static constexpr int NLayers
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
float accCorr[NLayers]
acceptance correction per layer (cluster / track)
bool isPassingMultCut(float mult) const
bool isPassingRandomRejection() const
float cutMultClusHigh
reject ROF with estimated cluster mult. below this value (no cut if <0)
float cutRandomFraction
reject seed vertex if its multiplicity above this value (no cut if <0)
int randomSeed
apply random cut rejecting requested fraction
float imposeNoisePerChip
last layer to account
O2ParamDef(FastMultEstConfig, "fastMultConfig")
int lastLayer
1st layer to account
bool isMultCutRequested() const
prefer ROFs with highest number of physics triggers
float cutMultVtxLow
reject ROF with estimated cluster mult. above this value (no cut if <0)
bool preferTriggered
0 - do not seet seed, >0 : set as is, <0 : use current time
bool isPassingVtxMultCut(int mult) const
float cutMultVtxHigh
reject seed vertex if its multiplicity below this value (no cut if <0)
bool isVtxMultCutRequested() const
static constexpr int NLayers