned short > warmcells, const std::vector< unsigned short > badcells)
std::vector< unsigned short > getDeadChannelsLHC17o_block2()
std::vector< unsigned short > getWarmChannelsLHC18m_block1()
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(triggersD.size(), triggers.size())