Configurable parameters for the time clustering.
int peakSearchNbins
number of time bins for the peak search algorithm (must be an odd number >= 3)
int maxClusterWidth
maximum time width of time clusters, in BC units
float rofRejectionFraction
fraction of output (i.e. time-clusterized) ROFs to discard. If 0 (default) keep them all....
int minDigitsPerROF
minimum number of digits per ROF (below that threshold ROF is discarded)
bool irFramesOnly
only output ROFs that overlap one of the IRFrames (provided externally, e.g. by ITS)
bool onlyTrackable
only output ROFs that match the trackable condition
bool peakSearchSignalOnly
only use signal-like hits in peak search
O2ParamDef(TimeClusterizerParam, "MCHTimeClusterizer")