No Matches
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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
20namespace o2
22namespace tpc
25// These are configurable params for the TPC space point calibration
26struct SpacePointsCalibConfParam : public o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper<SpacePointsCalibConfParam> {
28 int maxTracksPerCalibSlot = 500'000;
29 int additionalTracksMap = 3'500'000;
31 // define track cuts for track interpolation
32 int minTPCNCls = 70;
34 float maxTPCChi2 = 4.f;
35 int minITSNCls = 4;
37 int minTRDNTrklts = 3;
38 float maxITSChi2 = 20.f;
39 float maxTRDChi2 = 10.f;
40 float minPtNoOuterPoint = 0.2f;
42 bool ignoreNonPVContrib = true;
44 float tsalisThreshold = 1.f;
46 // other settings for track interpolation
47 float sigYZ2TOF{.75f};
48 float maxSnp{.85f};
49 float maxStep{2.f};
50 bool debugTRDTOF{false};
52 // steering of map creation after the residuals have already been written to file
53 bool fitVdrift{true};
55 bool useTrackData{true};
56 bool timeFilter{false};
57 long startTimeMS{0L};
58 long endTimeMS{1999999999999L};
59 bool cutOnDCA{true};
60 float maxDCA = 7.f;
62 // parameters for outlier rejection
64 bool writeUnfiltered{false};
65 int nMALong{15};
66 int nMAShort{3};
67 float maxRejFrac{.15f};
68 float maxRMSLong{.8f};
69 int minNCl = 30;
70 float maxQ2Pt = 5.f;
71 float maxDevHelixY = .3f;
72 float maxDevHelixZ = .3f;
74 float maxStdDevMA = 25.f;
76 // settings for voxel residuals extraction
77 bool isBfieldZero = false;
79 float LTMCut = .75f;
80 float minFracLTM = .5f;
85 float maxFitErrY2 = 1.f;
86 float maxFitErrX2 = 9.f;
87 float maxFitCorrXY = .95f;
88 float maxSigY = 1.1f;
89 float maxSigZ = .7f;
90 float maxGaussStdDev = 5.f;
91 float maxZ2X = 1.f;
96} // namespace tpc
97} // end namespace o2
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
float maxRejFrac
if the fraction of rejected clusters of a track is higher, the full track is invalidated
O2ParamDef(SpacePointsCalibConfParam, "scdcalib")
float minFracLTM
minimum fraction of points to keep when trimming data to fit expected sigma
float maxDevHelixZ
max deviation in Z for clusters wrt helix fit
int nMALong
number of points to be used for moving average (long range)
float maxFitErrX2
maximum fit error for X2
float minPtNoOuterPoint
minimum pt for ITS-TPC tracks to be considered for extrapolation
float minValidVoxFracDrift
if more than this fraction of bins are bad for one pad row the whole pad row is declared bad
bool debugTRDTOF
if true, ITS-TPC-TRD-TOF tracks and their seeding ITS-TPC-TRD track will both be interpolated and the...
float maxGaussStdDev
maximum number of sigmas to be considered for gaussian kernel smoothing
int minEntriesPerVoxel
minimum number of points in voxel for processing
int minTRDNTrklts
min number of TRD space points
float LTMCut
fraction op points to keep when trimming input data
int nMAShort
number of points to be used for estimation of distance from local line (short range)
float maxDevHelixY
max deviation in Y for clusters wrt helix fit
bool fitVdrift
if vDrift should be extracted (TODO: currently from unbinned residuals in macro mode only)
int additionalTracksMap
will be added to maxTracksPerCalibSlot for track sample with uniform acceptance (no PHOS hole)
int maxBadXBinsToCover
a lower number of consecutive bad X bins will not be declared bad
float maxStdDevMA
max cluster std. deviation (Y^2 + Z^2) wrt moving average to accept
bool skipOutlierFiltering
if set, the outlier filtering will not be applied at all
bool timeFilter
consider only residuals as input from TFs with a specific time range specified via startTimeMS and en...
bool ignoreNonPVContrib
flag if tracks which did not contribute to the PV should be ignored or not
int minITSNClsNoOuterPoint
min number of ITS clusters if no hit in TRD or TOF exists
int minTPCNCls
min number of TPC clusters
float tsalisThreshold
in case the sampling functions returns a value smaller than this the track is discarded (1....
long endTimeMS
the end of the time range in MS
long startTimeMS
the start of the time range in MS
bool useTrackData
if we have the track data available, we can redefine the above cuts for the map creation,...
float maxFitErrY2
maximum fit error for Y2
float maxSigY
maximum sigma for y of the voxel
float maxStep
maximum step for propagation
int minTOFTRDPVContributors
min contributors from TRD or TOF (fast detectors) to consider tracks of this PV
float maxFitCorrXY
maximum fit correlation for x and y
float maxSigZ
maximum sigma for z of the voxel
bool writeBinnedResiduals
when creating the map from unbinned residuals store the binned residuals together with the voxel resu...
bool enableTrackDownsampling
flag if track sampling shall be enabled or not
int minGoodXBinsToCover
minimum number of consecutive good bins, otherwise bins are declared bad
float maxFracBadRowsPerSector
maximum fraction of bad rows before whole sector is masked
float maxQ2Pt
max fitted q/pt for a track to be used for calibration
float sigYZ2TOF
for now assume cluster error for TOF equal for all clusters in both Y and Z
int minNumberOfAcceptedResiduals
min number of accepted residuals for
bool cutOnDCA
when creating the map from unbinned residuals cut on DCA estimated from ITS outer parameter
float maxRMSLong
maximum variance of the cluster residuals wrt moving avarage for a track to be considered
int minITSNCls
min number of ITS clusters
float maxSnp
max snp when propagating tracks
bool writeUnfiltered
if set, all residuals and track parameters will be aggregated and dumped additionally without outlier...
int maxTracksPerCalibSlot
the number of tracks which is required to obtain an average correction map
int minNCl
min number of clusters in a track to be used for calibration
bool isBfieldZero
for B=0 we set the radial distortions to zero and don't fit dy vs tgSlp
int minTPCNClsNoOuterPoint
min number of TPC clusters if no hit in TRD or TOF exists