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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
11#include "PaletteHelpers.h"
13namespace o2::framework
16const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::RED = ImVec4(0.945, 0.094, 0.298, 1);
17const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::GREEN = ImVec4(0x7e / 255., 0xc4 / 255., 0x52 / 255., 1);
18const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::BLUE = ImVec4(0x3d / 255., 0xb7 / 255., 0xe0 / 255., 1);
19const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::YELLOW = ImVec4(0.949, 0.769, 0.239, 1);
20const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::SHADED_RED = ImVec4(0xd5 / 255., 0x72 / 255., 0x73 / 255., 1);
21const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::SHADED_GREEN = ImVec4(0x98 / 255., 0xba / 255., 0x96 / 255., 1);
22const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::SHADED_BLUE = ImVec4(0x7a / 255., 0xab / 255., 0xea / 255., 1);
23const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::SHADED_YELLOW = ImVec4(0xeb / 255., 0xb9 / 255., 0x7a / 255., 1);
24const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::DARK_RED = ImVec4(0xd4 / 255., 0x06 / 255., 0x02 / 255., 255. / 255.);
25const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::DARK_GREEN = ImVec4(153. / 255., 61. / 255., 61. / 255., 255. / 255.);
26const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::DARK_YELLOW = ImVec4(0xf1 / 255., 0x9b / 255., 0x2c / 255., 255. / 255.);
27const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::WHITE = ImVec4(0xce / 255., 0xbe / 255., 0x91 / 255., 1);
28const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::BLACK = ImVec4(0x28 / 255., 0x28 / 255., 0x28 / 255., 1);
29const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::GRAY = ImVec4(60 / 255., 60 / 255., 60 / 255., 1);
30const ImVec4 PaletteHelpers::LIGHT_GRAY = ImVec4(75 / 255., 75 / 255., 75 / 255., 1);
32} // namespace o2::framework
Defining PrimaryVertex explicitly as messageable.
Definition TFIDInfo.h:20
static const ImVec4 SHADED_GREEN
static const ImVec4 DARK_GREEN
static const ImVec4 SHADED_YELLOW
static const ImVec4 SHADED_RED
static const ImVec4 LIGHT_GRAY
static const ImVec4 SHADED_BLUE
static const ImVec4 DARK_YELLOW
static const ImVec4 DARK_RED