No Matches
o2::framework Namespace Reference

Defining PrimaryVertex explicitly as messageable. More...


namespace  analysis_task_parsers
namespace  binning_helpers
namespace  data_inspector
namespace  data_matcher
namespace  detail
namespace  ecs
namespace  expressions
namespace  gui
 State for the main GUI window.
namespace  internal
namespace  pid
namespace  raw_parser
 workspace for raw parser internal utilities
namespace  readers
namespace  rtr
namespace  staticFor_details
namespace  test
namespace  workflow
namespace  writers


struct  AlgorithmPlugin
 Helper class for an algorithm which is loaded as a plugin. More...
struct  AlgorithmSpec
struct  always_static_assert
struct  AnalysisContext
struct  AnalysisSupportHelpers
struct  AnalysisTask
struct  any_type
struct  AODToHepMCPostRun
struct  Array2D
class  ArrowContext
struct  ArrowSupport
 A few ServiceSpecs data sending backends. More...
struct  ArrowTableSlicingCache
struct  ArrowTableSlicingCacheDef
struct  AsyncQueue
struct  AsyncQueueHelpers
struct  AsyncTask
 An actuatual task to be executed. More...
struct  AsyncTaskId
struct  AsyncTaskSpec
struct  AxisSpec
struct  BacktraceHelpers
struct  BinningPolicyBase
class  BoostOptionsRetriever
struct  BranchFieldMapping
class  BranchToColumn
struct  BuilderHolder
struct  BuilderMaker
struct  BuilderMaker< bool >
struct  BuilderMaker< std::array< T, N > >
struct  BuilderMaker< std::pair< ITERATOR, ITERATOR > >
struct  BuilderMaker< std::vector< T > >
struct  BuilderMaker< T(&)[N]>
struct  BuilderMaker< T[N]>
struct  BuilderTraits
struct  BuilderTraits< std::pair< ITERATOR, ITERATOR > >
struct  BuilderTraits< std::vector< T > >
struct  BuilderTraits< T[N]>
struct  BuilderUtils
struct  Builds
struct  BulkExtractor
struct  BulkWriteRequestContext
struct  CachedInsertion
class  CallbackRegistry
class  CallbackService
struct  CallbacksPolicy
struct  can_assign
struct  can_assign< From, To, std::conditional_t< false, class_member_checker< decltype(&From::operator())>, void > >
struct  Capability
struct  CapabilityPlugin
struct  CCDBFetcherHelper
struct  CCDBHelpers
struct  CCDBMetadata
struct  CCDBMetadataExtractor
class  CCDBSerialized
struct  CCDBSupport
struct  ChannelConfigurationPolicy
struct  ChannelConfigurationPolicyHelpers
 A set of helpers for common ChannelConfigurationPolicy behaviors. More...
struct  ChannelIndex
struct  ChannelProperties
struct  ChannelRewriter
struct  ChannelSpecHelpers
struct  ChunkedArrayIterator
struct  class_member_checker
struct  ClientWebSocketHandler
struct  ColumnBinningPolicy
struct  ColumnReaderTrait
class  ColumnToBranch
struct  CommandInfo
struct  CommonDataProcessors
 Helpers to create a few general data processors. More...
struct  CommonDriverServices
struct  CommonMessageBackends
 A few ServiceSpecs data sending backends. More...
struct  CommonMessageBackendsHelpers
struct  CommonServices
struct  CompletionPolicy
struct  CompletionPolicyHelpers
 Helper class which holds commonly used policies. More...
struct  ComputingOffer
class  ComputingQuotaEvaluator
struct  ComputingQuotaInfo
struct  ComputingQuotaOffer
struct  ComputingQuotaOfferRef
struct  ComputingQuotaStats
 Statistics on the offers consumed, expired. More...
struct  ComputingResource
 A computing resource which can be offered to run a device. More...
struct  ComputingResourceHelpers
struct  ConcreteDataMatcher
struct  ConcreteDataTypeMatcher
struct  Condition
struct  ConditionGroup
class  ConfigContext
struct  ConfigDiscovery
struct  ConfigDiscoveryPlugin
struct  ConfigParamDiscovery
class  ConfigParamRegistry
struct  ConfigParamsHelper
class  ConfigParamSpec
class  ConfigParamStore
struct  Configurable
struct  ConfigurableBase
struct  ConfigurableGroup
struct  ConfigurableHelpers
struct  ConfigurablePolicyConst
struct  ConfigurablePolicyMutable
class  ConfigurationOptionsRetriever
 ParamRetriever which uses AliceO2Group/Configuration to get the options. More...
struct  ConnectionContext
struct  ContextElementTraits
struct  ContextElementTraits< ConfigParamRegistry const >
struct  ContextElementTraits< ConfigParamRegistry, S >
struct  ContextElementTraits< DataAllocator >
struct  ContextElementTraits< InitContext >
struct  ContextElementTraits< Input< L, T > >
struct  ContextElementTraits< Input< L, T > const >
struct  ContextElementTraits< InputRecord >
struct  ContextElementTraits< ProcessingContext >
struct  ContextHelpers
class  ControlService
struct  ControlServiceHelpers
struct  ControlWebSocketHandler
 An handler for a websocket message stream. More...
class  CustomMergerTestGenerator
class  DanglingContext
class  DataAllocator
class  DataChunk
struct  DataDescriptorQuery
struct  DataDescriptorQueryBuilder
 Various utilities to manipulate InputSpecs. More...
class  DataInputDescriptor
class  DataInputDirector
class  DataInspectorProxyService
struct  DataMatcherId
struct  DataOutputDescriptor
struct  DataOutputDirector
class  DataProcessingDevice
struct  DataProcessingHeader
struct  DataProcessingHelpers
 Generic helpers for DataProcessing releated functions. More...
struct  DataProcessingStates
struct  DataProcessingStats
 Helper struct to hold statistics about the data processing happening. More...
struct  DataProcessingStatsHelpers
struct  DataProcessor
struct  DataProcessorContext
struct  DataProcessorInfo
struct  DataProcessorLabel
 A label that can be associated to a DataProcessorSpec. More...
struct  DataProcessorMatchers
struct  DataProcessorMetadata
struct  DataProcessorPoliciesInfo
struct  DataProcessorSpec
struct  DataProcessorSpecHelpers
struct  DataRef
struct  DataRefUtils
class  DataRelayer
struct  DataRelayerHelpers
class  DataSender
 Allow injecting policies on send. More...
struct  DataSpecUtils
struct  DataTakingContext
struct  DDSConfigHelpers
struct  DebugGUI
 Plugin interface for DPL GUIs. More...
struct  DecongestionContext
struct  DecongestionService
struct  DefaultsHelpers
struct  DeviceConfig
struct  DeviceConfigHelper
struct  DeviceConfigurationHelpers
struct  DeviceConnectionEdge
struct  DeviceConnectionId
struct  DeviceContext
struct  DeviceControl
struct  DeviceController
struct  DeviceExecution
struct  DeviceId
struct  DeviceIndex
struct  DeviceInfo
struct  DeviceMatchers
struct  DeviceMessageHandle
struct  DeviceMetricsHelper
struct  DeviceMetricsInfo
struct  DeviceMetricsInfoHelpers
struct  DevicesManager
struct  DeviceSpec
struct  DeviceSpecHelpers
struct  DeviceState
 Running state information of a given device. More...
struct  DeviceStateHelpers
struct  DirectInsertion
struct  DIServicePlugin
struct  DispatchControl
 Control for the message dispatching within message context. Depending on dispatching policy, objects which get ready to be sent during computing can be scheduled to be sent immediately. The trigger callback is used to decide when to sent the scheduled messages via the actual dispatch callback. More...
struct  DispatchPolicy
struct  DomainId
struct  DomainInfoHeader
 a BaseHeader with domain information from the source More...
struct  DPLModelAdapterConfig
class  DPLMonitoringBackend
 Prints metrics to standard output via std::cout. More...
class  DPLRawPageSequencer
 This utility handles transparently the DPL inputs and triggers a customizable action on sequences of consecutive raw pages following similar RDH features, e.g. the same FEE ID. More...
class  DPLRawParser
 The parser handles transparently input in the format of raw pages. More...
class  DriverClient
 A service API to communicate with the driver. More...
struct  DriverClientContext
 Context for the client callbacks. More...
struct  DriverConfig
struct  DriverControl
struct  DriverEventMatcher
struct  DriverServerContext
struct  EdgeAction
struct  EdgeMatchers
class  EmptyFragment
struct  enable_root_serialization
struct  enable_root_serialization< T, std::enable_if_t< has_root_dictionary< T >::value &&is_messageable< T >::value==false > >
class  EndOfStreamContext
struct  Enumeration
class  ErrorContext
struct  Exclusive
struct  ExpirationHandler
struct  ExpirationHandlerHelpers
class  FairInputTBuffer
struct  FairMQChannelConfigParser
 Handler to parse the description of the –channel-config. More...
struct  FairMQChannelConfigSpec
class  FairMQDeviceProxy
class  FairMQOutputStream
class  FairMQResizableBuffer
class  FairOptionsRetriever
class  FairOutputTBuffer
struct  FileAndFolder
struct  FileNameHolder
struct  FlexibleBinningPolicy
struct  FlexibleBinningPolicy< std::tuple< Ls... >, Ts... >
struct  ForwardChannelInfo
 Forward channel information. More...
struct  ForwardChannelState
struct  ForwardingPolicy
struct  ForwardRoute
class  FragmentToBatch
class  FreePortFinder
 Helper class to find a free port range. More...
class  GenericRootTreeReader
struct  get_function
struct  get_function< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const >
struct  GraphvizHelpers
struct  GroupedCombinationsGenerator
struct  GroupSlicer
struct  GuiCallbackContext
struct  GUIData
struct  GUIMetrics
struct  GuiRenderer
struct  GUIWebSocketHandler
 An handler for a websocket message stream. More...
struct  has_messageable_value_type
struct  has_messageable_value_type< T, std::conditional_t< false, typename T::value_type, void > >
struct  has_root_dictionary
struct  has_root_dictionary< std::unordered_map< o2::dcs::DataPointIdentifier, o2::dcs::DataPointValue >, void >
struct  has_root_dictionary< T, std::conditional_t< false, class_member_checker< decltype(std::declval< T >().Class())>, void > >
class  has_root_dictionary< T, typename std::enable_if< is_container< T >::value >::type >
struct  has_root_dictionary_mapped_type
struct  has_root_dictionary_mapped_type< T, std::conditional_t< false, typename T::mapped_type, void > >
struct  HistFactory
struct  HistFiller
struct  HistogramConfigSpec
class  HistogramRegistry
struct  HistogramSpec
class  HistosMergerTestGenerator
struct  HolderMaker
struct  HolderMaker< T[N]>
struct  HTTPParser
struct  HTTPParserHelpers
struct  IndexBuilder
class  IndexColumnBuilder
class  InitContext
class  InitErrorContext
struct  Input
struct  InputChannelInfo
struct  InputChannelSpec
struct  InputIndex
class  InputRecord
 The input API of the Data Processing Layer This class holds the inputs which are valid for processing. The user can get an instance for it via the ProcessingContext and can use it to retrieve the inputs, either by name or by index. A few utility methods are provided to automatically cast the (deserialized) inputs to known types. More...
class  InputRecordWalker
 A helper class to iteratate over all parts of all input routes. More...
struct  InputRoute
struct  InputRouteHelpers
class  InputSpan
struct  InputSpec
struct  InsertionTrait
struct  InspectorHelpers
 A helper class for inpsection of device information. More...
struct  intersect_pack
 Intersect two packs. More...
struct  is_braces_constructible
struct  is_container
struct  is_container< T, std::conditional_t< false, class_member_checker< typename T::value_type, typename T::size_type, typename T::allocator_type, typename T::iterator, typename T::const_iterator, decltype(std::declval< T >().size()), decltype(std::declval< T >().begin()), decltype(std::declval< T >().end()), decltype(std::declval< T >().cbegin()), decltype(std::declval< T >().cend())>, void > >
struct  is_forced_non_messageable
struct  is_forced_non_messageable< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename T::non_messageable, MarkAsNonMessageable >::value >::type >
struct  is_messageable
struct  is_messageable< gsl::span< T > >
struct  is_messageable< o2::cpv::Cluster >
struct  is_messageable< o2::cpv::CPVCalibParams >
struct  is_messageable< o2::cpv::CPVSimParams >
struct  is_messageable< o2::ctp::CTPDigit >
struct  is_messageable< o2::ctp::TriggerOffsetsParam >
struct  is_messageable< o2::dataformats::PrimaryVertex >
struct  is_messageable< o2::dataformats::PrimaryVertexExt >
struct  is_messageable< o2::dataformats::Vertex< o2::dataformats::TimeStamp< int > > >
struct  is_messageable< o2::dataformats::Vertex< o2::dataformats::TimeStampWithError< float, float > > >
struct  is_messageable< o2::dataformats::VertexBase >
struct  is_messageable< o2::dcs::DataPointCompositeObject >
struct  is_messageable< o2::dcs::DataPointIdentifier >
struct  is_messageable< o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams >
struct  is_messageable< o2::emcal::SimParam >
struct  is_messageable< o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams >
struct  is_messageable< o2::hmpid::Cluster >
struct  is_messageable< o2::itsmft::Cluster >
struct  is_messageable< o2::mft::TrackMFT >
struct  is_messageable< o2::phos::PHOSSimParams >
struct  is_messageable< o2::tof::Cluster >
struct  is_messageable< o2::tpc::CorrMapParam >
struct  is_messageable< o2::tpc::ParameterGas >
struct  is_messageable< o2::tpc::ParameterGEM >
struct  is_messageable< o2::trd::TrackTRD >
struct  is_messageable< o2::vertexing::SVertexerParams >
struct  is_overriding
struct  is_span
struct  is_span< T, std::conditional_t< false, typename T::value_type, void > >
struct  is_specialization
struct  is_specialization< Ref< Args... >, Ref >
class  LabeledArray
struct  LabelMap
struct  LifetimeHelpers
struct  LifetimeHolder
struct  LoadableServicePlugin
class  LocalRootFileService
 A simple service to create ROOT files in the local folder. More...
struct  locked_execution
struct  LogicalChannelDomain
struct  LogicalChannelRange
struct  LogicalForwardInfo
struct  LogicalOutputInfo
struct  LogParsingHelpers
 A set of helpers to parse device logs. More...
class  MakeRootTreeWriterSpec
 Generate a processor spec for the RootTreeWriter utility. More...
struct  MarkAsNonMessageable
struct  MatcherInfo
struct  memfun_type< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const >
struct  MermaidHelpers
class  MessageContext
struct  MessageSet
struct  Metric2DViewIndex
struct  MetricIndices
struct  MetricInfo
struct  MetricLabel
struct  MetricLabelIndex
struct  MetricPrefix
struct  MetricPrefixIndex
struct  MissingService
struct  NoBinningPolicy
struct  NoLocking
struct  O2DatabasePDG
struct  O2DatabasePDGImpl
struct  O2DataModelHelpers
struct  ObjectCache
struct  OptionsHelpers
struct  Output
struct  OutputChannelInfo
 Output channel information. More...
struct  OutputChannelSpec
struct  OutputChannelSpecConfigParser
 A parser which creates an OutputChannelSpec from the –channel-config. More...
struct  OutputChannelState
struct  OutputForTable
struct  OutputLabel
struct  OutputObj
struct  OutputObjectInfo
struct  OutputObjHeader
 O2 header for OutputObj metadata. More...
struct  OutputRef
struct  OutputRoute
struct  OutputSpec
struct  OutputTaskInfo
struct  overloaded
 From More...
struct  OverrideServiceSpec
struct  pack
struct  pack_element
struct  pack_element< 0, pack< Head, Tail... > >
struct  pack_element< I, pack< Head, Tail... > >
struct  PaletteHelpers
 An helper class for colors and palettes. More...
class  ParallelContext
class  ParamRetriever
struct  ParsedConfigMatch
 Temporary struct to hold a configuration parameter. More...
struct  ParsedMetricMatch
 Temporary struct to hold a metric after it has been parsed. More...
struct  Partition
struct  PartRef
 Reference to an inflight part. More...
struct  PhysicalChannelDomain
struct  PhysicalChannelRange
struct  PluginManager
struct  PollerContext
class  PreallocatedOutputStream
struct  PresliceBase
struct  PreslicePolicyBase
struct  PreslicePolicyGeneral
struct  PreslicePolicySorted
struct  ProcessConfigurable
class  ProcessingContext
struct  ProcessingPolicies
struct  Produces
struct  ProducesGroup
struct  PropertyTreeHelpers
 Helpers to manipulate property_trees. More...
struct  QuotaEvaluatorStats
struct  RateLimitConfig
class  RateLimiter
class  RawDeviceService
class  RawParser
struct  ReaderHolder
struct  ReaderHolder< T[N]>
struct  ReadOps
struct  RegistryPair
struct  Remap64Bit
struct  Remap64Bit< int64_t >
struct  Remap64Bit< int64_t[N]>
struct  Remap64Bit< uint64_t >
struct  Remap64Bit< uint64_t[N]>
class  ResourceManager
struct  ResourcePolicy
struct  ResourcePolicyHelpers
struct  ResourcesMonitoringHelper
class  RNTupleFileFormat
class  RNTupleFileFragment
class  RNTupleFileSystem
class  RNTupleFileWriteOptions
class  RNTupleFileWriter
struct  RNTupleObjectReadingImplementation
struct  RNTuplePluginContext
struct  root_serializer
struct  root_serializer< T, std::enable_if_t< has_root_dictionary< T >::value||is_specialization< T, ROOTSerialized >::value==true > >
struct  RootArrowFactory
struct  RootArrowFactoryPlugin
struct  RootConfigParamHelpers
 Helpers to Serialise / Deserialise ROOT objects using the ConfigParamSpec mechanism. More...
class  RootFileService
struct  RootNTupleVisitor
struct  RootObjectHandler
struct  RootObjectReadingCapability
struct  RootObjectReadingCapabilityPlugin
struct  RootObjectReadingFactory
struct  RootSerializationSupport
class  ROOTSerialized
class  RootSerializedObject
struct  RootTableBuilderHelpers
struct  RootTransientIndexType
class  RootTreeWriter
 A generic writer interface for ROOT TTree objects. More...
struct  ROOTTypeInfo
struct  RouteConfigurator
struct  RouteIndex
struct  RouteState
 Keeps current state of a given route. More...
struct  RunningDeviceRef
struct  RunningWorkflowInfo
 Information about the running workflow. More...
struct  RuntimeError
struct  RuntimeErrorRef
struct  SelfIndexColumnBuilder
struct  SendingPolicy
struct  Service
class  service_ptr
struct  ServiceConfigureHandle
struct  ServiceDanglingHandle
struct  ServiceDispatchingHandle
struct  ServiceDomainInfoHandle
struct  ServiceEOSHandle
struct  ServiceExitHandle
struct  ServiceForwardingHandle
struct  ServiceHandle
struct  ServiceKindExtractor
struct  ServiceKindExtractor< ConfigurationInterface >
struct  ServiceKindExtractor< InfoLoggerContext >
 This is a global service because read only. More...
struct  ServiceKindExtractor< o2::monitoring::Monitoring >
struct  ServiceKindExtractor< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::service_kind)> >
struct  ServiceMeta
struct  ServiceMetricsInfo
struct  ServicePlugin
struct  ServicePostRenderGUIHandle
struct  ServicePreLoopHandle
struct  ServicePreSendingMessagesHandle
struct  ServiceProcessingHandle
struct  ServiceRegistry
struct  ServiceRegistryHelpers
 Helpers for ServiceRegistry manipulations. More...
class  ServiceRegistryRef
struct  ServiceSpec
struct  ServiceSpecHelpers
struct  ServiceStartHandle
struct  ServiceStartStreamHandle
struct  ServiceStopHandle
struct  ServiceTypeHash
struct  SetDefaultProcesses
class  SimpleOptionsRetriever
class  SimpleRawDeviceService
class  SimpleResourceManager
class  SingleRNTupleFileSystem
class  SingleTreeFileSystem
struct  SliceCache
struct  SliceInfoPtr
struct  SliceInfoUnsortedPtr
struct  SourceInfoHeader
 a BaseHeader with state information from the source More...
struct  Sparse
struct  Spawns
struct  SpyGUIPlugin
class  SpyService
class  SpyServiceHelpers
struct  StreamContext
class  StringContext
struct  StringLiteral
struct  StringMetric
struct  subtract_pack
 Subtract two packs. More...
class  TableBuilder
struct  TableBuilderHelpers
class  TableConsumer
class  TableToTree
struct  TableTransform
 Helper template for table transformations. More...
class  Task
struct  TaskName
 Struct to differentiate task names from possible task string arguments. More...
struct  TaskStreamInfo
struct  TaskStreamRef
class  TBufferFileFS
class  TDirectoryFileOutputStream
class  TextDriverClient
 A text based way of communicating with the driver. More...
class  TFileFileSystem
struct  ThreadPool
struct  TimerSpec
struct  TimesliceId
class  TimesliceIndex
struct  TimesliceSlot
struct  TimingHelpers
struct  TimingInfo
struct  TMessageSerializer
struct  TopoIndexInfo
 Helper struct to keep track of the results of the topological sort. More...
struct  TopologyPolicy
struct  TopologyPolicyHelpers
struct  TracingInfrastructure
struct  TreeReaderValueTraits
struct  TreeReaderValueTraits< TTreeReaderArray< VALUE > >
struct  TreeReaderValueTraits< TTreeReaderValue< T > >
class  TreeToTable
class  TTreeDeferredReadOutputStream
class  TTreeFileFormat
class  TTreeFileFragment
class  TTreeFileSystem
class  TTreeFileWriteOptions
class  TTreeFileWriter
struct  TTreeObjectReadingImplementation
class  TTreeOutputStream
struct  TTreePluginContext
struct  TypeIdHelpers
struct  unique_type_id
struct  UniversalType
struct  VariableContextHelpers
 Helpers to fetch common variables. More...
class  Variant
 Variant for configuration parameter storage. Owns stored data. More...
struct  variant_array_element_type
struct  variant_array_symbol
struct  variant_array_symbol< bool >
struct  variant_array_symbol< double >
struct  variant_array_symbol< float >
struct  variant_array_symbol< int >
struct  variant_array_symbol< std::string >
struct  variant_helper
struct  variant_helper< const char * >
struct  variant_helper< std::string >
struct  variant_helper< std::string_view >
struct  variant_helper< std::vector< std::string > >
struct  variant_trait
struct  variant_type
struct  VariantJSONHelpers
class  VectorMergerTestGenerator
class  VirtualRootFileSystemBase
struct  WaitBackpressurePolicy
struct  WebSocketConstants
struct  WebSocketHandler
 An handler for a websocket message stream. More...
struct  WorkflowCustomizationHelpers
struct  WorkflowHelpers
 A set of internal helper classes to manipulate a Workflow. More...
struct  WorkflowImporter
struct  WorkflowSerializationHelpers
struct  WorkflowSpecNode
struct  WriteRequestContext
struct  WritingCursor
struct  WSDPLClient
struct  WSDPLHandler
class  WSDriverClient
struct  WSError


concept  is_producable
concept  is_produces
concept  is_produces_group
concept  is_spawnable
concept  is_spawns
concept  is_builds
concept  is_outputobj
concept  is_service
concept  is_partition
concept  is_enumeration
concept  is_preslice
concept  is_condition
concept  is_condition_group
concept  is_configurable
concept  is_configurable_axis
concept  is_process_configurable
concept  is_configurable_group
concept  VectorOfMessageableTypes
concept  DeviceMetricValue
concept  DeviceMetricNumericValue
concept  DeviceMetricEnumValue
concept  is_combinations_generator
concept  FillValue
concept  ValidTH3
concept  ValidTH2
concept  ValidTH1
concept  ValidTProfile3D
concept  ValidTProfile2D
concept  ValidTProfile
concept  ValidSimpleFill
concept  ValidComplexFill
concept  ValidComplexFillStep
concept  ValidFill
concept  is_histogram_registry
concept  is_slice_cache
concept  BulkInsertable
concept  ShouldNotDeconstruct
concept  void_pack_element
concept  nonvoid_pack_element
concept  specialization_of_template
concept  base_of_template


using GID = o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID
using WorkflowSpec = std::vector< DataProcessorSpec >
using labelmap_t = std::unordered_map< std::string, uint32_t >
using ListVector = std::vector< std::vector< int64_t > >
using StringPair = std::pair< std::string, std::string >
template<typename T >
using PresliceUnsorted = PresliceBase< T, PreslicePolicyGeneral, false >
template<typename T >
using PresliceUnsortedOptional = PresliceBase< T, PreslicePolicyGeneral, true >
template<typename T >
using Preslice = PresliceBase< T, PreslicePolicySorted, false >
template<typename T >
using PresliceOptional = PresliceBase< T, PreslicePolicySorted, true >
using ComputingQuotaRequest = std::function< OfferScore(ComputingQuotaOffer const &offer, ComputingQuotaOffer const &accumulated)>
using ComputingQuotaConsumer = std::function< void(int id, std::array< ComputingQuotaOffer, 16 > &, ComputingQuotaStats &, std::function< void(ComputingQuotaOffer const &, ComputingQuotaStats &stats)>)>
using options_description = boost::program_options::options_description
template<typename T , ConfigParamKind K = ConfigParamKind::kGeneric>
using MutableConfigurable = Configurable< T, K, ConfigurablePolicyMutable< T, K > >
using ConfigurableAxis = Configurable< std::vector< double >, ConfigParamKind::kAxisSpec, ConfigurablePolicyConst< std::vector< double >, ConfigParamKind::kAxisSpec > >
using OnWorkflowTerminationHook = std::function< void(const char *)>
using DataProcessorMatcher = std::function< bool(DataProcessorSpec const &spec)>
using DeviceMatcher = std::function< bool(DeviceSpec const &spec, ConfigContext const &context)>
using EdgeMatcher = std::function< bool(DataProcessorSpec const &source, DataProcessorSpec const &dest, ConfigContext const &context)>
using Inputs = std::vector< InputSpec >
using Outputs = std::vector< OutputSpec >
using Options = std::vector< ConfigParamSpec >
template<typename T >
using MetricsStorage = std::array< T, metricStorageSize< T >()>
template<typename T >
using TimestampsStorage = std::array< size_t, metricStorageSize< T >()>
using ChannelRetriever = std::function< std::string const &(OutputSpec const &, DataProcessingHeader::StartTime)>
using InjectorFunction = std::function< bool(TimingInfo &, ServiceRegistryRef const &services, fair::mq::Parts &inputs, ChannelRetriever, size_t newTimesliceId, bool &stop)>
using ChannelSelector = std::function< std::string(InputSpec const &input, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< fair::mq::Channel > > &channels)>
template<typename T , typename G >
using is_index_to_g_t = typename std::conditional< o2::soa::is_binding_compatible_v< G, typename T::binding_t >(), std::true_type, std::false_type >::type
template<typename G , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename BP , typename T1 = int, typename GroupingPolicy = o2::soa::CombinationsBlockStrictlyUpperSameIndexPolicy<BP, T1, G, G>>
using Pair = GroupedCombinationsGenerator< T1, GroupingPolicy, BP, G, A1, A2 >
template<typename G , typename A , typename BP , typename T1 = int, typename GroupingPolicy = o2::soa::CombinationsBlockStrictlyUpperSameIndexPolicy<BP, T1, G, G>>
using SameKindPair = GroupedCombinationsGenerator< T1, GroupingPolicy, BP, G, A, A >
template<typename G , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename BP , typename T1 = int, typename GroupingPolicy = o2::soa::CombinationsBlockStrictlyUpperSameIndexPolicy<BP, T1, G, G, G>>
using Triple = GroupedCombinationsGenerator< T1, GroupingPolicy, BP, G, A1, A2, A3 >
template<typename G , typename A , typename BP , typename T1 = int, typename GroupingPolicy = o2::soa::CombinationsBlockStrictlyUpperSameIndexPolicy<BP, T1, G, G, G>>
using SameKindTriple = GroupedCombinationsGenerator< T1, GroupingPolicy, BP, G, A, A, A >
using HistPtr = std::variant< std::shared_ptr< THn >, std::shared_ptr< THnSparse >, std::shared_ptr< TH3 >, std::shared_ptr< TH2 >, std::shared_ptr< TH1 >, std::shared_ptr< TProfile3D >, std::shared_ptr< TProfile2D >, std::shared_ptr< TProfile >, std::shared_ptr< StepTHn > >
template<typename T >
using Remap64Bit_t = typename Remap64Bit< T >::type
using ServiceId = std::function< unsigned int()>
 A callback which returns the uniqueId of the service when invoked.
using ServiceInit = ServiceHandle(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, DeviceState &, fair::mq::ProgOptions &)
 A callback to create a given Service.
using ServiceStartCallback = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, void *)
 A callback invoked whenever we start running, before the user processing callback.
using ServiceStopCallback = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, void *)
 A callback invoked whenever we stop running, after the user processing callback.
using ServiceExitCallback = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, void *)
 A callback invoked whenever we stop running completely, before we exit.
using ServiceConfigureCallback = void *(*)(InitContext &, void *)
using ServiceProcessingCallback = void(*)(ProcessingContext &, void *)
 A callback which is executed before each processing loop.
using ServiceDanglingCallback = void(*)(DanglingContext &, void *)
 A callback which is executed before each dangling input loop.
using ServiceEOSCallback = void(*)(EndOfStreamContext &, void *)
 A callback which is executed before the end of stream loop.
using ServicePreFork = std::function< void(ServiceRegistryRef, DeviceConfig const &)>
using ServicePostForkChild = std::function< void(ServiceRegistryRef)>
using ServicePostForkParent = std::function< void(ServiceRegistryRef)>
using ServicePreSchedule = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, DeviceConfig const &)
 Callback executed before each redeployment of the whole configuration.
using ServicePostSchedule = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, DeviceConfig const &)
 Callback executed after each redeployment of the whole configuration.
using ServiceMetricHandling = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, ServiceMetricsInfo const &, size_t timestamp)
 Callback executed in the driver in order to process a metric.
using ServiceSummaryHandling = void(*)(ServiceMetricsInfo const &metrics)
using ServicePostDispatching = void(*)(ProcessingContext &, void *)
 Callback executed in the child after dispatching happened.
using ServicePostForwarding = void(*)(ProcessingContext &, void *)
 Callback executed in the child after late forwarding happened.
using ServiceDriverInit = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, DeviceConfig const &)
 Callback invoked when the driver enters the init phase.
using ServiceDriverStartup = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, DeviceConfig const &)
 Callback invoked when the driver enters the init phase.
using ServicePreLoop = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, void *)
using ServiceTopologyInject = void(*)(WorkflowSpecNode &, ConfigContext &)
 Callback invoked when we inject internal devices in the topology.
using ServiceTopologyAdjust = void(*)(WorkflowSpecNode &, ConfigContext const &)
 Callback invoked when we amend the topology.
using ServiceDomainInfoUpdated = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, size_t tileslice, ChannelIndex channel)
 Callback invoked whenever we get updated about the oldest possible timeslice we can process.
using ServicePreSendingMessages = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef, fair::mq::Parts &, ChannelIndex channel)
 Callback invoked whenever we are about sending a message.
using ServicePostRenderGUI = void(*)(ServiceRegistryRef)
using OverrideServiceSpecs = std::vector< OverrideServiceSpec >
using ServiceSpecs = std::vector< ServiceSpec >
template<typename... ARGS>
using IndexedHoldersTuple = decltype(makeHolderTypes< ARGS... >())
template<typename... T>
using iterator_tuple_t = std::tuple< typename T::iterator... >
template<VariantType V>
using variant_array_element_type_t = typename variant_array_element_type< V >::type
using DataHeader = o2::header::DataHeader
using DataDescription = o2::header::DataDescription
using DataProcessingHeader = o2::framework::DataProcessingHeader
using LogicalChannelsMap = std::map< LogicalChannelRange, size_t >
using LogLevel = o2::framework::LogParsingHelpers::LogLevel
using UnifiedDataSpecType = std::variant< InputSpec, OutputSpec >
using Validator = std::function< bool(std::ostream &errors, DataProcessorSpec const &producer, OutputSpec const &output, DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &producerPolicies, DataProcessorSpec const &consumer, InputSpec const &input, DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &consumerPolicies)>
using CheckMatrix = std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > >
template<std::size_t I, typename T >
using pack_element_t = typename pack_element< I, T >::type
template<typename T >
using pack_head_t = typename pack_element< 0, T >::type
template<typename... Ps>
using concatenated_pack_t = decltype(concatenate_pack(Ps{}...))
template<typename P1 , typename P2 >
using interleaved_pack_t = decltype(interleave_pack(P1{}, P2{}))
template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename... Ts>
using with_condition_pack = pack< std::conditional_t< Condition< Ts >::value, Ts, void >... >
 Marks as void the types that do not satisfy the condition.
template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename... Types>
using selected_pack = std::decay_t< decltype(prune_voids_pack(pack<>{}, with_condition_pack< Condition, Types... >{}))>
template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename CondPack , typename Pack >
using selected_pack_multicondition = std::decay_t< decltype(select_pack< Condition >(pack<>{}, Pack{}, CondPack{}))>
template<template< typename > typename Condition, typename... Types>
using filtered_pack = std::decay_t< decltype(filter_pack< Condition >(pack<>{}, pack< Types... >{}))>
template<typename S1 , typename S2 >
using intersected_pack_t = typename intersect_pack< S1, S2 >::type
template<typename... Ps>
using full_intersected_pack_t = decltype(intersected_pack(Ps{}...))
template<typename... Ps>
using concatenated_pack_unique_t = decltype(concatenate_pack_unique(Ps{}...))
template<typename P >
using unique_pack_t = decltype(unique_pack(P{}, pack<>{}))
template<typename P >
using pack_to_tuple_t = decltype(pack_to_tuple(P{}))
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
using repeated_type_pack_t = decltype(sequence_to_pack< T >(std::make_index_sequence< N >()))
using RootTreeReader = GenericRootTreeReader< rtr::DefaultKey >
using V7 = header::RAWDataHeaderV7
using V6 = header::RAWDataHeaderV6
using V5 = header::RAWDataHeaderV5
using V4 = header::RAWDataHeaderV4
using SubSpecificationType = header::DataHeader::SubSpecificationType
template<size_t Size>
using ExpectedType = std::array< float, Size >


enum struct  ReadOpKind {
  Unknown , Offsets , Values , Booleans ,
enum  BasicOp : unsigned int {
  LogicalAnd , LogicalOr , Addition , Subtraction ,
  Division , Multiplication , BitwiseAnd , BitwiseOr ,
  BitwiseXor , LessThan , LessThanOrEqual , GreaterThan ,
  GreaterThanOrEqual , Equal , NotEqual , Atan2 ,
  Power , Sqrt , Exp , Log ,
  Log10 , Sin , Cos , Tan ,
  Asin , Acos , Atan , Abs ,
  Round , BitwiseNot , Conditional
enum struct  InputChannelState { Running , Paused , Completed , Pull }
enum struct  ChannelAccountingType { Unknown , DPL , RAWFMQ }
enum struct  ChannelMethod { Bind , Connect }
enum struct  ChannelType {
  Pub , Sub , Push , Pull ,
 These map to zeromq types for the channels. More...
enum struct  ChannelProtocol { Network , IPC }
 The kind of backend to use for the channels. More...
enum struct  OfferScore { Enough , More , Unneeded , Unsuitable }
enum  ConfigParamKind : int { kGeneric = 0 , kAxisSpec = 1 , kProcessFlag = 2 }
enum struct  QuitRequest { Me = 0 , All = 1 }
 Kind of request we want to issue to control. More...
enum struct  ProcessingStateId : short {
 Helper struct to define some known states. More...
enum struct  ProcessingStatsId : short {
enum struct  CacheEntryStatus : int { EMPTY , PENDING , RUNNING , DONE }
enum struct  DeploymentMode {
  Local , OnlineECS , OnlineDDS , OnlineAUX ,
  Grid , FST
enum class  MetricType {
  Int = 0 , String = 1 , Float = 2 , Uint64 = 3 ,
  Enum = 16 , Unknown
enum struct  StreamingState { Streaming = 0 , EndOfStreaming = 1 , Idle = 2 }
enum struct  TransitionHandlingState { NoTransition , Requested , Expired }
enum struct  DriverControlState { STEP , PLAY , PAUSE }
enum  HistType : unsigned int {
  kUndefinedHist = 0 , kTH1D , kTH1F , kTH1I ,
  kTH1C , kTH1S , kTH2D , kTH2F ,
  kTH2I , kTH2C , kTH2S , kTH3D ,
  kTH3F , kTH3I , kTH3C , kTH3S ,
  kTHnD , kTHnF , kTHnI , kTHnC ,
  kTHnS , kTHnL , kTHnSparseD , kTHnSparseF ,
  kTHnSparseI , kTHnSparseC , kTHnSparseS , kTHnSparseL ,
  kTProfile , kTProfile2D , kTProfile3D , kStepTHnF ,
enum struct  Lifetime {
  Timeframe = 0 , Condition = 1 , QA = 2 , Sporadic = 2 ,
  Transient = 3 , Timer = 4 , Enumeration = 5 , Signal = 6 ,
  Optional = 7 , OutOfBand = 8
 Possible Lifetime of objects being exchanged by the DPL. More...
enum  OutputObjHandlingPolicy : unsigned int { AnalysisObject , QAObject , TransientObject , numPolicies }
 Policy enum to determine OutputObj handling when writing. More...
enum  OutputObjSourceType : unsigned int { OutputObjSource , HistogramRegistrySource , numTypes }
enum struct  DplPluginKind : int {
  CustomAlgorithm , DebugGUIImpl , CustomService , ConfigDiscovery ,
  Capability , RootObjectReadingCapability , RootObjectReadingImplementation , Unknown
enum struct  TerminationPolicy { QUIT , WAIT , RESTART }
enum struct  EarlyForwardPolicy { NEVER , NORAW , ALWAYS }
 When to enable the early forwarding optimization: More...
enum struct  DriverMode { STANDALONE , EMBEDDED }
enum struct  ServiceKind {
  DeviceSerial , DeviceGlobal , DeviceStream , DataProcessorSerial ,
  DataProcessorGlobal , DataProcessorStream , Serial = DataProcessorSerial , Global = DataProcessorGlobal ,
  Stream = DataProcessorStream
 The kind of service we are asking for. More...
enum class  VariantType : int {
  Int = 0 , Int64 , Float , Double ,
  String , Bool , ArrayInt , ArrayFloat ,
  ArrayDouble , ArrayBool , ArrayString , Array2DInt ,
  Array2DFloat , Array2DDouble , LabeledArrayInt , LabeledArrayFloat ,
  LabeledArrayDouble , UInt8 , UInt16 , UInt32 ,
  UInt64 , Int8 , Int16 , LabeledArrayString ,
  Empty , Dict , Unknown
enum struct  RateLimitingState {
enum struct  ChannelConfigParserState {
enum  QueryBuilderState {
enum struct  DataProcessingStatus : uint32_t { ID = 0 , IN_DPL_OVERHEAD , IN_DPL_USER_CALLBACK , IN_DPL_ERROR_CALLBACK }
 Describe the possible states for DataProcessing. More...
enum struct  MonitoringStatus : uint32_t { ID = 1 , SEND = 0 , FLUSH = 1 }
 Describe the possible states for Monitoring. More...
enum struct  DriverStatus : uint32_t { ID = 2 , BYTES_READ = 0 , BYTES_PROCESSED = 1 , BUFFER_OVERFLOWS = 2 }
enum struct  ParsingState {
enum struct  GUIOpcodes : uint8_t {
  Mousepos = 1 , Mouseclick = 2 , Mousewheel = 3 , Window = 4 ,
  Latency = 5 , Keydown = 6 , Keyup = 7 , Charin = 8
enum struct  WebSocketFrameKind { Tiny , Short , Huge }
enum struct  WebSocketOpCode : uint8_t {
  Continuation = 0 , Text = 1 , Binary = 2 , Close = 8 ,
  Ping = 9 , Pong = 10
enum struct  HTTPState {
enum struct  ConnectionKind { Out = 0 , Forward = 1 , In = 2 , Unknown = 3 }
enum struct  WorkflowParsingState : int { Valid , Empty }


bool isMasterWorkflowDefinition (ConfigContext const &configcontext)
bool isDumpWorkflowInvocation (ConfigContext const &configcontext)
bool isInternalDPL (std::string const &name)
std::string whoAmI (ConfigContext const &configcontext)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec specCombiner (std::string const &name, std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > const &speccollection, std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > &remaining)
DataProcessorSpec getFDDDCSConfigProcessorSpec ()
DataProcessorSpec getFDDDCSDataProcessorSpec ()
DataProcessorSpec getFT0DCSConfigProcessorSpec ()
DataProcessorSpec getFT0DCSDataProcessorSpec ()
DataProcessorSpec getFV0DCSConfigProcessorSpec ()
DataProcessorSpec getFV0DCSDataProcessorSpec ()
FileNameHoldermakeFileNameHolder (std::string fileName)
std::unique_ptr< ROOT::Experimental::RFieldBase > rootFieldFromArrow (std::shared_ptr< arrow::Field > field, std::string name)
DEFINE_DPL_PLUGINS_BEGIN DEFINE_DPL_PLUGIN_INSTANCE (RNTupleObjectReadingImplementation, RootObjectReadingImplementation)
TBufferFilerootBuffer ()
char const * rootSuffixFromArrow (arrow::Type::type id)
auto arrowTypeFromROOT (EDataType type, int size)
DEFINE_DPL_PLUGINS_BEGIN DEFINE_DPL_PLUGIN_INSTANCE (TTreeObjectReadingImplementation, RootObjectReadingImplementation)
bool isPrefix (std::string_view prefix, std::string_view full)
auto getOrbitResetTime (o2::pmr::vector< char > const &v) -> Long64_t
bool isOnlineRun (DataTakingContext const &dtc)
auto populateCacheWith (std::shared_ptr< CCDBFetcherHelper > const &helper, int64_t timestamp, TimingInfo &timingInfo, DataTakingContext &dtc, DataAllocator &allocator) -> void
template<typename... CONTEXTELEMENT>
AlgorithmSpec::ProcessCallback adaptStatelessF (std::function< void(CONTEXTELEMENT &...)> callback)
template<typename... CONTEXTELEMENT>
AlgorithmSpec::InitCallback adaptStatefulF (std::function< AlgorithmSpec::ProcessCallback(CONTEXTELEMENT &...)> callback)
template<typename R , typename... ARGS>
AlgorithmSpec::ProcessCallback adaptStatelessP (R(*callback)(ARGS...))
template<typename LAMBDA >
AlgorithmSpec::ProcessCallback adaptStateless (LAMBDA l)
template<typename LAMBDA >
AlgorithmSpec::InitCallback adaptStateful (LAMBDA l)
template<soa::is_table T>
consteval auto typeWithRef () -> T
 Helper to define output for a Table.
template<is_spawnable T>
constexpr auto transformBase ()
 This helper struct allows you to declare index tables to be created in a task.
auto getTableFromFilter (soa::is_filtered_table auto const &table, soa::SelectionVector &&selection)
auto getTableFromFilter (soa::is_not_filtered_table auto const &table, soa::SelectionVector &&selection)
void initializePartitionCaches (std::set< uint32_t > const &hashes, std::shared_ptr< arrow::Schema > const &schema, expressions::Filter const &filter, gandiva::NodePtr &tree, gandiva::FilterPtr &gfilter)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
DataProcessorSpec adaptAnalysisTask (ConfigContext const &ctx, Args &&... args)
void updatePairList (std::vector< StringPair > &list, std::string const &binding, std::string const &key)
std::string cutString (std::string &&str)
std::string strToUpper (std::string &&str)
ConfigParamSpec ccdbPathSpec (std::string const &path)
ConfigParamSpec ccdbRunDependent (int defaultValue=1)
std::vector< ConfigParamSpecccdbParamSpec (std::string const &path, int runDependent, std::vector< CCDBMetadata > metadata={}, int qrate=0)
std::vector< ConfigParamSpecccdbParamSpec (std::string const &path, std::vector< CCDBMetadata > metadata={}, int qrate=0)
ConfigParamSpec startTimeParamSpec (int64_t t)
std::vector< ConfigParamSpecchannelParamSpec (std::string const &name)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, ChannelType const &type)
 Stream operators so that we can use ChannelType with Boost.Test.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, ChannelMethod const &method)
 Stream operators so that we can use ChannelString with Boost.Test.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, CompletionPolicy::CompletionOp const &val)
template<typename T , ConfigParamKind K, typename IP >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Configurable< T, K, IP > const &c)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, MetricType const &val)
template<typename T >
constexpr size_t metricStorageSize ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, DispatchPolicy::DispatchOp const &val)
std::string formatExternalChannelConfiguration (InputChannelSpec const &)
 helper method to format a configuration string for an external channel
std::string formatExternalChannelConfiguration (OutputChannelSpec const &)
 helper method to format a configuration string for an external channel
void sendOnChannel (fair::mq::Device &device, o2::header::Stack &&headerStack, fair::mq::MessagePtr &&payloadMessage, OutputSpec const &spec, ChannelRetriever &channelRetriever)
void sendOnChannel (fair::mq::Device &device, fair::mq::Parts &messages, std::string const &channel, size_t timeSlice)
void appendForSending (fair::mq::Device &device, o2::header::Stack &&headerStack, size_t timeSliceID, fair::mq::MessagePtr &&payloadMessage, OutputSpec const &spec, fair::mq::Parts &messageCache, ChannelRetriever &channelRetriever)
InjectorFunction incrementalConverter (OutputSpec const &spec, o2::header::SerializationMethod method, uint64_t startTime, uint64_t step)
InjectorFunction o2DataModelAdaptor (OutputSpec const &spec, uint64_t startTime, uint64_t step)
InjectorFunction dplModelAdaptor (std::vector< OutputSpec > const &specs={{header::gDataOriginAny, header::gDataDescriptionAny}}, DPLModelAdapterConfig config=DPLModelAdapterConfig{})
InjectorFunction dplModelAdaptor (std::vector< OutputSpec > const &specs, bool throwOnUnmatchedInputs)
 legacy function
std::string defaultOutputProxyChannelSelector (InputSpec const &input, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< fair::mq::Channel > > &channels)
 Default way to select an output channel for multi-output proxy.
DataProcessorSpec specifyExternalFairMQDeviceProxy (char const *label, std::vector< OutputSpec > const &outputs, const char *defaultChannelConfig, InjectorFunction converter, uint64_t minSHM=0, bool sendTFcounter=false, bool doInjectMissingData=false, unsigned int doPrintSizes=0)
DataProcessorSpec specifyFairMQDeviceOutputProxy (char const *label, Inputs const &inputSpecs, const char *defaultChannelConfig)
DataProcessorSpec specifyFairMQDeviceMultiOutputProxy (char const *label, Inputs const &inputSpecs, const char *defaultChannelConfig, ChannelSelector channelSelector=defaultOutputProxyChannelSelector)
template<typename... T1s, typename... T2s, std::size_t... Is>
auto interleaveTuplesImpl (std::tuple< T1s... > &t1, std::tuple< T2s... > &t2, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
template<typename... T1s, typename... T2s>
auto interleaveTuples (std::tuple< T1s... > &t1, std::tuple< T2s... > &t2)
template<typename G , typename A >
expressions::BindingNode getMatchingIndexNode ()
void cannotBuildAnArray ()
std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > makeArrowTable (const char *label, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::ChunkedArray > > &&columns, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::Field > > &&fields)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, Lifetime const &val)
struct O2_DPL_CAPABILITY ("mutex") MutexLock
void addLabelToSchema (std::shared_ptr< arrow::Schema > &schema, const char *label)
template<typename... ARGS>
auto make_builders ()
template<typename... ARGS>
constexpr auto tuple_to_pack (std::tuple< ARGS... > &&)
template<class T >
auto constexpr to_tuple (T &&object) noexcept
template<typename... ARGS>
constexpr auto makeHolderTypes ()
template<typename... ARGS>
auto makeHolders (arrow::MemoryPool *pool, size_t nRows)
template<typename T >
auto makeEmptyTable (const char *name)
template<soa::TableRef R>
auto makeEmptyTable ()
template<typename... Cs>
auto makeEmptyTable (const char *name, framework::pack< Cs... > p)
std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > spawnerHelper (std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > const &fullTable, std::shared_ptr< arrow::Schema > newSchema, size_t nColumns, expressions::Projector *projectors, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::Field > > const &fields, const char *name)
template<aod::is_aod_hash D>
auto spawner (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > > &&tables, const char *name)
 Expression-based column generator to materialize columns.
template<aod::is_aod_hash D>
auto spawner (std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > const &fullTable, const char *name)
template<typename... C>
auto spawner (framework::pack< C... > columns, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > > &&tables, const char *name)
auto basicROOTTypeFromArrow (arrow::Type::type id)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
AlgorithmSpec adaptFromTask (Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
AlgorithmSpec adoptTask (std::shared_ptr< T > task)
std::vector< ConfigParamSpectimerSpecs (std::vector< TimerSpec > intervals)
template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto isArray ()
template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto isArray2D ()
template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto isLabeledArrayString ()
template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto isLabeledArray ()
template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto isSimpleVariant ()
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (long int, Int64)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (long long int, Int64)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (unsigned long int, UInt64)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (unsigned long long int, UInt64)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (const char *, String)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (std::string_view, String)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (std::string, String)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (float *, ArrayFloat)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (double *, ArrayDouble)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (bool *, ArrayBool)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (std::string *, ArrayString)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (std::vector< int >, ArrayInt)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (std::vector< float >, ArrayFloat)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (std::vector< double >, ArrayDouble)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (std::vector< bool >, ArrayBool)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (std::vector< std::string >, ArrayString)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (Array2D< int >, Array2DInt)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (Array2D< float >, Array2DFloat)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (Array2D< double >, Array2DDouble)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (LabeledArray< int >, LabeledArrayInt)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (LabeledArray< float >, LabeledArrayFloat)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (LabeledArray< double >, LabeledArrayDouble)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT (LabeledArray< std::string >, LabeledArrayString)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (int16_t, Int16)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (int64_t, Int64)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (uint16_t, UInt16)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (uint32_t, UInt32)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (uint64_t, UInt64)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (double, Double)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (const char *, String)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (float *, ArrayFloat)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (double *, ArrayDouble)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (bool *, ArrayBool)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (std::string *, ArrayString)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (Array2D< int >, Array2DInt)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (Array2D< float >, Array2DFloat)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (Array2D< double >, Array2DDouble)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (LabeledArray< int >, LabeledArrayInt)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (LabeledArray< float >, LabeledArrayFloat)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (LabeledArray< double >, LabeledArrayDouble)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE (LabeledArray< std::string >, LabeledArrayString)
 DECLARE_VARIANT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE (std::string, LabeledArrayString)
Variant emptyDict ()
template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree basicVectorToBranch (T *values, size_t size)
template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree basicVectorToBranch (std::vector< T > &&values)
template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree vectorToBranch (T *values, size_t size)
template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree vectorToBranch (std::vector< T > &&values)
template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree basicArray2DToBranch (Array2D< T > &&array)
template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree array2DToBranch (Array2D< T > &&array)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > basicVectorFromBranch (boost::property_tree::ptree const &branch)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > vectorFromBranch (boost::property_tree::ptree const &branch)
template<typename T >
Array2D< T > basicArray2DFromBranch (boost::property_tree::ptree const &branch)
template<typename T >
Array2D< T > array2DFromBranch (boost::property_tree::ptree const &ptree)
std::pair< std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< std::string > > extractLabels (boost::property_tree::ptree const &tree)
template<typename T >
LabeledArray< T > labeledArrayFromBranch (boost::property_tree::ptree const &tree)
template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree labeledArrayToBranch (LabeledArray< T > &&array)
WorkflowSpec parallel (DataProcessorSpec original, size_t maxIndex, std::function< void(DataProcessorSpec &, size_t id)> amendCallback)
WorkflowSpec parallel (WorkflowSpec specs, size_t maxIndex, std::function< void(DataProcessorSpec &, size_t id)> amendCallback)
WorkflowSpec parallelPipeline (const WorkflowSpec &specs, size_t nPipelines, std::function< size_t()> getNumberOfSubspecs, std::function< size_t(size_t)> getSubSpec)
Inputs mergeInputs (InputSpec original, size_t maxIndex, std::function< void(InputSpec &, size_t)> amendCallback)
Inputs mergeInputs (Inputs inputs, size_t maxIndex, std::function< void(InputSpec &, size_t)> amendCallback)
DataProcessorSpec timePipeline (DataProcessorSpec original, size_t count)
std::vector< InputSpecselect (char const *matcher="")
std::vector< MetricIndicescreateDefaultIndices (std::vector< DeviceMetricsInfo > &allDevicesMetrics)
uint64_t calculateAvailableSharedMemory (ServiceRegistryRef registry)
CallbacksPolicy epnProcessReporting ()
ConfigParamSpec ccdbQueryRateSpec (int r)
ConfigParamSpec ccdbMetadataSpec (std::string const &key, std::string const &defaultValue)
bool isIPAddress (const std::string &address)
void retryMetricCallback (uv_async_t *async)
long getTotalNumberOfBytes ()
template LabeledArray< std::string > ConfigParamRegistry::get< LabeledArray< std::string > > (const char *key) const
template Array2D< std::string > ConfigParamRegistry::get< Array2D< std::string > > (const char *key) const
template std::vector< std::string > ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< std::string > > (const char *key) const
template std::vector< double > ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< double > > (const char *key) const
template std::vector< float > ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< float > > (const char *key) const
template std::vector< intConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< int > > (const char *key) const
template std::string ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::string > (const char *key) const
void doWriteTable (std::shared_ptr< FairMQResizableBuffer > b, arrow::Table *table)
void doWriteBatch (std::shared_ptr< FairMQResizableBuffer > b, arrow::RecordBatch *batch)
std::string SpectoString (InputSpec input)
void on_idle_timer (uv_timer_t *handle)
bool hasOnlyTimers (DeviceSpec const &spec)
bool hasOnlyGenerated (DeviceSpec const &spec)
void on_transition_requested_expired (uv_timer_t *handle)
void on_data_processing_expired (uv_timer_t *handle)
void on_communication_requested (uv_async_t *s)
DeviceSpec const & getRunningDevice (RunningDeviceRef const &running, ServiceRegistryRef const &services)
void run_callback (uv_work_t *handle)
void run_completion (uv_work_t *handle, int status)
void on_socket_polled (uv_poll_t *poller, int status, int events)
void on_out_of_band_polled (uv_poll_t *poller, int status, int events)
void on_signal_callback (uv_signal_t *handle, int signum)
void handleRegionCallbacks (ServiceRegistryRef registry, std::vector< fair::mq::RegionInfo > &infos)
 Invoke the callbacks for the mPendingRegionInfos.
void doSendOldestPossibleTimeframe (ServiceRegistryRef ref, fair::mq::TransportFactory *transport, ChannelIndex index, SendingPolicy::SendingCallback const &callback, size_t timeslice)
size_t matchToContext (void const *data, std::vector< DataDescriptorMatcher > const &matchers, std::vector< size_t > const &index, VariableContext &context)
void sendVariableContextMetrics (VariableContext &context, TimesliceSlot slot, DataProcessingStates &states)
bool isCalibrationData (std::unique_ptr< fair::mq::Message > &first)
MatcherInfo extractMatcherInfo (DataDescriptorMatcher const &top)
std::string xmlEncode (std::string const &source)
size_t levenshteinDistance (const char *s, int len_s, const char *t, int len_t)
std::string findBestCandidate (const std::string &candidate, const LogicalChannelsMap &map)
DeviceState::LoopReason loopReasonFromString (std::string_view reason)
unsigned long convertTimestamp (const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock > &timestamp)
void websocket_server_close_callback (uv_handle_t *handle)
 Free any resource associated with the device - driver channel.
void ws_error_write_callback (uv_write_t *h, int status)
void websocket_server_callback (uv_stream_t *stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf)
 Actually replies to any incoming websocket stuff.
void ws_handshake_done_callback (uv_write_t *h, int status)
void populateHeader (std::map< std::string, std::string > &headers, std::string_view const &k, std::string_view const &v)
void remoteGuiCallback (uv_timer_s *ctx)
void ws_server_write_callback (uv_write_t *h, int status)
void ws_server_bulk_write_callback (uv_write_t *h, int status)
void close_client_websocket (uv_handle_t *stream)
void websocket_client_callback (uv_stream_t *stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf)
void ws_client_write_callback (uv_write_t *h, int status)
void ws_client_bulk_write_callback (uv_write_t *h, int status)
void sendOnChannel (fair::mq::Device &device, fair::mq::Parts &messages, OutputSpec const &spec, DataProcessingHeader::StartTime tslice, ChannelRetriever &channelRetriever)
void sendOnChannel (fair::mq::Device &device, fair::mq::MessagePtr &&headerMessage, fair::mq::MessagePtr &&payloadMessage, OutputSpec const &spec, ChannelRetriever &channelRetriever)
auto getFinalIndex (DataHeader const &dh, size_t msgidx) -> size_t
void injectMissingData (fair::mq::Device &device, fair::mq::Parts &parts, std::vector< OutputRoute > const &routes, bool doInjectMissingData, unsigned int doPrintSizes)
template<typename T >
T * generateHist (const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::size_t nDim, const int nBins[], const double lowerBounds[], const double upperBounds[], const int nSteps)
 EXPIMPL (TProfile)
 EXPIMPL (TProfile2D)
 EXPIMPL (TProfile3D)
void encode_websocket_frames (std::vector< uv_buf_t > &outputs, char const *src, size_t size, WebSocketOpCode opcode, uint32_t mask)
void decode_websocket (char *start, size_t size, WebSocketHandler &handler)
std::string encode_websocket_handshake_request (const char *endpoint, const char *protocol, int version, char const *nonce, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > headers)
std::string encode_websocket_handshake_reply (char const *nonce)
void parse_http_request (char *start, size_t size, HTTPParser *parser)
std::pair< std::string, unsigned shortparse_websocket_url (char const *url)
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) WebSocketFrameTiny
size_t readToBuffer (void *p, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata)
size_t readToMessage (void *p, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata)
void dumpDeviceSpec2O2Control (std::string workflowName, std::vector< DeviceSpec > const &specs, std::vector< DeviceExecution > const &executions, CommandInfo const &commandInfo)
 Dumps the AliECS compatible workflow and task templates for a DPL workflow.
void dumpWorkflow (std::ostream &dumpOut, const std::vector< DeviceSpec > &specs, const std::vector< DeviceExecution > &executions, const CommandInfo &commandInfo, std::string workflowName, std::string indLevel)
 Dumps only the workflow file.
void dumpTask (std::ostream &dumpOut, const DeviceSpec &spec, const DeviceExecution &execution, std::string taskName, std::string indLevel)
 Dumps only one task.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, enum TerminationPolicy &policy)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const enum DriverMode &mode)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, enum DriverMode &mode)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const enum TerminationPolicy &policy)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, enum EarlyForwardPolicy &policy)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const enum EarlyForwardPolicy &policy)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, enum LogParsingHelpers::LogLevel &level)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const enum LogParsingHelpers::LogLevel &level)
template<typename T >
auto replaceLabels (LabeledArray< T > &input, LabeledArray< T > &&spec)
void PropertyTreeHelpers::traverse< boost::property_tree::ptree > (const boost::property_tree::ptree &parent, PropertyTreeHelpers::WalkerFunction< boost::property_tree::ptree > &method)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, o2::framework::InputSpec const &arg)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, o2::framework::OutputSpec const &arg)
bool dataDeps (DataProcessorSpec const &a, DataProcessorSpec const &b)
bool expendableDataDeps (DataProcessorSpec const &a, DataProcessorSpec const &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, Variant const &val)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, TopoIndexInfo const &info)
std::string defaultConditionBackend ()
int defaultConditionQueryRate ()
int defaultConditionQueryRateMultiplier ()
bool validateLifetime (std::ostream &errors, DataProcessorSpec const &producer, OutputSpec const &output, DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &producerPolicies, DataProcessorSpec const &consumer, InputSpec const &input, DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &consumerPolicies)
bool validateExpendable (std::ostream &errors, DataProcessorSpec const &producer, OutputSpec const &output, DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &producerPolicies, DataProcessorSpec const &consumer, InputSpec const &input, DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &consumerPolicies)
WorkflowSpec parallel (DataProcessorSpec original, size_t maxIndex, std::function< void(DataProcessorSpec &, size_t)> amendCallback)
WorkflowSpec parallel (WorkflowSpec specs, size_t maxIndex, std::function< void(DataProcessorSpec &, size_t)> amendCallback)
void on_connect (uv_connect_t *connection, int status)
void on_awake_main_thread (uv_async_t *handle)
void sendMessageToDriver (std::unique_ptr< o2::framework::WSDPLClient > &client, char const *message, size_t s)
bool search (DeviceExecution const &execution, std::string const &option, std::string const &argument)
void check (const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, const std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > &workflowOptions, const std::vector< DeviceSpec > &deviceSpecs, CheckMatrix &matrix)
 TEST_CASE ("test_prepareArguments")
 TEST_CASE ("CheckOptionReworking")
 TEST_CASE ("CheckIntegerReworking")
 TEST_CASE ("Check validity of the workflow")
 TEST_CASE ("CheckReworkingEnv")
template<typename T , typename TDefined , typename TUndefined >
void call_if_defined_full (TDefined &&onDefined, TUndefined &&onUndefined)
template<typename T , typename TDefined , typename TUndefined >
call_if_defined_full_forward (TDefined &&onDefined, TUndefined &&onUndefined)
template<typename T , typename TDefined >
void call_if_defined (TDefined &&onDefined)
template<typename T , typename TDefined >
call_if_defined_forward (TDefined &&onDefined)
template<typename F >
memfun_type< decltype(&F::operator())>::type FFL (F const &func)
template<typename F >
memfun_type< decltype(&F::operator())> FunctionMetadata (F const &func)
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr std::size_t pack_size (pack< Ts... > const &)
 template function to determine number of types in a pack
template<typename Head , typename... Tail>
constexpr auto pack_tail (pack< Head, Tail... >)
template<typename... Args1, typename... Args2>
constexpr auto concatenate_pack (pack< Args1... >, pack< Args2... >)
template<typename P1 , typename P2 , typename... Ps>
constexpr auto concatenate_pack (P1 p1, P2 p2, Ps... ps)
template<typename... Args1, typename... Args2>
constexpr auto interleave_pack (pack< Args1... >, pack< Args2... >)
template<typename... Ts>
consteval auto count_non_void_pack (pack< Ts... > const &)
template<typename Result >
consteval auto prune_voids_pack (Result result, pack<>)
template<typename... Rs, nonvoid_pack_element T, typename... Ts>
consteval auto prune_voids_pack (pack< Rs... > result, pack< T, Ts... >)
template<typename... Rs, void_pack_element V, typename... Ts>
consteval auto prune_voids_pack (pack< Rs... > result, pack< V, Ts... >)
template<typename... Rs, nonvoid_pack_element T1, nonvoid_pack_element T2, typename... Ts>
consteval auto prune_voids_pack (pack< Rs... > result, pack< T1, T2, Ts... >)
template<typename... Rs, nonvoid_pack_element T1, nonvoid_pack_element T2, nonvoid_pack_element T3, nonvoid_pack_element T4, typename... Ts>
consteval auto prune_voids_pack (pack< Rs... > result, pack< T1, T2, T3, T4, Ts... >)
template<typename... Rs, nonvoid_pack_element T1, nonvoid_pack_element T2, nonvoid_pack_element T3, nonvoid_pack_element T4, nonvoid_pack_element T5, nonvoid_pack_element T6, nonvoid_pack_element T7, nonvoid_pack_element T8, typename... Ts>
consteval auto prune_voids_pack (pack< Rs... > result, pack< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, Ts... >)
template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename Result , typename... Cs>
consteval auto select_pack (Result result, pack<>, pack< Cs... >)
template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename Result , typename T , typename... Cs, typename... Ts>
consteval auto select_pack (Result result, pack< T, Ts... >, pack< Cs... > condPack)
template<template< typename > typename Condition, typename Result >
constexpr auto filter_pack (Result result, pack<>)
 Select only the items of a pack which match Condition.
template<template< typename > typename Condition, typename Result , typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr auto filter_pack (Result result, pack< T, Ts... >)
template<typename T >
void print_pack ()
template<typename T , typename... Us>
bool consteval has_type (framework::pack< Us... >)
template<template< typename, typename > typename Condition, typename T , typename... Us>
bool consteval has_type_conditional (framework::pack< Us... >)
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
consteval size_t has_type_at_v (pack< Ts... >)
template<template< typename, typename > typename Condition, typename T , typename... Ts>
consteval size_t has_type_at_conditional_v (pack< Ts... >)
template<typename... A1, typename... A2>
constexpr auto intersected_pack (pack< A1... >, pack< A2... >)
template<typename P1 , typename P2 , typename... Ps>
constexpr auto intersected_pack (P1 p1, P2 p2, Ps... ps)
template<typename... Args1, typename... Args2>
constexpr auto concatenate_pack_unique (pack< Args1... >, pack< Args2... >)
template<typename P1 >
constexpr auto concatenate_pack_unique (P1 p1)
template<typename P1 , typename P2 , typename... Ps>
constexpr auto concatenate_pack_unique (P1 p1, P2 p2, Ps... ps)
template<typename PT >
constexpr auto unique_pack (pack<>, PT p2)
template<typename PT , typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr auto unique_pack (pack< T, Ts... >, PT p2)
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr std::tuple< Ts... > pack_to_tuple (pack< Ts... >)
template<typename T , std::size_t... Is>
auto sequence_to_pack (std::integer_sequence< std::size_t, Is... >)
RuntimeErrorRef runtime_error (const char *)
RuntimeErrorRef runtime_error_f (const char *,...)
RuntimeErrorerror_from_ref (RuntimeErrorRef)
void throw_error (RuntimeErrorRef)
void clean_all_runtime_errors ()
template<typename T >
consteval auto brace_constructible_size (auto... Members)
template<bool B, typename T >
consteval int nested_brace_constructible_size ()
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 9)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 8)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 7)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 6)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 5)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 4)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 3)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 2)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 1)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 0)
auto homogeneous_apply_refs (L l, T &&object)
template<class... Ts>
 overloaded (Ts...) -> overloaded< Ts... >
void clean_runtime_error (int i)
template<typename RDH , typename Container >
void fillPages (Container &buffer)
 TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE ("test_RawParser", "[RDH][template]", V5, V6, V7)
template<typename Deleter , size_t Size>
bool operator== (const std::unique_ptr< const std::vector< TObject * >, Deleter > &vectorOfHistos, std::vector< ExpectedType< Size > > &expected)


auto readValues
auto readBoolValues
auto readVLAValues
auto readOffsets
constexpr int MAX_USER_FILTER_SIZE = 256
constexpr double VARIABLE_WIDTH = 0.
template<typename T >
constexpr ServiceKind service_kind_v = ServiceKindExtractor<T>::kind
template<typename T >
constexpr VariantType variant_trait_v = variant_trait<T>::value
auto decongestionCallback
auto decongestionCallbackOrdered
auto decongestionCallbackLate
volatile int region_read_global_dummy_variable
constexpr int INVALID_INPUT = -1
auto storeIdx
auto createMetricInfo
auto findOverrideByName
template<typename , typename = void>
constexpr bool is_type_complete_v = false
template<typename T , typename P >
constexpr bool has_type_v = has_type<T>(P{})
template<template< typename, typename > typename Condition, typename T , typename P >
constexpr bool has_type_conditional_v = has_type_conditional<Condition, T>(P{})
template<typename T , template< typename... > class Ref>
constexpr bool is_specialization_v = is_specialization<T, Ref>::value
template<typename... T>
constexpr bool always_static_assert_v = always_static_assert<T...>::value
template<template< typename... > typename B, typename D >
constexpr bool is_base_of_template_v = base_of_template<B, D>
template<typename T >
constexpr auto unique_type_id_v = unique_type_id<T>::value
constexpr size_t PageSize = 8192

Detailed Description

Defining PrimaryVertex explicitly as messageable.

Helper struct which holds all the lists the Driver needs to know about.

Defining DataPointIdentifier explicitly as messageable.

Defining DataPointCompositeObject explicitly as messageable.

Defining PrimaryVertexExt explicitly as messageable.

Defining o2::itsmft::Cluster explicitly as messageable

o2::itsmft::Cluster does not fulfill is_messageable because the underlying ROOT classes of Point3D are note trivially copyable. std::is_trivially_copyable<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<float>> fails because the class implements a copy constructor, although it does not much more than the default copy constructor. Have been trying to specialize std::is_trivially_copyable for Point3D alias in MathUtils/Cartesian.h, but structures with a member of Point3D are still not fulfilling the condition. Need to understand how the type trait checks the condition for members. We believe that o2::itsmft::Cluster is messageable and explicitly specialize the type trait, adding a corresponding unit test to go beyond make-believe

Defining o2::tof::Cluster explicitly as messageable

o2::tof::Cluster does not fulfill is_messageable because the underlying ROOT classes of Point3D are note trivially copyable. std::is_trivially_copyable<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<float>> fails because the class implements a copy constructor, although it does not much more than the default copy constructor. Have been trying to specialize std::is_trivially_copyable for Point3D alias in MathUtils/Cartesian.h, but structures with a member of Point3D are still not fulfilling the condition. Need to understand how the type trait checks the condition for members. We believe that o2::tof::Cluster is messageable and explicitly specialize the type trait, adding a corresponding unit test to go beyond make-believe

This class holds the information about timing of the messages being processed.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ChannelRetriever

using o2::framework::ChannelRetriever = typedef std::function<std::string const&(OutputSpec const&, DataProcessingHeader::StartTime)>

A callback function to retrieve the fair::mq::Channel name to be used for sending messages of the specified OutputSpec

Definition at line 25 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.h.

◆ ChannelSelector

using o2::framework::ChannelSelector = typedef std::function<std::string(InputSpec const& input, const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<fair::mq::Channel> >& channels)>

Definition at line 36 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.h.

◆ CheckMatrix

using o2::framework::CheckMatrix = typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >>

Definition at line 31 of file test_DeviceSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ ComputingQuotaConsumer

using o2::framework::ComputingQuotaConsumer = typedef std::function<void(int id, std::array<ComputingQuotaOffer, 16>&, ComputingQuotaStats&, std::function<void(ComputingQuotaOffer const&, ComputingQuotaStats& stats)>)>

A consumer is a function which updates a given function removing the amount of resources which are considered as consumed.

Definition at line 83 of file ComputingQuotaOffer.h.

◆ ComputingQuotaRequest

using o2::framework::ComputingQuotaRequest = typedef std::function<OfferScore(ComputingQuotaOffer const& offer, ComputingQuotaOffer const& accumulated)>

A request is a function which gets applied to all available offers one after the other. If the offer itself is deemed is ok for running.

Definition at line 79 of file ComputingQuotaOffer.h.

◆ concatenated_pack_t

template<typename... Ps>
using o2::framework::concatenated_pack_t = typedef decltype(concatenate_pack(Ps{}...))

Definition at line 90 of file Pack.h.

◆ concatenated_pack_unique_t

template<typename... Ps>
using o2::framework::concatenated_pack_unique_t = typedef decltype(concatenate_pack_unique(Ps{}...))

Definition at line 319 of file Pack.h.

◆ ConfigurableAxis

Definition at line 93 of file Configurable.h.

◆ DataDescription

◆ DataHeader

◆ DataProcessingHeader

◆ DataProcessorMatcher

using o2::framework::DataProcessorMatcher = typedef std::function<bool(DataProcessorSpec const& spec)>

Definition at line 23 of file DataProcessorMatchers.h.

◆ DeviceMatcher

using o2::framework::DeviceMatcher = typedef std::function<bool(DeviceSpec const& spec, ConfigContext const& context)>

Definition at line 25 of file DataProcessorMatchers.h.

◆ EdgeMatcher

using o2::framework::EdgeMatcher = typedef std::function<bool(DataProcessorSpec const& source, DataProcessorSpec const& dest, ConfigContext const& context)>

Definition at line 30 of file DataProcessorMatchers.h.

◆ ExpectedType

template<size_t Size>
using o2::framework::ExpectedType = typedef std::array<float, Size>

Definition at line 48 of file vectorTopologyCommon.h.

◆ filtered_pack

template<template< typename > typename Condition, typename... Types>
using o2::framework::filtered_pack = typedef std::decay_t<decltype(filter_pack<Condition>(pack<>{}, pack<Types...>{}))>

Definition at line 207 of file Pack.h.

◆ full_intersected_pack_t

template<typename... Ps>
using o2::framework::full_intersected_pack_t = typedef decltype(intersected_pack(Ps{}...))

Definition at line 283 of file Pack.h.


◆ HistPtr

using o2::framework::HistPtr = typedef std::variant<std::shared_ptr<THn>, std::shared_ptr<THnSparse>, std::shared_ptr<TH3>, std::shared_ptr<TH2>, std::shared_ptr<TH1>, std::shared_ptr<TProfile3D>, std::shared_ptr<TProfile2D>, std::shared_ptr<TProfile>, std::shared_ptr<StepTHn> >

Definition at line 73 of file HistogramSpec.h.

◆ IndexedHoldersTuple

template<typename... ARGS>
using o2::framework::IndexedHoldersTuple = typedef decltype(makeHolderTypes<ARGS...>())

Definition at line 624 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ InjectorFunction

using o2::framework::InjectorFunction = typedef std::function<bool(TimingInfo&, ServiceRegistryRef const& services, fair::mq::Parts& inputs, ChannelRetriever, size_t newTimesliceId, bool& stop)>

The callback which actually does the heavy lifting of converting the input data into DPL messages. The callback is invoked with the following parameters:

timingInfois the timing information of the current timeslice
servicesis the service registry
inputsis the list of input messages
channelRetrieveris a callback to retrieve the fair::mq::Channel name to be used for sending the messages
newTimesliceIdis the timeslice ID of the current timeslice
true if any message were sent, false otherwise

Definition at line 35 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.h.

◆ Inputs

typedef std::vector< InputSpec > o2::framework::Inputs

Definition at line 29 of file DataProcessorSpec.h.

◆ interleaved_pack_t

template<typename P1 , typename P2 >
using o2::framework::interleaved_pack_t = typedef decltype(interleave_pack(P1{}, P2{}))

Definition at line 99 of file Pack.h.

◆ intersected_pack_t

template<typename S1 , typename S2 >
using o2::framework::intersected_pack_t = typedef typename intersect_pack<S1, S2>::type

Definition at line 268 of file Pack.h.

◆ is_index_to_g_t

template<typename T , typename G >
using o2::framework::is_index_to_g_t = typedef typename std::conditional<o2::soa::is_binding_compatible_v<G, typename T::binding_t>(), std::true_type, std::false_type>::type

Definition at line 38 of file GroupedCombinations.h.

◆ iterator_tuple_t

template<typename... T>
using o2::framework::iterator_tuple_t = typedef std::tuple<typename T::iterator...>

Definition at line 925 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ labelmap_t

using o2::framework::labelmap_t = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t>

Definition at line 127 of file Array2D.h.

◆ ListVector

typedef std::vector< std::vector< int64_t > > o2::framework::ListVector

Definition at line 21 of file ArrowTableSlicingCache.h.

◆ LogicalChannelsMap

using o2::framework::LogicalChannelsMap = typedef std::map<LogicalChannelRange, size_t>

Definition at line 27 of file DeviceSpec.cxx.

◆ LogLevel

◆ MetricsStorage

template<typename T >
using o2::framework::MetricsStorage = typedef std::array<T, metricStorageSize<T>()>

Definition at line 141 of file DeviceMetricsInfo.h.

◆ MutableConfigurable

template<typename T , ConfigParamKind K = ConfigParamKind::kGeneric>
using o2::framework::MutableConfigurable = typedef Configurable<T, K, ConfigurablePolicyMutable<T, K> >

Definition at line 84 of file Configurable.h.

◆ OnWorkflowTerminationHook

using o2::framework::OnWorkflowTerminationHook = typedef std::function<void(const char*)>

A callback definition for a hook to be invoked when processes terminate

The parameter is the nullptr if the process is the main driver, for all child processes, the id string is passed. This allows to customize the hook depending on the process. Note that the callback hook is invoked for every process, i.e. main driver and all children.

The customize the hook, add a function with the following signature before including heder file runDataProcessing.h:
void customize(o2::framework::OnWorkflowTerminationHook& hook)
  hook = [](const char* idstring){
    if (idstring == nullptr) {
      std::cout << "hook" << std::endl;
    } else {
      std::cout << "child process " << idstring << " terminating" << std::endl;
#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h" 

Definition at line 42 of file CustomWorkflowTerminationHook.h.

◆ Options

typedef std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > o2::framework::Options

Definition at line 31 of file DataProcessorSpec.h.

◆ options_description

using o2::framework::options_description = typedef boost::program_options::options_description

Definition at line 25 of file ConfigParamsHelper.h.

◆ Outputs

typedef std::vector< OutputSpec > o2::framework::Outputs

Definition at line 30 of file DataProcessorSpec.h.

◆ OverrideServiceSpecs

Definition at line 229 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ pack_element_t

template<std::size_t I, typename T >
using o2::framework::pack_element_t = typedef typename pack_element<I, T>::type

Definition at line 56 of file Pack.h.

◆ pack_head_t

template<typename T >
using o2::framework::pack_head_t = typedef typename pack_element<0, T>::type

Definition at line 59 of file Pack.h.

◆ pack_to_tuple_t

template<typename P >
using o2::framework::pack_to_tuple_t = typedef decltype(pack_to_tuple(P{}))

Definition at line 343 of file Pack.h.

◆ Pair

template<typename G , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename BP , typename T1 = int, typename GroupingPolicy = o2::soa::CombinationsBlockStrictlyUpperSameIndexPolicy<BP, T1, G, G>>
using o2::framework::Pair = typedef GroupedCombinationsGenerator<T1, GroupingPolicy, BP, G, A1, A2>

Definition at line 253 of file GroupedCombinations.h.

◆ Preslice

template<typename T >
using o2::framework::Preslice = typedef PresliceBase<T, PreslicePolicySorted, false>

Definition at line 1453 of file ASoA.h.

◆ PresliceOptional

template<typename T >
using o2::framework::PresliceOptional = typedef PresliceBase<T, PreslicePolicySorted, true>

Definition at line 1455 of file ASoA.h.

◆ PresliceUnsorted

template<typename T >
using o2::framework::PresliceUnsorted = typedef PresliceBase<T, PreslicePolicyGeneral, false>

Definition at line 1449 of file ASoA.h.

◆ PresliceUnsortedOptional

template<typename T >
using o2::framework::PresliceUnsortedOptional = typedef PresliceBase<T, PreslicePolicyGeneral, true>

Definition at line 1451 of file ASoA.h.

◆ Remap64Bit_t

template<typename T >
using o2::framework::Remap64Bit_t = typedef typename Remap64Bit<T>::type

Definition at line 91 of file RootTableBuilderHelpers.h.

◆ repeated_type_pack_t

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
using o2::framework::repeated_type_pack_t = typedef decltype(sequence_to_pack<T>(std::make_index_sequence<N>()))

Definition at line 352 of file Pack.h.

◆ RootTreeReader

◆ SameKindPair

template<typename G , typename A , typename BP , typename T1 = int, typename GroupingPolicy = o2::soa::CombinationsBlockStrictlyUpperSameIndexPolicy<BP, T1, G, G>>
using o2::framework::SameKindPair = typedef GroupedCombinationsGenerator<T1, GroupingPolicy, BP, G, A, A>

Definition at line 255 of file GroupedCombinations.h.

◆ SameKindTriple

template<typename G , typename A , typename BP , typename T1 = int, typename GroupingPolicy = o2::soa::CombinationsBlockStrictlyUpperSameIndexPolicy<BP, T1, G, G, G>>
using o2::framework::SameKindTriple = typedef GroupedCombinationsGenerator<T1, GroupingPolicy, BP, G, A, A, A>

Definition at line 261 of file GroupedCombinations.h.

◆ selected_pack

template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename... Types>
using o2::framework::selected_pack = typedef std::decay_t<decltype(prune_voids_pack(pack<>{}, with_condition_pack<Condition, Types...>{}))>

Definition at line 179 of file Pack.h.

◆ selected_pack_multicondition

template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename CondPack , typename Pack >
using o2::framework::selected_pack_multicondition = typedef std::decay_t<decltype(select_pack<Condition>(pack<>{}, Pack{}, CondPack{}))>

Definition at line 181 of file Pack.h.

◆ ServiceConfigureCallback

A callback to configure a given Service. Notice that the service itself is type erased and it's responsibility of the configuration itself to cast it to the correct value

Definition at line 59 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceDanglingCallback

A callback which is executed before each dangling input loop.

Definition at line 65 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceDomainInfoUpdated

using o2::framework::ServiceDomainInfoUpdated = typedef void (*)(ServiceRegistryRef, size_t tileslice, ChannelIndex channel)

Callback invoked whenever we get updated about the oldest possible timeslice we can process.

Definition at line 122 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceDriverInit

Callback invoked when the driver enters the init phase.

Definition at line 105 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceDriverStartup

Callback invoked when the driver enters the init phase.

Definition at line 108 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceEOSCallback

A callback which is executed before the end of stream loop.

Definition at line 68 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceExitCallback

A callback invoked whenever we stop running completely, before we exit.

Definition at line 54 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceId

using o2::framework::ServiceId = typedef std::function<unsigned int()>

A callback which returns the uniqueId of the service when invoked.

Definition at line 46 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceInit

using o2::framework::ServiceInit = typedef ServiceHandle (*)(ServiceRegistryRef, DeviceState&, fair::mq::ProgOptions&)

A callback to create a given Service.

Definition at line 48 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceMetricHandling

using o2::framework::ServiceMetricHandling = typedef void (*)(ServiceRegistryRef, ServiceMetricsInfo const&, size_t timestamp)

Callback executed in the driver in order to process a metric.

Definition at line 90 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePostDispatching

Callback executed in the child after dispatching happened.

Definition at line 99 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePostForkChild

Callback executed after forking a given device in the driver, but before doing exec / starting the device.

Definition at line 77 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePostForkParent

Callback executed after forking a given device in the driver, but before doing exec / starting the device.

Definition at line 81 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePostForwarding

Callback executed in the child after late forwarding happened.

Definition at line 102 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePostRenderGUI

Callback invoked right after the main gui is drawn this can be used to draw additional gui elements, which are service specific

Definition at line 130 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePostSchedule

Callback executed after each redeployment of the whole configuration.

Definition at line 87 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePreFork

using o2::framework::ServicePreFork = typedef std::function<void(ServiceRegistryRef, DeviceConfig const&)>

Callback executed before the forking of a given device in the driver Notice the forking can happen multiple times. It's responsibility of the service to track how many times it happens and act accordingly.

Definition at line 73 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePreLoop

Callback executed every time we are about to enter the uv_run loop. This is the last chance to queue something on the loop before it will wait for events.

Definition at line 113 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePreSchedule

Callback executed before each redeployment of the whole configuration.

Definition at line 84 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServicePreSendingMessages

using o2::framework::ServicePreSendingMessages = typedef void (*)(ServiceRegistryRef, fair::mq::Parts&, ChannelIndex channel)

Callback invoked whenever we are about sending a message.

Definition at line 125 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceProcessingCallback

A callback which is executed before each processing loop.

Definition at line 62 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceSpecs

using o2::framework::ServiceSpecs = typedef std::vector<ServiceSpec>

Definition at line 230 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceStartCallback

A callback invoked whenever we start running, before the user processing callback.

Definition at line 50 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceStopCallback

A callback invoked whenever we stop running, after the user processing callback.

Definition at line 52 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceSummaryHandling

Callback exectuted in the driver in order to provide summary information at the end of a run.

Definition at line 96 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceTopologyAdjust

Callback invoked when we amend the topology.

Definition at line 119 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ ServiceTopologyInject

Callback invoked when we inject internal devices in the topology.

Definition at line 116 of file ServiceSpec.h.

◆ StringPair

using o2::framework::StringPair = typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string>

Definition at line 37 of file ArrowTableSlicingCache.h.

◆ SubSpecificationType

◆ TimestampsStorage

template<typename T >
using o2::framework::TimestampsStorage = typedef std::array<size_t, metricStorageSize<T>()>

Definition at line 144 of file DeviceMetricsInfo.h.

◆ Triple

template<typename G , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename BP , typename T1 = int, typename GroupingPolicy = o2::soa::CombinationsBlockStrictlyUpperSameIndexPolicy<BP, T1, G, G, G>>
using o2::framework::Triple = typedef GroupedCombinationsGenerator<T1, GroupingPolicy, BP, G, A1, A2, A3>

Definition at line 259 of file GroupedCombinations.h.

◆ UnifiedDataSpecType

Definition at line 985 of file WorkflowHelpers.cxx.

◆ unique_pack_t

template<typename P >
using o2::framework::unique_pack_t = typedef decltype(unique_pack(P{}, pack<>{}))

Definition at line 334 of file Pack.h.

◆ V4

Definition at line 22 of file test_RawParser.cxx.

◆ V5

Definition at line 21 of file test_RawParser.cxx.

◆ V6

Definition at line 20 of file test_RawParser.cxx.

◆ V7

Definition at line 19 of file test_RawParser.cxx.

◆ Validator

using o2::framework::Validator = typedef std::function<bool(std::ostream& errors, DataProcessorSpec const& producer, OutputSpec const& output, DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const& producerPolicies, DataProcessorSpec const& consumer, InputSpec const& input, DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const& consumerPolicies)>

Definition at line 1109 of file WorkflowHelpers.cxx.

◆ variant_array_element_type_t

Definition at line 255 of file Variant.h.

◆ with_condition_pack

template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename... Ts>
using o2::framework::with_condition_pack = typedef pack<std::conditional_t<Condition<Ts>::value, Ts, void>...>

Marks as void the types that do not satisfy the condition.

Definition at line 103 of file Pack.h.

◆ WorkflowSpec

Definition at line 39 of file HBFUtilsInitializer.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BasicOp

enum o2::framework::BasicOp : unsigned int

Definition at line 16 of file BasicOps.h.

◆ CacheEntryStatus

enum struct o2::framework::CacheEntryStatus : int

Definition at line 40 of file DataRelayer.h.

◆ ChannelAccountingType


A channel which was not explicitly set.


The channel is a normal input channel.


A raw FairMQ channel which is not accounted by the framework.

Definition at line 36 of file ChannelInfo.h.

◆ ChannelConfigParserState


Definition at line 205 of file ChannelSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ ChannelMethod

enum struct o2::framework::ChannelMethod

These map to zeromq connection methods.


Definition at line 21 of file ChannelSpec.h.

◆ ChannelProtocol

enum struct o2::framework::ChannelProtocol

The kind of backend to use for the channels.


Definition at line 36 of file ChannelSpec.h.

◆ ChannelType

enum struct o2::framework::ChannelType

These map to zeromq types for the channels.


Definition at line 27 of file ChannelSpec.h.

◆ ConfigParamKind


Definition at line 15 of file ConfigurableKinds.h.

◆ ConnectionKind

enum struct o2::framework::ConnectionKind

Definition at line 66 of file WorkflowHelpers.h.

◆ DataProcessingStatus

enum struct o2::framework::DataProcessingStatus : uint32_t

Describe the possible states for DataProcessing.


Definition at line 24 of file DataProcessingStatus.h.

◆ DeploymentMode

enum struct o2::framework::DeploymentMode

Definition at line 21 of file DataTakingContext.h.

◆ DplPluginKind

enum struct o2::framework::DplPluginKind : int

Definition at line 20 of file Plugins.h.

◆ DriverControlState

These are the possible states for the driver controller and determine what should happen of state machine transitions.


Definition at line 28 of file DriverControl.h.

◆ DriverMode

enum struct o2::framework::DriverMode

The mode in which the driver is running. Should be MASTER when running locally, EMBEDDED when running under a control system.


Default mode. The master is responsible for spawning and controlling the devices.


The master is also running under a control system, so it does not control the devices, however, it does receive metrics and information from them and displays it via the RemoteGUI.

Definition at line 39 of file ProcessingPolicies.h.

◆ DriverStatus

enum struct o2::framework::DriverStatus : uint32_t

Definition at line 38 of file DataProcessingStatus.h.

◆ EarlyForwardPolicy

When to enable the early forwarding optimization:


Definition at line 26 of file ProcessingPolicies.h.

◆ GUIOpcodes

enum struct o2::framework::GUIOpcodes : uint8_t

Definition at line 96 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ HistType

enum o2::framework::HistType : unsigned int

Definition at line 36 of file HistogramSpec.h.

◆ HTTPState

enum struct o2::framework::HTTPState

skip any "delimiters" char.


capture until any or the "delimiters" characters


capture until a specific "separator"


skip a specific "separator"

Definition at line 170 of file HTTPParser.h.

◆ InputChannelState


The channel is actively receiving data.


The channel was paused.


The channel was signaled it will not receive any data.


The channel can be used to retrieve data, but it will not send it on its own.

Definition at line 24 of file ChannelInfo.h.

◆ Lifetime

enum struct o2::framework::Lifetime

Possible Lifetime of objects being exchanged by the DPL.


A message which is associated to a timeframe. DPL will wait indefinitely for it by default.


Eventually a message whose content is retrieved from CCDB.


To be used when data is not produced for every timeframe but it can be result of a sampling process (like in the case of QC) or an aggregating one (like in the case of analysis histograms).


Do not use for now.


A message which is created whenever a Timer expires.


A message which is created immediately, with payload / containing a single value which gets incremented for every / invokation.


A message which is created every time a SIGUSR1 is received.


An optional message. When data arrives, if not already part of the data, a dummy entry will be generated. This comes handy e.g. to handle Raw Data, since DataDistribution will provide everything in one go so whatever is expected but not there, for whatever reason will be substituted with a dummy entry.


An input which is materialised with the contents of some out of band FairMQ channel.

Definition at line 18 of file Lifetime.h.

◆ MetricType

enum class o2::framework::MetricType

Definition at line 28 of file DeviceMetricsInfo.h.

◆ MonitoringStatus

enum struct o2::framework::MonitoringStatus : uint32_t

Describe the possible states for Monitoring.


Definition at line 32 of file DataProcessingStatus.h.

◆ OfferScore

enum struct o2::framework::OfferScore

Definition at line 26 of file ComputingQuotaOffer.h.

◆ OutputObjHandlingPolicy

Policy enum to determine OutputObj handling when writing.


Definition at line 23 of file OutputObjHeader.h.

◆ OutputObjSourceType


Definition at line 30 of file OutputObjHeader.h.

◆ ParsingState

enum struct o2::framework::ParsingState

Definition at line 31 of file DeviceMetricsHelper.cxx.

◆ ProcessingStateId

Helper struct to define some known states.


Definition at line 35 of file DataProcessingStates.h.

◆ ProcessingStatsId


Definition at line 27 of file DataProcessingStats.h.

◆ QueryBuilderState


Definition at line 28 of file DataDescriptorQueryBuilder.cxx.

◆ QuitRequest

enum struct o2::framework::QuitRequest

Kind of request we want to issue to control.


Only quit this data processor.


Quit all data processor, regardless of their state.

Definition at line 29 of file ControlService.h.

◆ RateLimitingState


Definition at line 55 of file ArrowSupport.cxx.

◆ ReadOpKind

enum struct o2::framework::ReadOpKind

Definition at line 45 of file TTreePlugin.cxx.

◆ ServiceKind

enum struct o2::framework::ServiceKind

The kind of service we are asking for.


A Service which is not thread safe, therefore all accesses to it must be mutexed.


A Service which is thread safe and therefore can be used by many threads the same time without risk.


A Service which is specific to a given thread in a thread pool.


Definition at line 21 of file ServiceHandle.h.

◆ StreamingState

enum struct o2::framework::StreamingState

enumeration representing the current state of a given device.


Data is being processed.


End of streaming requested, but not notified.


End of streaming notified.

Definition at line 19 of file DeviceStateEnums.h.

◆ TerminationPolicy

These are the possible actions we can do when a workflow is deemed complete (e.g. when we are done reading from file) or when a data processor has an error.


Definition at line 21 of file ProcessingPolicies.h.

◆ TransitionHandlingState


No pending transitions.


A transition was notified to be requested.


A transition needs to be fullfilled ASAP.

Definition at line 28 of file DeviceStateEnums.h.

◆ VariantType

enum class o2::framework::VariantType : int

Definition at line 30 of file Variant.h.

◆ WebSocketFrameKind


Definition at line 93 of file HTTPParser.h.

◆ WebSocketOpCode

enum struct o2::framework::WebSocketOpCode : uint8_t

Definition at line 99 of file HTTPParser.h.

◆ WorkflowParsingState


Definition at line 151 of file WorkflowHelpers.h.

Function Documentation

◆ __attribute__()

struct o2::framework::__attribute__ ( (__packed__)  )

Definition at line 1 of file HTTPParser.h.

◆ adaptAnalysisTask()

template<typename T , typename... Args>
DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::adaptAnalysisTask ( ConfigContext const &  ctx,
Args &&...  args 

Adaptor to make an AlgorithmSpec from a o2::framework::Task

make sure options and configurables are set before expression infos are created

extract conditions and append them as inputs

parse process functions defined by corresponding configurables

update configurables in filters and partitions

create for filters gandiva trees matched to schemas and store the pointers into expressionInfos

Definition at line 509 of file AnalysisTask.h.

◆ adaptFromTask()

template<typename T , typename... Args>
AlgorithmSpec o2::framework::adaptFromTask ( Args &&...  args)

Adaptor to make an AlgorithmSpec from a o2::framework::Task

Definition at line 59 of file Task.h.

◆ adaptStateful()

template<typename LAMBDA >
AlgorithmSpec::InitCallback o2::framework::adaptStateful ( LAMBDA  l)

Definition at line 236 of file AlgorithmSpec.h.

◆ adaptStatefulF()

template<typename... CONTEXTELEMENT>
AlgorithmSpec::InitCallback o2::framework::adaptStatefulF ( std::function< AlgorithmSpec::ProcessCallback(CONTEXTELEMENT &...)>  callback)

Definition at line 189 of file AlgorithmSpec.h.

◆ adaptStateless()

template<typename LAMBDA >
AlgorithmSpec::ProcessCallback o2::framework::adaptStateless ( LAMBDA  l)

This helper allows us to create a process callback without having to use a context object from which the services and the inputs hang, but it simply uses templates magic to extract them from the context itself and pass them by reference. So instead of writing:

AlgorithmSpec{[](ProcessingContext& ctx) { ctx.inputs().get<int>("someInt"); // do something with the inputs } }

you can simply do:

AlgorithmSpec{[](InputRecord& inputs){ inputs.get<int>("someInt"); }}

and if you have C++20 enabled you can also do:

AlgorithmSpec{[](Input<"someInt", int> someInt){ someInt.value; // do something with the inputs } Notice you can specify in any order any of InputRecord, DataAllocator, ConfigParamRegistry or any of the services which are usually hanging from the ServiceRegistry, e.g. ControlService.

Definition at line 229 of file AlgorithmSpec.h.

◆ adaptStatelessF()

template<typename... CONTEXTELEMENT>
AlgorithmSpec::ProcessCallback o2::framework::adaptStatelessF ( std::function< void(CONTEXTELEMENT &...)>  callback)

Definition at line 181 of file AlgorithmSpec.h.

◆ adaptStatelessP()

template<typename R , typename... ARGS>
AlgorithmSpec::ProcessCallback o2::framework::adaptStatelessP ( R(*)(ARGS...)  callback)

Definition at line 197 of file AlgorithmSpec.h.

◆ addLabelToSchema()

void o2::framework::addLabelToSchema ( std::shared_ptr< arrow::Schema > &  schema,
const char label 

Definition at line 51 of file TableBuilder.cxx.

◆ adoptTask()

template<typename T >
AlgorithmSpec o2::framework::adoptTask ( std::shared_ptr< T >  task)

Definition at line 89 of file Task.h.

◆ appendForSending()

void o2::framework::appendForSending ( fair::mq::Device device,
o2::header::Stack &&  headerStack,
size_t  timeSliceID,
fair::mq::MessagePtr &&  payloadMessage,
OutputSpec const &  spec,
fair::mq::Parts &  messageCache,
ChannelRetriever channelRetriever 

append a header/payload part to multipart message for aggregate sending, a channel retriever callback is required to get the associated fair::mq::Channel

Definition at line 180 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ array2DFromBranch()

template<typename T >
template o2::framework::Array2D< double > o2::framework::array2DFromBranch< double > ( boost::property_tree::ptree const &  ptree)

Definition at line 117 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ array2DToBranch()

template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree o2::framework::array2DToBranch ( Array2D< T > &&  array)

Definition at line 69 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ arrowTypeFromROOT()

auto o2::framework::arrowTypeFromROOT ( EDataType  type,
int  size 

Definition at line 837 of file TTreePlugin.cxx.

◆ basicArray2DFromBranch()

template<typename T >
Array2D< T > o2::framework::basicArray2DFromBranch ( boost::property_tree::ptree const &  branch)

Definition at line 94 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ basicArray2DToBranch()

template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree o2::framework::basicArray2DToBranch ( Array2D< T > &&  array)

Definition at line 53 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ basicROOTTypeFromArrow()

auto o2::framework::basicROOTTypeFromArrow ( arrow::Type::type  id)

Definition at line 76 of file TableTreeHelpers.cxx.

◆ basicVectorFromBranch()

template<typename T >
template std::vector< double > o2::framework::basicVectorFromBranch< double > ( boost::property_tree::ptree const &  branch)

Definition at line 77 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ basicVectorToBranch() [1/2]

template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree o2::framework::basicVectorToBranch ( std::vector< T > &&  values)

Definition at line 33 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ basicVectorToBranch() [2/2]

template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree o2::framework::basicVectorToBranch ( T *  values,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 21 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ brace_constructible_size()

template<typename T >
consteval auto o2::framework::brace_constructible_size ( auto...  Members)

Definition at line 138 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ calculateAvailableSharedMemory()

uint64_t o2::framework::calculateAvailableSharedMemory ( ServiceRegistryRef  registry)

Definition at line 100 of file ArrowSupport.cxx.

◆ call_if_defined()

template<typename T , typename TDefined >
void o2::framework::call_if_defined ( TDefined &&  onDefined)

Definition at line 56 of file CheckTypes.h.

◆ call_if_defined_forward()

template<typename T , typename TDefined >
T o2::framework::call_if_defined_forward ( TDefined &&  onDefined)

Definition at line 62 of file CheckTypes.h.

◆ call_if_defined_full()

template<typename T , typename TDefined , typename TUndefined >
void o2::framework::call_if_defined_full ( TDefined &&  onDefined,
TUndefined &&  onUndefined 

Helper which will invoke onDefined if the type T is actually available or onUndefined if the type T is a forward declaration. Can be used to check for existence or not of a given type.

Definition at line 33 of file CheckTypes.h.

◆ call_if_defined_full_forward()

template<typename T , typename TDefined , typename TUndefined >
T o2::framework::call_if_defined_full_forward ( TDefined &&  onDefined,
TUndefined &&  onUndefined 

Helper which will invoke onDefined if the type T is actually available or onUndefined if the type T is a forward declaration. Can be used to check for existence or not of a given type.

Definition at line 46 of file CheckTypes.h.

◆ cannotBuildAnArray()

void o2::framework::cannotBuildAnArray ( )

Definition at line 23 of file IndexBuilderHelpers.cxx.

◆ ccdbMetadataSpec()

ConfigParamSpec o2::framework::ccdbMetadataSpec ( std::string const &  key,
std::string const &  defaultValue 

Definition at line 34 of file CCDBParamSpec.cxx.

◆ ccdbParamSpec() [1/2]

std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > o2::framework::ccdbParamSpec ( std::string const &  path,
int  runDependent,
std::vector< CCDBMetadata metadata = {},
int  qrate = 0 

Definition at line 48 of file CCDBParamSpec.cxx.

◆ ccdbParamSpec() [2/2]

std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > o2::framework::ccdbParamSpec ( std::string const &  path,
std::vector< CCDBMetadata metadata = {},
int  qrate = 0 

Helper to create an InputSpec which will read from a CCDB Notice that those input specs have some convetions for their metadata:

ccdb-path: is the path in CCDB for the entry ccdb-run-dependent: is a boolean flag to indicate if the entry is run dependent ccdb-metadata-<key>: is a list of metadata to be added to the query, where key is the metadata key

Definition at line 43 of file CCDBParamSpec.cxx.

◆ ccdbPathSpec()

ConfigParamSpec o2::framework::ccdbPathSpec ( std::string const &  path)

Definition at line 19 of file CCDBParamSpec.cxx.

◆ ccdbQueryRateSpec()

ConfigParamSpec o2::framework::ccdbQueryRateSpec ( int  r)

Definition at line 29 of file CCDBParamSpec.cxx.

◆ ccdbRunDependent()

ConfigParamSpec o2::framework::ccdbRunDependent ( int  defaultValue = 1)

Definition at line 24 of file CCDBParamSpec.cxx.

◆ channelParamSpec()

std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > o2::framework::channelParamSpec ( std::string const &  name)

Definition at line 15 of file ChannelParamSpec.cxx.

◆ check()

void o2::framework::check ( const std::vector< std::string > &  arguments,
const std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > &  workflowOptions,
const std::vector< DeviceSpec > &  deviceSpecs,
CheckMatrix matrix 

Definition at line 55 of file test_DeviceSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ clean_all_runtime_errors()

void o2::framework::clean_all_runtime_errors ( )

Definition at line 43 of file RuntimeError.cxx.

◆ clean_runtime_error()

void o2::framework::clean_runtime_error ( int  i)

Definition at line 50 of file RuntimeError.cxx.

◆ close_client_websocket()

void o2::framework::close_client_websocket ( uv_handle_t stream)

Definition at line 387 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ concatenate_pack() [1/2]

template<typename P1 , typename P2 , typename... Ps>
constexpr auto o2::framework::concatenate_pack ( P1  p1,
P2  p2,
Ps...  ps 

Definition at line 84 of file Pack.h.

◆ concatenate_pack() [2/2]

template<typename... Args1, typename... Args2>
constexpr auto o2::framework::concatenate_pack ( pack< Args1... >  ,
pack< Args2... >   

Templates for manipulating type lists in pack (see Example of use: template<typename T> struct is_not_double: std::true_type{}; template<> struct is_not_double<double>: std::false_type{}; The following will return a pack, excluding double filtered_pack<is_not_double, double, int, char, float*, double, char*, double>()

Definition at line 78 of file Pack.h.

◆ concatenate_pack_unique() [1/3]

template<typename P1 >
constexpr auto o2::framework::concatenate_pack_unique ( P1  p1)

Definition at line 307 of file Pack.h.

◆ concatenate_pack_unique() [2/3]

template<typename P1 , typename P2 , typename... Ps>
constexpr auto o2::framework::concatenate_pack_unique ( P1  p1,
P2  p2,
Ps...  ps 

Definition at line 313 of file Pack.h.

◆ concatenate_pack_unique() [3/3]

template<typename... Args1, typename... Args2>
constexpr auto o2::framework::concatenate_pack_unique ( pack< Args1... >  ,
pack< Args2... >   

Definition at line 300 of file Pack.h.

◆ ConfigParamRegistry::get< Array2D< std::string > >()

template Array2D< std::string > o2::framework::ConfigParamRegistry::get< Array2D< std::string > > ( const char key) const

◆ ConfigParamRegistry::get< LabeledArray< std::string > >()

template LabeledArray< std::string > o2::framework::ConfigParamRegistry::get< LabeledArray< std::string > > ( const char key) const

◆ ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::string >()

template std::string o2::framework::ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::string > ( const char key) const

◆ ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< double > >()

template std::vector< double > o2::framework::ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< double > > ( const char key) const

◆ ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< float > >()

template std::vector< float > o2::framework::ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< float > > ( const char key) const

◆ ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< int > >()

template std::vector< int > o2::framework::ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< int > > ( const char key) const

◆ ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< std::string > >()

template std::vector< std::string > o2::framework::ConfigParamRegistry::get< std::vector< std::string > > ( const char key) const

◆ convertTimestamp()

unsigned long o2::framework::convertTimestamp ( const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock > &  timestamp)

Definition at line 41 of file DPLMonitoringBackend.cxx.

◆ count_non_void_pack()

template<typename... Ts>
consteval auto o2::framework::count_non_void_pack ( pack< Ts... > const &  )

Definition at line 106 of file Pack.h.

◆ createDefaultIndices()

std::vector< MetricIndices > o2::framework::createDefaultIndices ( std::vector< DeviceMetricsInfo > &  allDevicesMetrics)

Definition at line 81 of file ArrowSupport.cxx.

◆ cutString()

std::string o2::framework::cutString ( std::string &&  str)

Definition at line 180 of file ASoA.cxx.

◆ dataDeps()

bool o2::framework::dataDeps ( DataProcessorSpec const &  a,
DataProcessorSpec const &  b 

Return true if a depends on b, i.e. if any of the inputs of a is satisfied by any of the outputs of b.

Definition at line 56 of file TopologyPolicy.cxx.




o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE ( double  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE ( double  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE ( double  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE ( float  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE ( float  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE ( float  ,








o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE ( std::string  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE ( std::string  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( Array2D< double >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( Array2D< float >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( Array2D< int ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( bool *  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( bool  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( char ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( const char ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( double *  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( double  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( float *  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( float  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( int ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( int  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( int16_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( int8_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( LabeledArray< double >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( LabeledArray< float >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( LabeledArray< int ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( LabeledArray< std::string >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( long int  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( long long int  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( std::string *  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( std::string  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( std::string_view  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( std::vector< bool >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( std::vector< double >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( std::vector< float >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( std::vector< int ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( std::vector< std::string >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( uint16_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( uint32_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( uint8_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( unsigned long int  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TRAIT ( unsigned long long int  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( Array2D< double >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( Array2D< float >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( Array2D< int ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( bool *  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( bool  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( const char ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( double *  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( double  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( float *  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( float  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( int ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( int  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( int16_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( int64_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( int8_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( LabeledArray< double >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( LabeledArray< float >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( LabeledArray< int ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( LabeledArray< std::string >  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( std::string *  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( uint16_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( uint32_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( uint64_t  ,


o2::framework::DECLARE_VARIANT_TYPE ( uint8_t  ,

◆ DECLAREEXT() [1/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( StepTHnF  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [2/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH1C  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [3/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH1D  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [4/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH1F  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [5/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH1I  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [6/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH1S  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [7/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH2C  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [8/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH2D  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [9/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH2F  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [10/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH2I  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [11/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH2S  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [12/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH3C  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [13/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH3D  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [14/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH3F  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [15/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH3I  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [16/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TH3S  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [17/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnC  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [18/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnD  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [19/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnF  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [20/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnI  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [21/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnL  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [22/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnS  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [23/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnSparseC  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [24/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnSparseD  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [25/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnSparseF  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [26/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnSparseI  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [27/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnSparseL  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [28/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( THnSparseS  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [29/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TProfile  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [30/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TProfile2D  )

◆ DECLAREEXT() [31/31]

o2::framework::DECLAREEXT ( TProfile3D  )

◆ decode_websocket()

void o2::framework::decode_websocket ( char src,
size_t  size,
WebSocketHandler handler 

Decoder for websocket data. For now we assume that the frame was not split. However multiple frames might be present.

Definition at line 109 of file HTTPParser.cxx.

◆ defaultConditionBackend()

std::string o2::framework::defaultConditionBackend ( )

Definition at line 132 of file WorkflowHelpers.cxx.

◆ defaultConditionQueryRate()

int o2::framework::defaultConditionQueryRate ( )

Definition at line 146 of file WorkflowHelpers.cxx.

◆ defaultConditionQueryRateMultiplier()

int o2::framework::defaultConditionQueryRateMultiplier ( )

Definition at line 152 of file WorkflowHelpers.cxx.

◆ defaultOutputProxyChannelSelector()

std::string o2::framework::defaultOutputProxyChannelSelector ( InputSpec const &  input,
const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< fair::mq::Channel > > &  channels 

Default way to select an output channel for multi-output proxy.

Definition at line 906 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.



DEFINE_DPL_PLUGINS_BEGIN o2::framework::DEFINE_DPL_PLUGIN_INSTANCE ( TTreeObjectReadingImplementation  ,

◆ doSendOldestPossibleTimeframe()

void o2::framework::doSendOldestPossibleTimeframe ( ServiceRegistryRef  ref,
fair::mq::TransportFactory *  transport,
ChannelIndex  index,
SendingPolicy::SendingCallback const &  callback,
size_t  timeslice 

Definition at line 46 of file DataProcessingHelpers.cxx.

◆ doWriteBatch()

void o2::framework::doWriteBatch ( std::shared_ptr< FairMQResizableBuffer b,
arrow::RecordBatch *  batch 

Definition at line 214 of file DataAllocator.cxx.

◆ doWriteTable()

void o2::framework::doWriteTable ( std::shared_ptr< FairMQResizableBuffer b,
arrow::Table *  table 

Definition at line 167 of file DataAllocator.cxx.

◆ dplModelAdaptor() [1/2]

InjectorFunction o2::framework::dplModelAdaptor ( std::vector< OutputSpec > const &  specs,
bool  throwOnUnmatchedInputs 

legacy function

Definition at line 90 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.h.

◆ dplModelAdaptor() [2/2]

InjectorFunction o2::framework::dplModelAdaptor ( std::vector< OutputSpec > const &  specs = {{header::gDataOriginAnyheader::gDataDescriptionAny}},
DPLModelAdapterConfig  config = DPLModelAdapterConfig{} 

This is to be used when the input data is already formatted like DPL expects it, i.e. with the DataProcessingHeader in the header stack The list of specs is used as a filter list, all incoming data matching an entry in the list will be send through the corresponding channel

Definition at line 438 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ dumpDeviceSpec2O2Control()

void o2::framework::dumpDeviceSpec2O2Control ( std::string  workflowName,
std::vector< DeviceSpec > const &  specs,
std::vector< DeviceExecution > const &  executions,
CommandInfo const &  commandInfo 

Dumps the AliECS compatible workflow and task templates for a DPL workflow.

Dumps the AliECS compatible workflow (WFT) and task templates (TT) for a DPL workflow. The current procedure to obtain working templates:

  • Build the project(s)
  • Enter the environment and go to ControlWorkflows local repository.
  • Run the DPL workflow(s) with the argument --o2-control <workflow-name>. The WFT will be created in the "workflows" directory and, analogously, TTs will be put in "tasks". It can be included by a mother workflow at the deployment time.
  • Replace arguments with templates if needed.
  • Commit, push, test, merge to master.

◆ dumpTask()

void o2::framework::dumpTask ( std::ostream &  dumpOut,
const DeviceSpec spec,
const DeviceExecution execution,
std::string  taskName,
std::string  indLevel 

Dumps only one task.

◆ dumpWorkflow()

void o2::framework::dumpWorkflow ( std::ostream &  dumpOut,
const std::vector< DeviceSpec > &  specs,
const std::vector< DeviceExecution > &  executions,
const CommandInfo commandInfo,
std::string  workflowName,
std::string  indLevel 

Dumps only the workflow file.

◆ emptyDict()

Variant o2::framework::emptyDict ( )

Definition at line 407 of file Variant.h.

◆ encode_websocket_frames()

void o2::framework::encode_websocket_frames ( std::vector< uv_buf_t > &  outputs,
char const *  src,
size_t  size,
WebSocketOpCode  opcode,
uint32_t  mask 

Encodes the buffer src which is size long to a number of buffers suitable to be sent via libuv. If binary is provided the binary bit is set. If mask is non zero, payload will be xored with the mask, as required by the WebSockets RFC

Definition at line 48 of file HTTPParser.cxx.

◆ encode_websocket_handshake_reply()

std::string o2::framework::encode_websocket_handshake_reply ( char const *  nonce)

Encodes the server reply for a given websocket connection nonce the nonce of the request.

Definition at line 217 of file HTTPParser.cxx.

◆ encode_websocket_handshake_request()

std::string o2::framework::encode_websocket_handshake_request ( const char path,
const char protocol,
int  version,
char const *  nonce,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > >  headers = {} 

Encodes the request handshake for a given path / protocol / version. path is the path of the websocket endpoint protocol is the protocol required for the websocket connection version is the protocol version nonce is a unique randomly selected 16-byte value that has been base64-encoded. headers with extra headers to be added to the request

Definition at line 189 of file HTTPParser.cxx.

◆ epnProcessReporting()

CallbacksPolicy o2::framework::epnProcessReporting ( )

Definition at line 46 of file CallbacksPolicy.cxx.

◆ error_from_ref()

RuntimeError & o2::framework::error_from_ref ( RuntimeErrorRef  ref)

Definition at line 55 of file RuntimeError.cxx.

◆ expendableDataDeps()

bool o2::framework::expendableDataDeps ( DataProcessorSpec const &  a,
DataProcessorSpec const &  b 

If there is an actual dependency between a and b, we return true.

Definition at line 72 of file TopologyPolicy.cxx.

◆ EXPIMPL() [1/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( StepTHnF  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [2/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH1C  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [3/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH1D  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [4/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH1F  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [5/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH1I  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [6/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH1S  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [7/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH2C  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [8/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH2D  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [9/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH2F  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [10/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH2I  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [11/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH2S  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [12/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH3C  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [13/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH3D  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [14/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH3F  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [15/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH3I  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [16/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TH3S  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [17/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnC  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [18/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnD  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [19/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnF  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [20/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnI  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [21/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnL  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [22/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnS  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [23/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnSparseC  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [24/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnSparseD  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [25/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnSparseF  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [26/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnSparseI  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [27/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnSparseL  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [28/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( THnSparseS  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [29/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TProfile  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [30/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TProfile2D  )

◆ EXPIMPL() [31/31]

o2::framework::EXPIMPL ( TProfile3D  )

◆ extractLabels()

std::pair< std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< std::string > > o2::framework::extractLabels ( boost::property_tree::ptree const &  tree)

Definition at line 233 of file Variant.cxx.

◆ extractMatcherInfo()

MatcherInfo o2::framework::extractMatcherInfo ( DataDescriptorMatcher const &  top)

Definition at line 321 of file DataSpecUtils.cxx.

◆ FFL()

template<typename F >
memfun_type< decltype(&F::operator())>::type o2::framework::FFL ( F const &  func)

Funtion From Lambda. Helper to create an std::function from a lambda and therefore being able to use the std::function type for template matching.

an std::function from a lambda (or anything actually callable). This allows doing further template matching tricks to extract the arguments of the function.

Definition at line 56 of file FunctionalHelpers.h.

◆ fillPages()

template<typename RDH , typename Container >
void o2::framework::fillPages ( Container &  buffer)

Definition at line 25 of file test_RawParser.cxx.

◆ filter_pack() [1/2]

template<template< typename > typename Condition, typename Result , typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr auto o2::framework::filter_pack ( Result  result,
pack< T, Ts... >   

Definition at line 191 of file Pack.h.

◆ filter_pack() [2/2]

template<template< typename > typename Condition, typename Result >
constexpr auto o2::framework::filter_pack ( Result  result,

Select only the items of a pack which match Condition.

Definition at line 185 of file Pack.h.

◆ findBestCandidate()

std::string o2::framework::findBestCandidate ( const std::string &  candidate,
const LogicalChannelsMap map 

Definition at line 58 of file DeviceSpec.cxx.

◆ formatExternalChannelConfiguration() [1/2]

std::string o2::framework::formatExternalChannelConfiguration ( InputChannelSpec const &  spec)

helper method to format a configuration string for an external channel

Definition at line 58 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ formatExternalChannelConfiguration() [2/2]

std::string o2::framework::formatExternalChannelConfiguration ( OutputChannelSpec const &  )

helper method to format a configuration string for an external channel

Definition at line 63 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ FunctionMetadata()

template<typename F >
memfun_type< decltype(&F::operator())> o2::framework::FunctionMetadata ( F const &  func)
metadata associated to method or a lambda.

Definition at line 64 of file FunctionalHelpers.h.

◆ generateHist()

template<typename T >
T * o2::framework::generateHist ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  title,
const std::size_t  nDim,
const int  nBins[],
const double  lowerBounds[],
const double  upperBounds[],
const int  nSteps 

Definition at line 54 of file HistogramSpec.cxx.

◆ getFDDDCSConfigProcessorSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::getFDDDCSConfigProcessorSpec ( )

Definition at line 34 of file FDDDCSConfigProcessorSpec.h.

◆ getFDDDCSDataProcessorSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::getFDDDCSDataProcessorSpec ( )

Definition at line 30 of file FDDDCSDataProcessorSpec.h.

◆ getFinalIndex()

auto o2::framework::getFinalIndex ( DataHeader const &  dh,
size_t  msgidx 
) -> size_t

Definition at line 220 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ getFT0DCSConfigProcessorSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::getFT0DCSConfigProcessorSpec ( )

Definition at line 53 of file FT0DCSConfigProcessorSpec.h.

◆ getFT0DCSDataProcessorSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::getFT0DCSDataProcessorSpec ( )

Definition at line 30 of file FT0DCSDataProcessorSpec.h.

◆ getFV0DCSConfigProcessorSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::getFV0DCSConfigProcessorSpec ( )

Definition at line 34 of file FV0DCSConfigProcessorSpec.h.

◆ getFV0DCSDataProcessorSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::getFV0DCSDataProcessorSpec ( )

Definition at line 30 of file FV0DCSDataProcessorSpec.h.

◆ getMatchingIndexNode()

template<typename G , typename A >
expressions::BindingNode o2::framework::getMatchingIndexNode ( )

Definition at line 41 of file GroupedCombinations.h.

◆ getOrbitResetTime()

auto o2::framework::getOrbitResetTime ( o2::pmr::vector< char > const &  v) -> Long64_t

Definition at line 162 of file CCDBHelpers.cxx.

◆ getRunningDevice()

DeviceSpec const & o2::framework::getRunningDevice ( RunningDeviceRef const &  running,
ServiceRegistryRef const &  services 

Definition at line 166 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ getTableFromFilter() [1/2]

auto o2::framework::getTableFromFilter ( soa::is_filtered_table auto const &  table,
soa::SelectionVector &&  selection 

Definition at line 607 of file AnalysisHelpers.h.

◆ getTableFromFilter() [2/2]

auto o2::framework::getTableFromFilter ( soa::is_not_filtered_table auto const &  table,
soa::SelectionVector &&  selection 

Definition at line 612 of file AnalysisHelpers.h.

◆ getTotalNumberOfBytes()

long o2::framework::getTotalNumberOfBytes ( )

Definition at line 18 of file ComputingResourceHelpers.cxx.

◆ handleRegionCallbacks()

void o2::framework::handleRegionCallbacks ( ServiceRegistryRef  registry,
std::vector< fair::mq::RegionInfo > &  infos 

Invoke the callbacks for the mPendingRegionInfos.

Definition at line 778 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ has_type()

template<typename T , typename... Us>
bool consteval o2::framework::has_type ( framework::pack< Us... >  )

Definition at line 210 of file Pack.h.

◆ has_type_at_conditional_v()

template<template< typename, typename > typename Condition, typename T , typename... Ts>
consteval size_t o2::framework::has_type_at_conditional_v ( pack< Ts... >  )

Definition at line 241 of file Pack.h.

◆ has_type_at_v()

template<typename T , typename... Ts>
consteval size_t o2::framework::has_type_at_v ( pack< Ts... >  )

Definition at line 228 of file Pack.h.

◆ has_type_conditional()

template<template< typename, typename > typename Condition, typename T , typename... Us>
bool consteval o2::framework::has_type_conditional ( framework::pack< Us... >  )

Definition at line 219 of file Pack.h.

◆ hasOnlyGenerated()

bool o2::framework::hasOnlyGenerated ( DeviceSpec const &  spec)

Definition at line 122 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ hasOnlyTimers()

bool o2::framework::hasOnlyTimers ( DeviceSpec const &  spec)

Definition at line 117 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [1/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 9)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 179 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [2/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 8)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 199 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [3/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 7)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 219 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [4/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 6)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 239 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [5/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 5)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 259 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [6/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 4)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 279 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [7/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 3)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 299 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [8/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 2)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 319 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [9/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 1)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 339 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ homogeneous_apply_refs() [10/10]

template<bool B = false, typename L , class T , int D = nested_brace_constructible_size<B, T>() / 10>
requires (D == 0)
auto o2::framework::homogeneous_apply_refs ( l,
T &&  object 

Definition at line 359 of file StructToTuple.h.

◆ incrementalConverter()

InjectorFunction o2::framework::incrementalConverter ( OutputSpec const &  spec,
o2::header::SerializationMethod  method,
uint64_t  startTime,
uint64_t  step 

Helper function which takes a set of inputs coming from a device, massages them so that they are valid DPL messages using

specas header and sends them to the downstream components.

Definition at line 610 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ initializePartitionCaches()

void o2::framework::initializePartitionCaches ( std::set< uint32_t > const &  hashes,
std::shared_ptr< arrow::Schema > const &  schema,
expressions::Filter const &  filter,
gandiva::NodePtr &  tree,
gandiva::FilterPtr gfilter 

Definition at line 15 of file AnalysisHelpers.cxx.

◆ injectMissingData()

void o2::framework::injectMissingData ( fair::mq::Device device,
fair::mq::Parts &  parts,
std::vector< OutputRoute > const &  routes,
bool  doInjectMissingData,
unsigned int  doPrintSizes 

Definition at line 239 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ interleave_pack()

template<typename... Args1, typename... Args2>
constexpr auto o2::framework::interleave_pack ( pack< Args1... >  ,
pack< Args2... >   

Definition at line 93 of file Pack.h.

◆ interleaveTuples()

template<typename... T1s, typename... T2s>
auto o2::framework::interleaveTuples ( std::tuple< T1s... > &  t1,
std::tuple< T2s... > &  t2 

Definition at line 32 of file GroupedCombinations.h.

◆ interleaveTuplesImpl()

template<typename... T1s, typename... T2s, std::size_t... Is>
auto o2::framework::interleaveTuplesImpl ( std::tuple< T1s... > &  t1,
std::tuple< T2s... > &  t2,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

Definition at line 26 of file GroupedCombinations.h.

◆ intersected_pack() [1/2]

template<typename P1 , typename P2 , typename... Ps>
constexpr auto o2::framework::intersected_pack ( P1  p1,
P2  p2,
Ps...  ps 

Definition at line 277 of file Pack.h.

◆ intersected_pack() [2/2]

template<typename... A1, typename... A2>
constexpr auto o2::framework::intersected_pack ( pack< A1... >  ,
pack< A2... >   

Definition at line 271 of file Pack.h.

◆ isArray()

template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto o2::framework::isArray ( )

Definition at line 59 of file Variant.h.

◆ isArray2D()

template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto o2::framework::isArray2D ( )

Definition at line 69 of file Variant.h.

◆ isCalibrationData()

bool o2::framework::isCalibrationData ( std::unique_ptr< fair::mq::Message > &  first)

Definition at line 405 of file DataRelayer.cxx.

◆ isDumpWorkflowInvocation()

bool o2::framework::isDumpWorkflowInvocation ( ConfigContext const &  configcontext)

Definition at line 65 of file DPLWorkflowUtils.h.

◆ isInternalDPL()

bool o2::framework::isInternalDPL ( std::string const &  name)

Definition at line 81 of file DPLWorkflowUtils.h.

◆ isIPAddress()

bool o2::framework::isIPAddress ( const std::string &  address)

Definition at line 48 of file ChannelSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ isLabeledArray()

template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto o2::framework::isLabeledArray ( )

Definition at line 83 of file Variant.h.

◆ isLabeledArrayString()

template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto o2::framework::isLabeledArrayString ( )

Definition at line 77 of file Variant.h.

◆ isMasterWorkflowDefinition()

bool o2::framework::isMasterWorkflowDefinition ( ConfigContext const &  configcontext)

Definition at line 46 of file DPLWorkflowUtils.h.

◆ isOnlineRun()

bool o2::framework::isOnlineRun ( DataTakingContext const &  dtc)

Definition at line 181 of file CCDBHelpers.cxx.

◆ isPrefix()

bool o2::framework::isPrefix ( std::string_view  prefix,
std::string_view  full 

Definition at line 83 of file CCDBHelpers.cxx.

◆ isSimpleVariant()

template<VariantType V>
constexpr auto o2::framework::isSimpleVariant ( )

Definition at line 92 of file Variant.h.

◆ labeledArrayFromBranch()

template<typename T >
template o2::framework::LabeledArray< double > o2::framework::labeledArrayFromBranch< double > ( boost::property_tree::ptree const &  tree)

Definition at line 125 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ labeledArrayToBranch()

template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree o2::framework::labeledArrayToBranch ( LabeledArray< T > &&  array)

Definition at line 134 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ levenshteinDistance()

size_t o2::framework::levenshteinDistance ( const char s,
int  len_s,
const char t,
int  len_t 

Definition at line 34 of file DeviceSpec.cxx.

◆ loopReasonFromString()

DeviceState::LoopReason o2::framework::loopReasonFromString ( std::string_view  reason)

Definition at line 20 of file DeviceStateHelpers.cxx.

◆ make_builders()

template<typename... ARGS>
auto o2::framework::make_builders ( )

Definition at line 412 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ makeArrowTable()

std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > o2::framework::makeArrowTable ( const char label,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::ChunkedArray > > &&  columns,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::Field > > &&  fields 

Definition at line 269 of file IndexBuilderHelpers.cxx.

◆ makeEmptyTable() [1/3]

template<soa::TableRef R>
auto o2::framework::makeEmptyTable ( )

Definition at line 840 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ makeEmptyTable() [2/3]

template<typename T >
auto o2::framework::makeEmptyTable ( const char name)

Definition at line 831 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ makeEmptyTable() [3/3]

template<typename... Cs>
auto o2::framework::makeEmptyTable ( const char name,
framework::pack< Cs... >  p 

Definition at line 849 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ makeFileNameHolder()

FileNameHolder * o2::framework::makeFileNameHolder ( std::string  fileName)

Definition at line 42 of file DataInputDirector.cxx.

◆ makeHolders()

template<typename... ARGS>
auto o2::framework::makeHolders ( arrow::MemoryPool *  pool,
size_t  nRows 

Definition at line 616 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ makeHolderTypes()

template<typename... ARGS>
constexpr auto o2::framework::makeHolderTypes ( )

Definition at line 608 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ matchToContext()

size_t o2::framework::matchToContext ( void const *  data,
std::vector< DataDescriptorMatcher > const &  matchers,
std::vector< size_t > const &  index,
VariableContext context 

This does the mapping between a route and a InputSpec. The reason why these might diffent is that when you have timepipelining you have one route per timeslice, even if the type is the same.

Definition at line 238 of file DataRelayer.cxx.

◆ mergeInputs() [1/2]

Inputs o2::framework::mergeInputs ( Inputs  inputs,
size_t  maxIndex,
std::function< void(InputSpec &, size_t)>  amendCallback 

The purpose of this helper is to duplicate a list of InputSpec as many times as specified in maxIndex and to amend each instance by invoking amendCallback on them with their own id. This can be used to programmatically create mergers.

Definition at line 125 of file WorkflowSpec.cxx.

◆ mergeInputs() [2/2]

Inputs o2::framework::mergeInputs ( InputSpec  original,
size_t  maxIndex,
std::function< void(InputSpec &, size_t)>  amendCallback 

The purpose of this helper is to duplicate an InputSpec original as many times as specified in maxIndex and to amend each instance by invoking amendCallback on them with their own id. This can be used to programmatically create mergers.

Definition at line 112 of file WorkflowSpec.cxx.

◆ metricStorageSize()

template<typename T >
constexpr size_t o2::framework::metricStorageSize ( )

Definition at line 104 of file DeviceMetricsInfo.h.

◆ nested_brace_constructible_size()

template<bool B, typename T >
consteval int o2::framework::nested_brace_constructible_size ( )

Definition at line 170 of file StructToTuple.h.


struct o2::framework::O2_DPL_CAPABILITY ( "mutex"  )

Definition at line 1 of file ServiceRegistry.h.

◆ o2DataModelAdaptor()

InjectorFunction o2::framework::o2DataModelAdaptor ( OutputSpec const &  spec,
uint64_t  startTime,
uint64_t  step 

This is to be used for sources which already have an O2 Data Model / (header, payload) structure for their output. At the moment what this / does is to add a DataProcessingHeader. In the future, it will hopefully not be required. Notice that as a requirement the tuple (origin, data description, data subspecification) must be unique for each message in a given multipart ensemble.

Definition at line 205 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ on_awake_main_thread()

void o2::framework::on_awake_main_thread ( uv_async_t handle)

Definition at line 214 of file WSDriverClient.cxx.

◆ on_communication_requested()

void o2::framework::on_communication_requested ( uv_async_t s)

Definition at line 160 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ on_connect()

void o2::framework::on_connect ( uv_connect_t connection,
int  status 

FIXME: for now we simply take any offer as 1GB of SHM available

Definition at line 78 of file WSDriverClient.cxx.

◆ on_data_processing_expired()

void o2::framework::on_data_processing_expired ( uv_timer_t handle)

Definition at line 144 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ on_idle_timer()

void o2::framework::on_idle_timer ( uv_timer_t handle)

We schedule a timer to reduce CPU usage. Watching stdin for commands probably a better approach.

Definition at line 111 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ on_out_of_band_polled()

void o2::framework::on_out_of_band_polled ( uv_poll_t poller,
int  status,
int  events 

Definition at line 357 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ on_signal_callback()

void o2::framework::on_signal_callback ( uv_signal_t handle,
int  signum 

Definition at line 535 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ on_socket_polled()

void o2::framework::on_socket_polled ( uv_poll_t poller,
int  status,
int  events 

Definition at line 321 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ on_transition_requested_expired()

void o2::framework::on_transition_requested_expired ( uv_timer_t handle)

Definition at line 127 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [1/15]

template<typename T , ConfigParamKind K, typename IP >
std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Configurable< T, K, IP > const &  c 

Definition at line 122 of file Configurable.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oss,
CompletionPolicy::CompletionOp const &  val 

Definition at line 33 of file CompletionPolicy.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [3/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oss,
DispatchPolicy::DispatchOp const &  val 

Definition at line 34 of file DispatchPolicy.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [4/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oss,
Lifetime const &  val 

Definition at line 500 of file LifetimeHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [5/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oss,
MetricType const &  val 

Definition at line 27 of file DeviceMetricsInfo.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [6/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oss,
Variant const &  val 

Definition at line 19 of file Variant.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [7/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const enum DriverMode mode 

Definition at line 32 of file ProcessingPoliciesHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [8/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const enum EarlyForwardPolicy policy 

Definition at line 86 of file ProcessingPoliciesHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [9/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const enum LogParsingHelpers::LogLevel level 

Definition at line 120 of file ProcessingPoliciesHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [10/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const enum TerminationPolicy policy 

Definition at line 58 of file ProcessingPoliciesHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [11/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
TopoIndexInfo const &  info 

Definition at line 45 of file WorkflowHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [12/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
ChannelMethod const &  method 

Stream operators so that we can use ChannelString with Boost.Test.

Definition at line 199 of file ChannelSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [13/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
ChannelType const &  type 

Stream operators so that we can use ChannelType with Boost.Test.

Definition at line 192 of file ChannelSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [14/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
o2::framework::InputSpec const &  arg 

Definition at line 24 of file StreamOperators.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [15/15]

std::ostream & o2::framework::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
o2::framework::OutputSpec const &  arg 

Definition at line 31 of file StreamOperators.cxx.

◆ operator==()

template<typename Deleter , size_t Size>
bool o2::framework::operator== ( const std::unique_ptr< const std::vector< TObject * >, Deleter > &  vectorOfHistos,
std::vector< ExpectedType< Size > > &  expected 

Definition at line 51 of file vectorTopologyCommon.h.

◆ operator>>() [1/4]

std::istream & o2::framework::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
enum DriverMode mode 

Definition at line 44 of file ProcessingPoliciesHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator>>() [2/4]

std::istream & o2::framework::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
enum EarlyForwardPolicy policy 

Definition at line 70 of file ProcessingPoliciesHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator>>() [3/4]

std::istream & o2::framework::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
enum LogParsingHelpers::LogLevel level 

Definition at line 100 of file ProcessingPoliciesHelpers.cxx.

◆ operator>>() [4/4]

std::istream & o2::framework::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
enum TerminationPolicy policy 

Definition at line 18 of file ProcessingPoliciesHelpers.cxx.

◆ overloaded()

template<class... Ts>
o2::framework::overloaded ( Ts...  ) -> overloaded< Ts... >

◆ pack_size()

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr std::size_t o2::framework::pack_size ( pack< Ts... > const &  )

template function to determine number of types in a pack

Definition at line 28 of file Pack.h.

◆ pack_tail()

template<typename Head , typename... Tail>
constexpr auto o2::framework::pack_tail ( pack< Head, Tail... >  )

Definition at line 62 of file Pack.h.

◆ pack_to_tuple()

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr std::tuple< Ts... > o2::framework::pack_to_tuple ( pack< Ts... >  )

Definition at line 337 of file Pack.h.

◆ parallel() [1/4]

WorkflowSpec o2::framework::parallel ( DataProcessorSpec  original,
size_t  maxIndex,
std::function< void(DataProcessorSpec &, size_t id)>  amendCallback 

The purpose of this helper is to duplicate a DataProcessorSpec original as many times as specified in maxIndex and to amend each instance by invoking amendCallback on them with their own id.

◆ parallel() [2/4]

WorkflowSpec o2::framework::parallel ( DataProcessorSpec  original,
size_t  maxIndex,
std::function< void(DataProcessorSpec &, size_t)>  amendCallback 

Definition at line 23 of file WorkflowSpec.cxx.

◆ parallel() [3/4]

WorkflowSpec o2::framework::parallel ( WorkflowSpec  specs,
size_t  maxIndex,
std::function< void(DataProcessorSpec &, size_t id)>  amendCallback 

The purpose of this helper is to duplicate a sequence of DataProcessorSpec as many times as specified in maxIndex and to amend each instance by invoking amendCallback on them with their own id.

◆ parallel() [4/4]

WorkflowSpec o2::framework::parallel ( WorkflowSpec  specs,
size_t  maxIndex,
std::function< void(DataProcessorSpec &, size_t)>  amendCallback 

Definition at line 39 of file WorkflowSpec.cxx.

◆ parallelPipeline()

WorkflowSpec o2::framework::parallelPipeline ( const WorkflowSpec specs,
size_t  nPipelines,
std::function< size_t()>  getNumberOfSubspecs,
std::function< size_t(size_t)>  getSubSpec 

create parallel pipelines of processors from a template sequence for a number of parallel sub specification IDs. The sub specifications are distributed among the pipelines. serves the case where each input id (subspec) corresponds to outputs amended with the same subspec. Two callback functions allow two configure the list of subspecs for the call.

Schematic workflow illustration: template pipeline parallel pipelines

| A0|-—>|A0 B0|-—>|B0 | | | | C0|-—>|C0 | | A1|-—>|A1 B1|-—>|B1 | | | | C1|-—>|C1 |

-— -— -— | A2|-—>|A2 B2|-—>|B2 | | A|-—>|A B|-—>|B | becomes | | | C2|-—>|C2 | | | | C|-—>|C | ======> | A3|-—>|A3 B3|-—>|B3 | -— -— -— | | | C3|-—>|C3 |

| An|-—>|An Bn|-—>|Bn | | | | Cn|-—>|Cn |

specsthe template to be multiplied
nPipelinesnumber of pipelines
getNumberOfSubspecscallback function to return the number of subspecs
getSubSpeccallback function to return the subspecs at index

Definition at line 53 of file WorkflowSpec.cxx.

◆ parse_http_request()

void o2::framework::parse_http_request ( char start,
size_t  size,
HTTPParser parser 

Definition at line 228 of file HTTPParser.cxx.

◆ parse_websocket_url()

std::pair< std::string, unsigned short > o2::framework::parse_websocket_url ( char const *  url)

Definition at line 447 of file HTTPParser.cxx.

◆ populateCacheWith()

auto o2::framework::populateCacheWith ( std::shared_ptr< CCDBFetcherHelper > const &  helper,
int64_t  timestamp,
TimingInfo timingInfo,
DataTakingContext dtc,
DataAllocator allocator 
) -> void

Definition at line 186 of file CCDBHelpers.cxx.

◆ populateHeader()

void o2::framework::populateHeader ( std::map< std::string, std::string > &  headers,
std::string_view const &  k,
std::string_view const &  v 

Definition at line 201 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ print_pack()

template<typename T >
void o2::framework::print_pack ( )

Definition at line 201 of file Pack.h.

◆ PropertyTreeHelpers::traverse< boost::property_tree::ptree >()

void o2::framework::PropertyTreeHelpers::traverse< boost::property_tree::ptree > ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  parent,
PropertyTreeHelpers::WalkerFunction< boost::property_tree::ptree > &  method 

Definition at line 401 of file PropertyTreeHelpers.cxx.

◆ prune_voids_pack() [1/6]

template<typename... Rs, nonvoid_pack_element T, typename... Ts>
consteval auto o2::framework::prune_voids_pack ( pack< Rs... >  result,
pack< T, Ts... >   

Definition at line 125 of file Pack.h.

◆ prune_voids_pack() [2/6]

template<typename... Rs, nonvoid_pack_element T1, nonvoid_pack_element T2, nonvoid_pack_element T3, nonvoid_pack_element T4, nonvoid_pack_element T5, nonvoid_pack_element T6, nonvoid_pack_element T7, nonvoid_pack_element T8, typename... Ts>
consteval auto o2::framework::prune_voids_pack ( pack< Rs... >  result,
pack< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, Ts... >   

Definition at line 154 of file Pack.h.

◆ prune_voids_pack() [3/6]

template<typename... Rs, nonvoid_pack_element T1, nonvoid_pack_element T2, nonvoid_pack_element T3, nonvoid_pack_element T4, typename... Ts>
consteval auto o2::framework::prune_voids_pack ( pack< Rs... >  result,
pack< T1, T2, T3, T4, Ts... >   

Definition at line 146 of file Pack.h.

◆ prune_voids_pack() [4/6]

template<typename... Rs, nonvoid_pack_element T1, nonvoid_pack_element T2, typename... Ts>
consteval auto o2::framework::prune_voids_pack ( pack< Rs... >  result,
pack< T1, T2, Ts... >   

Definition at line 139 of file Pack.h.

◆ prune_voids_pack() [5/6]

template<typename... Rs, void_pack_element V, typename... Ts>
consteval auto o2::framework::prune_voids_pack ( pack< Rs... >  result,
pack< V, Ts... >   

Definition at line 132 of file Pack.h.

◆ prune_voids_pack() [6/6]

template<typename Result >
consteval auto o2::framework::prune_voids_pack ( Result  result,

Definition at line 112 of file Pack.h.

◆ readToBuffer()

size_t o2::framework::readToBuffer ( void p,
size_t  size,
size_t  nmemb,
void userdata 

Definition at line 331 of file LifetimeHelpers.cxx.

◆ readToMessage()

size_t o2::framework::readToMessage ( void p,
size_t  size,
size_t  nmemb,
void userdata 

Definition at line 347 of file LifetimeHelpers.cxx.

◆ remoteGuiCallback()

void o2::framework::remoteGuiCallback ( uv_timer_s *  ctx)

Definition at line 214 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ replaceLabels()

template<typename T >
auto o2::framework::replaceLabels ( LabeledArray< T > &  input,
LabeledArray< T > &&  spec 

Definition at line 256 of file PropertyTreeHelpers.cxx.

◆ retryMetricCallback()

void o2::framework::retryMetricCallback ( uv_async_t async)

Definition at line 146 of file CommonDataProcessors.cxx.

◆ rootBuffer()

TBufferFile & o2::framework::rootBuffer ( )

Definition at line 237 of file TTreePlugin.cxx.

◆ rootFieldFromArrow()

std::unique_ptr< ROOT::Experimental::RFieldBase > o2::framework::rootFieldFromArrow ( std::shared_ptr< arrow::Field >  field,
std::string  name 

Definition at line 258 of file RNTuplePlugin.cxx.

◆ rootSuffixFromArrow()

char const * o2::framework::rootSuffixFromArrow ( arrow::Type::type  id)

Definition at line 786 of file TTreePlugin.cxx.

◆ run_callback()

void o2::framework::run_callback ( uv_work_t *  handle)

Definition at line 251 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ run_completion()

void o2::framework::run_completion ( uv_work_t *  handle,
int  status 

Definition at line 265 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ runtime_error()

RuntimeErrorRef o2::framework::runtime_error ( const char s)

Definition at line 78 of file RuntimeError.cxx.

◆ runtime_error_f()

RuntimeErrorRef o2::framework::runtime_error_f ( const char format,

Definition at line 60 of file RuntimeError.cxx.

◆ search()

bool o2::framework::search ( DeviceExecution const &  execution,
std::string const &  option,
std::string const &  argument 

Definition at line 34 of file test_DeviceSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ select()

std::vector< InputSpec > o2::framework::select ( char const *  matcher = "")

The purpose of this helper is to create a query on the data via a properly formatted matcher string which describes data in terms of the O2 Data Model descriptor.

The syntax of the string is the following:


Each ; delimits an InputSpec.

Really a wrapper around DataDescriptorQueryBuilder::parse FIXME: should really use an rvalue..

Definition at line 152 of file WorkflowSpec.cxx.

◆ select_pack() [1/2]

template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename Result , typename T , typename... Cs, typename... Ts>
consteval auto o2::framework::select_pack ( Result  result,
pack< T, Ts... >  ,
pack< Cs... >  condPack 

Definition at line 169 of file Pack.h.

◆ select_pack() [2/2]

template<template< typename... > typename Condition, typename Result , typename... Cs>
consteval auto o2::framework::select_pack ( Result  result,
pack<>  ,
pack< Cs... >   

Selects from the pack types that satisfy the Condition Multicondition takes the type to check as first template parameter and any helper types as the following parameters

Definition at line 163 of file Pack.h.

◆ sendMessageToDriver()

void o2::framework::sendMessageToDriver ( std::unique_ptr< o2::framework::WSDPLClient > &  client,
char const *  message,
size_t  s 

Definition at line 248 of file WSDriverClient.cxx.

◆ sendOnChannel() [1/4]

void o2::framework::sendOnChannel ( fair::mq::Device device,
fair::mq::MessagePtr &&  headerMessage,
fair::mq::MessagePtr &&  payloadMessage,
OutputSpec const &  spec,
ChannelRetriever channelRetriever 

Definition at line 165 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ sendOnChannel() [2/4]

void o2::framework::sendOnChannel ( fair::mq::Device device,
fair::mq::Parts &  messages,
OutputSpec const &  spec,
DataProcessingHeader::StartTime  tslice,
ChannelRetriever channelRetriever 

Definition at line 122 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ sendOnChannel() [3/4]

void o2::framework::sendOnChannel ( fair::mq::Device device,
fair::mq::Parts &  messages,
std::string const &  channel,
size_t  timeSlice 

Definition at line 70 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ sendOnChannel() [4/4]

void o2::framework::sendOnChannel ( fair::mq::Device device,
o2::header::Stack &&  headerStack,
fair::mq::MessagePtr &&  payloadMessage,
OutputSpec const &  spec,
ChannelRetriever channelRetriever 

send header/payload O2 message for an OutputSpec, a channel retriever callback is required to get the associated fair::mq::Channel FIXME: can in principle drop the OutputSpec parameter and take the DataHeader

Definition at line 134 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ sendVariableContextMetrics()

void o2::framework::sendVariableContextMetrics ( VariableContext context,
TimesliceSlot  slot,
DataProcessingStates states 

Send the contents of a context as metrics, so that we can examine them in the GUI.

Definition at line 257 of file DataRelayer.cxx.

◆ sequence_to_pack()

template<typename T , std::size_t... Is>
auto o2::framework::sequence_to_pack ( std::integer_sequence< std::size_t, Is... >  )

Definition at line 346 of file Pack.h.

◆ spawner() [1/3]

template<typename... C>
auto o2::framework::spawner ( framework::pack< C... >  columns,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > > &&  tables,
const char name 

Definition at line 912 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ spawner() [2/3]

template<aod::is_aod_hash D>
auto o2::framework::spawner ( std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > const &  fullTable,
const char name 

Definition at line 881 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ spawner() [3/3]

template<aod::is_aod_hash D>
auto o2::framework::spawner ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > > &&  tables,
const char name 

Expression-based column generator to materialize columns.

Definition at line 862 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ spawnerHelper()

std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > o2::framework::spawnerHelper ( std::shared_ptr< arrow::Table > const &  fullTable,
std::shared_ptr< arrow::Schema >  newSchema,
size_t  nColumns,
expressions::Projector projectors,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< arrow::Field > > const &  fields,
const char name 

Definition at line 87 of file TableBuilder.cxx.

◆ specCombiner()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::specCombiner ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > const &  speccollection,
std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > &  remaining 

Definition at line 114 of file DPLWorkflowUtils.h.

◆ specifyExternalFairMQDeviceProxy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::specifyExternalFairMQDeviceProxy ( char const *  label,
std::vector< OutputSpec > const &  outputs,
const char defaultChannelConfig,
InjectorFunction  converter,
uint64_t  minSHM = 0,
bool  sendTFcounter = false,
bool  doInjectMissingData = false,
unsigned int  doPrintSizes = 0 

Create a DataProcessorSpec which can be used to inject messages in the DPL.

labelis the label of the DataProcessorSpec associated and name of the input channel.
outputsis the type of messages which this source produces.
channelConfigis string to be passed to fairmq to create the device. notice that the name of the device will be added as the name of the channel if the name tag is not yet in the configuration
converteris a lambda to be invoked to convert inputs into messages of the DPL. By default incrementalConverter is used which attaches to each @input FairMQPart a DataProcessingHeader with an incremental number as start time.

Definition at line 642 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ specifyFairMQDeviceMultiOutputProxy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::specifyFairMQDeviceMultiOutputProxy ( char const *  label,
Inputs const &  inputSpecs,
const char defaultChannelConfig,
ChannelSelector  channelSelector = defaultOutputProxyChannelSelector 

Create a DataProcessorSpec for a DPL processor with an out-of-band channel to relay DPL workflow data to an external fair::mq::Device channel.

The output configuration is determined by one or multiple entries of the fair::mq::Device command line option '–channel-config' in the format –channel-config "name=channel-name;..." A default string is build from the provided parameter.

The target of each input data matcher is specified as the binding identifier and matched to the configured output channels

labelis the label of the DataProcessorSpec associated.
inputSpecsthe list of inputs to read from, the binding of the spec must correspond to an output channel
defaultChannelConfigis the default configuration of the out-of-band channel the string is passed to fairmq to create the device channel and can be adjusted by command line option '–channel-config' notice that the name of the device will be added as the name of the channel if the name tag is not yet in the configuration

Definition at line 1014 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ specifyFairMQDeviceOutputProxy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::specifyFairMQDeviceOutputProxy ( char const *  label,
Inputs const &  inputSpecs,
const char defaultChannelConfig 

Definition at line 911 of file ExternalFairMQDeviceProxy.cxx.

◆ SpectoString()

std::string o2::framework::SpectoString ( InputSpec  input)

Definition at line 197 of file DataOutputDirector.cxx.

◆ startTimeParamSpec()

ConfigParamSpec o2::framework::startTimeParamSpec ( int64_t  t)

Definition at line 64 of file CCDBParamSpec.cxx.

◆ strToUpper()

std::string o2::framework::strToUpper ( std::string &&  str)

Definition at line 189 of file ASoA.cxx.


o2::framework::TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE ( "test_RawParser"  ,
""  [RDH][template],
V5  ,
V6  ,

Definition at line 44 of file test_RawParser.cxx.

◆ TEST_CASE() [1/5]

o2::framework::TEST_CASE ( "Check validity of the workflow"  )

Definition at line 291 of file test_DeviceSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ TEST_CASE() [2/5]

o2::framework::TEST_CASE ( "CheckIntegerReworking"  )

Definition at line 225 of file test_DeviceSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ TEST_CASE() [3/5]

o2::framework::TEST_CASE ( "CheckOptionReworking"  )

Definition at line 183 of file test_DeviceSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ TEST_CASE() [4/5]

o2::framework::TEST_CASE ( "CheckReworkingEnv"  )

Definition at line 355 of file test_DeviceSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ TEST_CASE() [5/5]

o2::framework::TEST_CASE ( "test_prepareArguments"  )

Definition at line 103 of file test_DeviceSpecHelpers.cxx.

◆ throw_error()

void o2::framework::throw_error ( RuntimeErrorRef  ref)

Definition at line 90 of file RuntimeError.cxx.

◆ timePipeline()

DataProcessorSpec o2::framework::timePipeline ( DataProcessorSpec  original,
size_t  count 

The purpose of this helper is to duplicate a DataProcessorSpec original as many times as count and make sure that each one of those is picking up a different subchannel. All the inputs of this DataProcessorSpec will have to be adapted to produce one set of inputs per subchannel, in a round robin fashion. All the consumers of this DataProcessorSpec will have to connect to each one of the parallel workers or a "TimeMerger" device will have to do that for you.

Definition at line 140 of file WorkflowSpec.cxx.

◆ timerSpecs()

std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > o2::framework::timerSpecs ( std::vector< TimerSpec intervals)

Definition at line 17 of file TimerParamSpec.cxx.

◆ to_tuple()

template<class T >
auto constexpr o2::framework::to_tuple ( T &&  object)

Helper function to convert a brace-initialisable struct to a tuple.

Definition at line 587 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ transformBase()

template<is_spawnable T>
constexpr auto o2::framework::transformBase ( )

This helper struct allows you to declare index tables to be created in a task.

Definition at line 251 of file AnalysisHelpers.h.

◆ tuple_to_pack()

template<typename... ARGS>
constexpr auto o2::framework::tuple_to_pack ( std::tuple< ARGS... > &&  )

Definition at line 567 of file TableBuilder.h.

◆ typeWithRef()

template<soa::is_table T>
consteval auto o2::framework::typeWithRef ( ) -> T

Helper to define output for a Table.

Definition at line 159 of file AnalysisHelpers.h.

◆ unique_pack() [1/2]

template<typename PT , typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr auto o2::framework::unique_pack ( pack< T, Ts... >  ,
PT  p2 

Definition at line 328 of file Pack.h.

◆ unique_pack() [2/2]

template<typename PT >
constexpr auto o2::framework::unique_pack ( pack<>  ,
PT  p2 

Definition at line 322 of file Pack.h.

◆ updatePairList()

void o2::framework::updatePairList ( std::vector< StringPair > &  list,
std::string const &  binding,
std::string const &  key 

Definition at line 22 of file ArrowTableSlicingCache.cxx.

◆ validateExpendable()

bool o2::framework::validateExpendable ( std::ostream &  errors,
DataProcessorSpec const &  producer,
OutputSpec const &  output,
DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &  producerPolicies,
DataProcessorSpec const &  consumer,
InputSpec const &  input,
DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &  consumerPolicies 

Definition at line 1088 of file WorkflowHelpers.cxx.

◆ validateLifetime()

bool o2::framework::validateLifetime ( std::ostream &  errors,
DataProcessorSpec const &  producer,
OutputSpec const &  output,
DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &  producerPolicies,
DataProcessorSpec const &  consumer,
InputSpec const &  input,
DataProcessorPoliciesInfo const &  consumerPolicies 

Definition at line 1071 of file WorkflowHelpers.cxx.

◆ vectorFromBranch()

template<typename T >
std::vector< T > o2::framework::vectorFromBranch ( boost::property_tree::ptree const &  branch)

Definition at line 88 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ vectorToBranch() [1/2]

template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree o2::framework::vectorToBranch ( std::vector< T > &&  values)

Definition at line 47 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ vectorToBranch() [2/2]

template<typename T >
boost::property_tree::ptree o2::framework::vectorToBranch ( T *  values,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 39 of file VariantPropertyTreeHelpers.h.

◆ websocket_client_callback()

void o2::framework::websocket_client_callback ( uv_stream_t *  stream,
ssize_t  nread,
const uv_buf_t *  buf 

Definition at line 392 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ websocket_server_callback()

void o2::framework::websocket_server_callback ( uv_stream_t *  stream,
ssize_t  nread,
const uv_buf_t *  buf 

Actually replies to any incoming websocket stuff.

Definition at line 58 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ websocket_server_close_callback()

void o2::framework::websocket_server_close_callback ( uv_handle_t handle)

Free any resource associated with the device - driver channel.

Definition at line 40 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ whoAmI()

std::string o2::framework::whoAmI ( ConfigContext const &  configcontext)

Definition at line 92 of file DPLWorkflowUtils.h.

◆ ws_client_bulk_write_callback()

void o2::framework::ws_client_bulk_write_callback ( uv_write_t *  h,
int  status 

Definition at line 530 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ ws_client_write_callback()

void o2::framework::ws_client_write_callback ( uv_write_t *  h,
int  status 

Definition at line 513 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ ws_error_write_callback()

void o2::framework::ws_error_write_callback ( uv_write_t *  h,
int  status 

Definition at line 47 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ ws_handshake_done_callback()

void o2::framework::ws_handshake_done_callback ( uv_write_t *  h,
int  status 

Whenever we have handshaken correctly, we can wait for the actual frames until we get an error.

Definition at line 86 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ ws_server_bulk_write_callback()

void o2::framework::ws_server_bulk_write_callback ( uv_write_t *  h,
int  status 

Definition at line 338 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ ws_server_write_callback()

void o2::framework::ws_server_write_callback ( uv_write_t *  h,
int  status 

Definition at line 325 of file DPLWebSocket.cxx.

◆ xmlEncode()

std::string o2::framework::xmlEncode ( std::string const &  source)

Definition at line 87 of file DDSConfigHelpers.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ always_static_assert_v

template<typename... T>
constexpr bool o2::framework::always_static_assert_v = always_static_assert<T...>::value

Definition at line 50 of file Traits.h.

◆ createMetricInfo

auto o2::framework::createMetricInfo

Definition at line 297 of file DeviceMetricsHelper.cxx.

◆ decongestionCallback

auto o2::framework::decongestionCallback

Definition at line 533 of file CommonServices.cxx.

◆ decongestionCallbackLate

auto o2::framework::decongestionCallbackLate
Initial value:
= [](AsyncTask& task, size_t aid) -> void {
auto& oldestTimeslice = task.user<DecongestionContext>().oldestTimeslice;
auto& ref = task.user<DecongestionContext>().ref;
auto& decongestion = ref.get<DecongestionService>();
auto& proxy = ref.get<FairMQDeviceProxy>();
if (oldestTimeslice.timeslice.value <= decongestion.lastTimeslice) {
LOG(debug) << "Not sending already sent oldest possible timeslice " << oldestTimeslice.timeslice.value;
for (int fi = 0; fi < proxy.getNumForwardChannels(); fi++) {
auto& info = proxy.getForwardChannelInfo(ChannelIndex{fi});
auto& state = proxy.getForwardChannelState(ChannelIndex{fi});
O2_SIGNPOST_ID_GENERATE(aid, async_queue);
if (info.channelType != ChannelAccountingType::DPL) {
O2_SIGNPOST_EVENT_EMIT(async_queue, aid, "forwardInputsCallback", "Skipping channel %{public}s because it's not a DPL channel",;
if (DataProcessingHelpers::sendOldestPossibleTimeframe(ref, info, state, oldestTimeslice.timeslice.value)) {
O2_SIGNPOST_EVENT_EMIT(async_queue, aid, "forwardInputsCallback", "Forwarding to channel %{public}s oldest possible timeslice %zu, prio 20",, oldestTimeslice.timeslice.value);
benchmark::State & state
#define O2_SIGNPOST_ID_GENERATE(name, log)
Definition Signpost.h:490
#define O2_SIGNPOST_EVENT_EMIT(log, id, name, format,...)
Definition Signpost.h:495
std::ostringstream debug
An actuatual task to be executed.
Definition AsyncQueue.h:32
static bool sendOldestPossibleTimeframe(ServiceRegistryRef const &ref, ForwardChannelInfo const &info, ForwardChannelState &state, size_t timeslice)
LOG(info)<< "Compressed in "<< sw.CpuTime()<< " s"

Definition at line 654 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ decongestionCallbackOrdered

auto o2::framework::decongestionCallbackOrdered
Initial value:
= [](AsyncTask& task, size_t id) -> void {
auto& oldestPossibleOutput = task.user<DecongestionContext>().oldestPossibleOutput;
auto& ref = task.user<DecongestionContext>().ref;
auto& decongestion = ref.get<DecongestionService>();
auto& state = ref.get<DeviceState>();
auto& timesliceIndex = ref.get<TimesliceIndex>();
O2_SIGNPOST_ID_GENERATE(cid, async_queue);
int64_t oldNextTimeslice = decongestion.nextTimeslice;
decongestion.nextTimeslice = std::max(decongestion.nextTimeslice, (int64_t)oldestPossibleOutput.timeslice.value);
if (oldNextTimeslice != decongestion.nextTimeslice) {
if (state.transitionHandling != TransitionHandlingState::NoTransition && DefaultsHelpers::onlineDeploymentMode()) {
O2_SIGNPOST_EVENT_EMIT_WARN(async_queue, cid, "oldest_possible_timeslice", "Stop transition requested. Some Lifetime::Timeframe data got dropped starting at %" PRIi64, oldNextTimeslice);
} else {
O2_SIGNPOST_EVENT_EMIT_ERROR(async_queue, cid, "oldest_possible_timeslice", "Some Lifetime::Timeframe data got dropped starting at %" PRIi64, oldNextTimeslice);
#define O2_SIGNPOST_EVENT_EMIT_ERROR(log, id, name, format,...)
Definition Signpost.h:515
#define O2_SIGNPOST_EVENT_EMIT_WARN(log, id, name, format,...)
Definition Signpost.h:525
GLuint id
Definition glcorearb.h:650

Definition at line 568 of file CommonServices.cxx.

◆ findOverrideByName

auto o2::framework::findOverrideByName
Initial value:
= [](std::string_view name) {
return [name](const OverrideServiceSpec& spec) { return == name; };
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition glcorearb.h:781

Definition at line 23 of file ServiceSpec.cxx.

◆ has_type_conditional_v

template<template< typename, typename > typename Condition, typename T , typename P >
constexpr bool o2::framework::has_type_conditional_v = has_type_conditional<Condition, T>(P{})

Definition at line 225 of file Pack.h.

◆ has_type_v

template<typename T , typename P >
constexpr bool o2::framework::has_type_v = has_type<T>(P{})

Definition at line 216 of file Pack.h.


constexpr int o2::framework::INVALID_INPUT = -1

Definition at line 62 of file DataRelayer.cxx.

◆ is_base_of_template_v

template<template< typename... > typename B, typename D >
constexpr bool o2::framework::is_base_of_template_v = base_of_template<B, D>

Definition at line 58 of file Traits.h.

◆ is_specialization_v

template<typename T , template< typename... > class Ref>
constexpr bool o2::framework::is_specialization_v = is_specialization<T, Ref>::value

Definition at line 32 of file Traits.h.

◆ is_type_complete_v

template<typename , typename = void>
constexpr bool o2::framework::is_type_complete_v = false

Helper to understand if a given type is complete (declared fully) or not (forward declared). See also:

Definition at line 24 of file CheckTypes.h.


constexpr int o2::framework::MAX_USER_FILTER_SIZE = 256

Definition at line 24 of file DeviceControl.h.

◆ PageSize

constexpr size_t o2::framework::PageSize = 8192

Definition at line 18 of file test_RawParser.cxx.

◆ readBoolValues

auto o2::framework::readBoolValues
Initial value:
= [](uint8_t* target, ReadOps& op, TBufferFile& rootBuffer) {
int readEntries = 0;
memset(target, 0, op.targetBuffer->size());
int readLast = 0;
while (readEntries < op.rootBranchEntries) {
auto beginValue = readLast;
auto readLast = op.branch->GetBulkRead().GetBulkEntries(readEntries, rootBuffer);
int size = readLast * op.listSize;
readEntries += readLast;
for (int i = beginValue; i < beginValue + size; ++i) {
auto value = static_cast<uint8_t>(rootBuffer.GetCurrent()[i - beginValue] << (i % 8));
target[i / 8] |= value;
int32_t i
uint32_t op
GLsizeiptr size
Definition glcorearb.h:659
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition glcorearb.h:819
GLenum target
Definition glcorearb.h:1641
TBufferFile & rootBuffer()

Definition at line 204 of file TTreePlugin.cxx.

◆ readOffsets

auto o2::framework::readOffsets
Initial value:
= [](ReadOps& op, TBufferFile& rootBuffer) {
uint32_t offset = 0;
std::span<int> offsets;
int readEntries = 0;
int count = 0;
auto* tPtrOffset = reinterpret_cast<int*>(op.targetBuffer->mutable_data());
offsets = std::span<int>{tPtrOffset, tPtrOffset + op.rootBranchEntries + 1};
while (readEntries < op.rootBranchEntries) {
auto readLast = op.branch->GetBulkRead().GetEntriesSerialized(readEntries, rootBuffer);
if (readLast == -1) {
throw runtime_error_f("Unable to read from branch %s.", op.branch->GetName());
readEntries += readLast;
for (auto i = 0; i < readLast; ++i) {
offset += swap32_(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(rootBuffer.GetCurrent())[i]);
op.offsetCount = offset;
#define swap32_
Definition Endian.h:27
GLint GLsizei count
Definition glcorearb.h:399
GLuint GLsizei const GLuint const GLintptr * offsets
Definition glcorearb.h:2595
GLintptr offset
Definition glcorearb.h:660
RuntimeErrorRef runtime_error_f(const char *,...)

Definition at line 565 of file TTreePlugin.cxx.

◆ readValues

auto o2::framework::readValues
Initial value:
= [](uint8_t* target, ReadOps& op, TBufferFile& rootBuffer) {
int readEntries = 0;
while (readEntries < op.rootBranchEntries) {
auto readLast = op.branch->GetBulkRead().GetEntriesSerialized(readEntries, rootBuffer);
if (readLast < 0) {
throw runtime_error_f("Error while reading branch %s starting from %zu.", op.branch->GetName(), readEntries);
int size = readLast * op.listSize;
readEntries += readLast;
swapCopy(target, rootBuffer.GetCurrent(), size, op.typeSize);
target += (ptrdiff_t)(size * op.typeSize);
void swapCopy(unsigned char *dest, char *source, int size, int typeSize) noexcept
Definition Endian.h:61

Definition at line 189 of file TTreePlugin.cxx.

◆ readVLAValues

auto o2::framework::readVLAValues
Initial value:
= [](uint8_t* target, ReadOps& op, ReadOps const& offsetOp, TBufferFile& rootBuffer) {
int readEntries = 0;
auto* tPtrOffset = reinterpret_cast<const int*>(offsetOp.targetBuffer->data());
std::span<int const> const offsets{tPtrOffset, tPtrOffset + offsetOp.rootBranchEntries + 1};
while (readEntries < op.rootBranchEntries) {
auto readLast = op.branch->GetBulkRead().GetEntriesSerialized(readEntries, rootBuffer);
int size = offsets[readEntries + readLast] - offsets[readEntries];
readEntries += readLast;
swapCopy(target, rootBuffer.GetCurrent(), size, op.typeSize);
target += (ptrdiff_t)(size * op.typeSize);

Definition at line 222 of file TTreePlugin.cxx.

◆ region_read_global_dummy_variable

volatile int o2::framework::region_read_global_dummy_variable

Definition at line 775 of file DataProcessingDevice.cxx.

◆ service_kind_v

template<typename T >
constexpr ServiceKind o2::framework::service_kind_v = ServiceKindExtractor<T>::kind

Definition at line 76 of file ServiceRegistry.h.

◆ storeIdx

auto o2::framework::storeIdx
Initial value:
= [](DeviceMetricsInfo& info, MetricType type) -> size_t {
switch (type) {
case MetricType::Int:
return info.intMetrics.size();
case MetricType::String:
return info.stringMetrics.size();
case MetricType::Float:
return info.floatMetrics.size();
case MetricType::Uint64:
return info.uint64Metrics.size();
case MetricType::Enum:
return info.enumMetrics.size();
return -1;
GLint GLint GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum type
Definition glcorearb.h:275

Definition at line 280 of file DeviceMetricsHelper.cxx.

◆ unique_type_id_v

template<typename T >
constexpr auto o2::framework::unique_type_id_v = unique_type_id<T>::value

Definition at line 37 of file TypeIdHelpers.h.


constexpr double o2::framework::VARIABLE_WIDTH = 0.

Specification of an Axis.

Definition at line 81 of file HistogramSpec.h.

◆ variant_trait_v

template<typename T >
constexpr VariantType o2::framework::variant_trait_v = variant_trait<T>::value

Definition at line 190 of file Variant.h.