30class GainCalibrationFactors;
92 bool hasFEEDCS()
const {
return mEnableStatus.test(OBJ_FEEDCS); }
96 bool hasTimeCalib()
const {
return mEnableStatus.test(OBJ_TIMECALIB); }
100 bool hasGainCalib()
const {
return mEnableStatus.test(OBJ_GAINCALIB); }
156 void enableFEEDCS(
bool doEnable) { mEnableStatus.set(OBJ_FEEDCS, doEnable); }
247 std::bitset<16> mEnableStatus;
248 std::bitset<16> mUpdateStatus;
Container for energy dependent scale factors for number of hits in a cell.
CCDB container for the temperature calibration coefficients.
CCDB container for the time calibration coefficients.
CCDB container for masked cells in EMCAL.
Handler for EMCAL calibration objects in DPL workflows.
void enableTemperatureCalib(bool doEnable)
Enable loading of the temperature calibration params.
bool hasUpdateTimeCalib() const
Check whether the time calibration params have been updated.
void setUpdateGainCalib()
Mark gain calibration params as updated.
TimeCalibrationParams * getTimeCalibration() const
Access to current time calibration params.
bool hasTimeCalib() const
Check whether the time calibration params are handled.
void enableRecoParams(bool doEnable)
Enable loading of the reconstruction params.
bool hasTemperatureCalib() const
Check whether the temperature calibration params are handled.
void setUpdateRecoParams()
Mark reconstruction params as updated.
FeeDCS * getFEEDCS() const
Access to current FEE DCS params.
void setUpdateTimeCalib()
Mark time calibration params as updated.
void enableBCMScaleFactors(bool doEnable)
Enable loading of the BCM scale factors.
void defineInputSpecs(std::vector< framework::InputSpec > &ccdbInputs)
Define input specs in workflow for calibration objects to be loaded from the CCDB.
bool hasGainCalib() const
Check whether the gain calibration factors are handled.
GainCalibrationFactors * getGainCalibration() const
Access to current gain calibration factors.
void setUpdateBCMScaleFactors()
Mark BCM scale factors as updated.
void setUpdateBadChannelMap()
Mark bad channel map as updated.
EMCALChannelScaleFactors * getBCMScaleFactors() const
Access to current BCM Scale factors.
bool hasBCMScaleFactors() const
Check whether the BCM scale factors are handled.
bool hasUpdateRecoParam() const
Check whether the reconstruction params have been updated.
void enableFEEDCS(bool doEnable)
Enable loading of the FEE DCS params.
bool hasUpdateBCMScaleFactors() const
Check whether the BCM scale factors have been updated.
void setUpdateFEEDCS()
Mark FEE DCS params as updated.
void setUpdateTemperatureCalib()
Mark temperature calibration params as updated.
bool hasUpdateGainCalib() const
Check whether the gain calibration params have been updated.
void checkUpdates(o2::framework::ProcessingContext &ctx)
Check for updates of the calibration objects in the processing context.
void resetUpdateStatus()
Reset the update status (all objects marked as false)
BadChannelMap * getBadChannelMap() const
Access to current bad channel map.
bool hasSimParams() const
Check whether the reconstruction params are handled.
void enableTimeCalib(bool doEnable)
Enable loading of the time calibration params.
TempCalibrationParams * getTemperatureCalibration() const
Access to current temperature calibration params.
bool hasUpdateFEEDCS() const
Check whether the FEE DCS params have been updated.
void enableGainCalib(bool doEnable)
Enable loading of the gain calibration factors.
bool hasRecoParams() const
Check whether the reconstruction params are handled.
void enableSimParams(bool doEnable)
Enable loading of the simulation params.
bool hasBadChannelMap() const
Check whether the bad channel map is handled.
bool finalizeCCDB(framework::ConcreteDataMatcher &matcher, void *obj)
Callback for objects loaded from CCDB.
bool hasFEEDCS() const
Check whether the FEE DCS params are handled.
bool hasUpdateSimParam() const
Check whether the simulation params have been updated.
bool hasUpdateBadChannelMap() const
Check whether the bad channel map has been updated.
bool hasUpdateTemperatureCalib() const
Check whether the temperature calibration params have been updated.
void setUpdateSimParams()
Mark simulation params as updated.
void enableBadChannelMap(bool doEnable)
Enable loading of the bad channel map.
CCDB container for the gain calibration factors.
EMCal reconstruction parameters.
EMCal simulation parameters.
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...