22struct DeviceController;
46 std::map<std::string, std::string>
Defining PrimaryVertex explicitly as messageable.
constexpr int MAX_USER_FILTER_SIZE
bool logVisible
wether the log window should be opened.
int logStreams
What kind of log streams should be enabled.
char logStartTrigger[MAX_USER_FILTER_SIZE]
Start printing log with the last occurence of this.
DeviceController * controller
Handler used to communicate with the device (if available)
std::map< std::string, std::string > options
Where the GUI should store the options it wants.
int requestedState
An incremental number to identify the device state.
char logFilter[MAX_USER_FILTER_SIZE]
Lines in the log should match this to be displayed.
char logStopTrigger[MAX_USER_FILTER_SIZE]
Stop producing log with the first occurrence of this after the start.
int tracingFlags
What kind of events should run with the TRACE level.
LogParsingHelpers::LogLevel logLevel
Minimum log level for messages to appear.
bool quiet
wether we should be capturing device output.
Possible log levels for device log entries.