No Matches

MCH Workflows

  • A note for developers
  • Raw to digits
  • Digit filtering
  • Time clustering
  • Event finding
  • Preclustering
  • Clustering
  • CTF encoding/decoding
  • Local to global cluster transformation
  • Tracking
  • Track extrapolation to vertex
  • Track fitter
  • Error merger
  • Readers/Writers and Samplers/Sinks
    • Error reader
    • Vertex sampler
    • Error writer

A note for developers

When defining a function that returns a DataProcessorSpec, please stick to the following pattern for its parameters :

DataProcessorSpec getXXX([bool useMC], const char* specName="mch-xxx", other parameters);
  • first parameter, if relevant, should be a boolean indicating whether the processor has to deal with Monte Carlo data or not. For a processor that never has to deal with MC, leave that parameter out
  • second parameter is the name by which that device will be referenced in all log files, so, in order to be easily recognizable, it must start with the prefix mch-
  • the rest of the parameters (if any) is specific to each device

Raw to digits


The workflow accepts the following options:

  • --debug: enable verbose output
  • --dataspec: selection string for the input data (default: "TF:MCH/RAWDATA")
  • --cru-map: path to custom CRU mapping file
  • --fec-map: path to custom FEC mapping file
  • --ds2manu: convert channel numbering from Run3 to Run1-2 order

Example of a DPL chain to go from a raw data file to a file of preclusters :

o2-raw-file-sampler-workflow --input-conf file-reader.cfg --loop 0 -b |
o2-mch-raw-to-digits-workflow -b |
o2-mch-digits-to-preclusters-workflow -b |
o2-mch-preclusters-sink-workflow -b

where the file-reader.cfg looks like this:

dataOrigin = MCH
dataDescription = RAWDATA
filePath = /home/data/data-de819-ped-raw.raw

Digit filtering

Filter out (i.e. remove) some digits more...

Time clustering

Cluster ROFs per time, thus making IR ranges of interest. more...

Event finding


Inputs :

  • list of all MCH digits (Digit) in the current time frame, with the (default) data description F-DIGITS (can be changed with --input-digits-data-description option)
  • list of MCH ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the digits associated to each ROF, with the (default) data description F-DIGITROFS (can be changed with --input-digit-rofs-data-description option)
  • list of MID ROF records (ROFRecord) used to trigger the event finding, with the data description TRACKROFS

Outputs :

  • list of MCH digits associated to an event, with the (default) data description E-F-DIGITS (can be changed with --output-digits-data-description option)
  • list of MCH ROF records pointing to the digits associated to each event, with the (default) data description E-F-DIGITROFS (can be changed with --output-digit-rofs-data-description option)

Option --mch-config "file.json" or --mch-config "file.ini" allows to change the triggering parameters from a configuration file. This file can be either in JSON or in INI format, as described below:

  • Example of configuration file in JSON format:
    "MCHTriggering": {
    "triggerRange[0]": "-3",
    "triggerRange[1]": "3"
  • Example of configuration file in INI format:

Option --configKeyValues "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." allows to change the triggering parameters from the command line. The parameters changed from the command line will supersede the ones changed from a configuration file.

  • Example of parameters changed from the command line:
    --configKeyValues "MCHTriggering.triggerRange[0]=-3;MCHTriggering.triggerRange[1]=3"


Group the digits in preclusters. more...



Take as input the list of all preclusters (PreCluster) in the current time frame, the list of all associated digits (Digit) and the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the preclusters associated to each interaction, with the data description "PRECLUSTERS", "PRECLUSTERDIGITS" and "PRECLUSTERROFS", respectively. Send the list of all clusters (Cluster) in the time frame, the list of all associated digits (Digit), the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the clusters associated to each interaction and the list of processing errors (Error) in four separate messages with the data description "CLUSTERS", "CLUSTERDIGITS", "CLUSTERROFS" and "CLUSTERERRORS", respectively.

Option --run2-config allows to configure the clustering to process run2 data.

Option --mch-config "file.json" or --mch-config "file.ini" allows to change the clustering parameters from a configuration file. This file can be either in JSON or in INI format, as described below:

  • Example of configuration file in JSON format:
    "MCHClustering": {
    "lowestPadCharge": "4.",
    "defaultClusterResolutionX": "0.4",
    "defaultClusterResolutionY": "0.4"
  • Example of configuration file in INI format:

Option --configKeyValues "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." allows to change the clustering parameters from the command line. The parameters changed from the command line will supersede the ones changed from a configuration file.

  • Example of parameters changed from the command line:
    --configKeyValues "MCHClustering.lowestPadCharge=4.;MCHClustering.defaultClusterResolutionX=0.4;MCHClustering.defaultClusterResolutionY=0.4"

CTF encoding/decoding

Entropy encoding is done be attaching the o2-mch-entropy-encoder-workflow to the output of DIGITS and DIGITROF data-descriptions, providing Digit and ROFRecord respectively. Afterwards the encoded data can be stored by the o2-ctf-writer-workflow.

o2-raw-file-reader-workflow --input-conf raw/MCH/MCHraw.cfg | o2-mch-raw-to-digits-workflow | o2-mch-entropy-encoder-workflow | o2-ctf-writer-workflow --onlyDet MCH

The decoding is done automatically by the o2-ctf-reader-workflow.

Local to global cluster transformation

Converts the clusters coordinates from local (2D within detection element plane) to global (3D within Alice reference frame) more...


Combine the clusters to reconstruct the tracks. more...

Track extrapolation to vertex


Take as input the list of all MCH tracks (TrackMCH) in the current time frame, the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) pointing to the tracks associated to each interaction and their vertex position (Point3D<double>), with the data description "TRACKS", "TRACKROFS" and "VERTICES", respectively. Send the list of all tracks at vertex (TrackAtVtxStruct as described below) in the time frame with the data description "TRACKSATVERTEX".

struct TrackAtVtxStruct {
TrackParamStruct paramAtVertex{};
double dca = 0.;
double rAbs = 0.;
int mchTrackIdx = 0;

Options --l3Current xxx and --dipoleCurrent yyy allow to specify the current in L3 and in the dipole to be used to set the magnetic field.

Track fitter

Refit the tracks to their associated clusters. more...

Error merger


Take as input the list of all MCH preclustering, clustering and tracking errors (Error) in the current time frame, with the data description "PRECLUSTERERRORS", "CLUSTERERRORS" and "TRACKERRORS", respectively. Send the merged list of all MCH processing errors (Error) in the time frame, with the data description "PROCERRORS".

Options --disable-preclustering-errors allows to skip the preclustering errors.

Options --disable-clustering-errors allows to skip the clustering errors.

Options --disable-tracking-errors allows to skip the tracking errors.

Readers/Writers and Samplers/Sinks

Readers (writers) workflows are reading from (to) Root files. more...

Samplers (sinks) workflows are reading from (to) files written in MCH custom binary format(s). more...

Error reader

o2-mch-errors-reader-workflow --infile mcherrors.root

Send the list of all MCH processing errors (Error) in the current time frame, with the data description "PROCERRORS".

Option --input-dir allows to set the name of the directory containing the input file (default = current directory).

Vertex sampler


Take as input the list of ROF records (ROFRecord) in the current time frame, with the data description "TRACKROFS". Send the list of all vertex positions (Point3D<double>) in the time frame, one per interaction, with the data description "VERTICES".

Option --infile "" allows to read the position of the vertex from the binary file containing for each event:

  • event number (int)
  • x (double)
  • y (double)
  • z (double)

If no binary file is provided, the vertex is always set to (0,0,0).

Error writer


Take as input the list of all MCH processing errors (Error) in the current time frame, with the data description "PROCERRORS", and write it in the root file "mcherrors.root".