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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
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3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
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21namespace o2::fv0
23// parameters of FV0 digitization / transport simulation
25 float hitTimeOffset = 0.0;
27 float photoCathodeEfficiency = 0.23; // quantum efficiency = nOfPhotoE_emitted_by_photocathode / nIncidentPhotons
28 float lightYield = 0.01; // light collection efficiency to be tuned using collision data [1%]
29 float adcChannelsPerMip = 16; // Default: 16 for pp and 8 for PbPb
30 float getChannelsPerMilivolt() const { return adcChannelsPerMip / 7.5; } // Non-trivial conversion depending on the pulseshape: amplitude to charge
31 float chargeThrForMeanTime = 5; // Charge threshold, only above which the time is taken into account in calculating the mean time of all qualifying channels
34 // For ring 1-4
35 float offsetRingA1ToA4 = 15.87e-09;
36 float normRingA1ToA4base = 9.1042481e-13;
38 float constRingA1ToA4 = -25.6165;
39 float slopeRingA1ToA4 = 4.7942e+08;
40 float mpvRingA1ToA4 = -6.38203e-08;
41 float sigmaRingA1ToA4 = 2.12167e-09;
42 // For ring 5
43 float offsetRing5 = 16.38e-09;
44 float normRing5base = 1.1680805e-12;
45 float getNormRing5() const { return normRing5base * adcChannelsPerMip / 16; }
46 float constRing5 = -66.76;
47 float slopeRing5 = 9.43117e+08;
48 float mpvRing5 = -6.44167e-08;
49 float sigmaRing5 = 2.3621e-09;
51 float timeShiftCfd = 5.3; // TODO: adjust after FV0 with FEE measurements are done
52 float singleMipThreshold = 3.0; // in [MeV] of deposited energy
53 float singleHitTimeThreshold = 120.0; // in [ns] to skip very slow particles
54 UInt_t waveformNbins = 10000; // number of bins for the analog pulse waveform
55 float waveformBinWidth = 0.01302; // bin width [ns] for analog pulse waveform
56 float avgCfdTimeForMip = 8.63; // in ns to shift the CFD time to zero TODO [do ring wise]
57 bool isIntegrateFull = false; // Full charge integration widow in 25 ns
58 float cfdCheckWindow = 2.5; // time window for the cfd in ns to trigger the charge integration
59 int avgNumberPhElectronPerMip = 201; // avg number of photo-electrons per MIP
60 float mCfdDeadTime = 15.6; // [ns]
61 float mCFD_trsh = 3.; // [mV]
62 float getCFDTrshInAdc() const { return mCFD_trsh * getChannelsPerMilivolt(); } // [ADC channels]
64 bool useMaxChInAdc = true; // default = true
65 int adcChargeCenThr = 3 * 498; // threshold value of ADC charge for Central trigger
66 int adcChargeSCenThr = 1 * 498; // threshold value of ADC charge for Semi-central trigger
67 int maxCountInAdc = 4095; // to take care adc ADC overflow
68 short mTime_trg_gate = 153; // #channels as in TCM as in Pilot beams ('OR gate' setting in TCM tab in ControlServer)
69 uint8_t defaultChainQtc = 0x48; // only 2 flags are set by default in simulation: kIsCFDinADCgate and kIsEventInTVDC
70 float mAmpThresholdForReco = 24; // only channels with amplitude higher will participate in calibration and collision time
71 short mTimeThresholdForReco = 1000; // only channels with time below will participate in calibration and collision time
73 O2ParamDef(FV0DigParam, "FV0DigParam");
75} // namespace o2::fv0
Header to collect physics constants.
bool useMaxChInAdc
Parameters for trigger simulation.
Definition FV0DigParam.h:64
float getNormRingA1ToA4() const
Definition FV0DigParam.h:37
float getNormRing5() const
Definition FV0DigParam.h:45
float getCFDTrshInAdc() const
Definition FV0DigParam.h:62
O2ParamDef(FV0DigParam, "FV0DigParam")
float hitTimeOffset
Hit time offset [ns].
Definition FV0DigParam.h:25
float getChannelsPerMilivolt() const
Definition FV0DigParam.h:30
float offsetRingA1ToA4
Parameters for the FV0 waveform [Conv. of expo. with Landau].
Definition FV0DigParam.h:35