63 void readEntry(
const Long_t
const bool doPrint =
Class to store the data of single track processing.
Store residuals and local/global deriavtives from a single track processing.
Long64_t mCurrentDataID
counter indicating the ID of the current record in the tree
void changeDataBranchName(const bool isConstraintsRec=true)
choose data records filename
o2::fwdalign::MillePedeRecord * mRecord
the running record
bool isReadEntryOk() const
check if the last operation readNextEntry() was ok
void readNextEntry(const bool doPrint=false)
read the next entry in the tree
ClassDef(MilleRecordReader, 0)
TChain * mDataTree
TChain container that stores the records.
bool mIsReadEntryOk
boolean to know if the last operation readNextEntry() was ok
Long64_t getNEntries() const
return the number of entries
virtual ~MilleRecordReader()
bool mIsConstraintsRec
boolean to know if these are data records or constraints records
TString getDataTreeName() const
return the name of record data tree
void readEntry(const Long_t id, const bool doPrint=false)
read the entry # id in the tree
bool mIsSuccessfulInit
boolean to monitor the success of the initialization
void connectToChain(TChain *ch)
connect to input TChain
bool isReaderOk() const
check if connect to input TChain went well
TString mDataBranchName
name of the branch where records will be stored
Long64_t mNEntries
number of entries in the read TChain
TString mDataTreeName
name of the record TTree/TChain
long getCurrentDataID() const
return the ID of the current record in the TTree
o2::fwdalign::MillePedeRecord * getRecord()
return the record
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...