20namespace globaltracking
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
bool useTrackTime
Use the MCH or MCHMID track time information to select the MFT ROF(s)
double matchPlaneZ
MFT-MCH matching plane z coordinate.
float MFTRadLength
MFT thickness in radiation length.
std::string extCutFuncName
Name of external cut function getter.
Int_t saveMode
Global Forward Tracks save mode.
O2ParamDef(GlobalFwdMatchingParam, "FwdMatching")
bool useMIDMatch
Use input from MCH-MID matching.
float alignResidual
Alignment residual for cluster position uncertainty.
bool cutExternalFunction() const
std::string extMatchFuncFile
File name for external input matching function.
std::string cutFcn
MFT-MCH candicate cut function.
std::string extMatchFuncName
Name of external matching function getter.
int nCandidates
Number of best matching candidates to save in savemode=3.
bool isMatchUpstream() const
bool matchingExternalFunction() const
std::string matchFcn
MFT-MCH matching score evaluation.
bool MCMatching
MFT-MCH matching computed from MCLabels.