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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
19namespace o2
21namespace cpv
23// parameters used in responce calculation and digitization
24// (mostly used in GEANT stepping and Digitizer)
25struct CPVSimParams : public o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper<CPVSimParams> {
27 // Parameters used in conversion of deposited energy to APD response
28 int mnCellX = 128;
29 int mnCellZ = 60;
30 float mPadSizeX = 1.13;
31 float mPadSizeZ = 2.1093;
32 float mDetR = 0.1;
33 float mdEdx = 400.0;
34 int mNgamz = 5;
35 int mNgamx = 9;
36 float mCPVGasThickness = 1.3;
37 float mA = 1.0;
38 float mB = 0.7;
39 inline float CellWr() const { return 0.5 * mPadSizeX; }
41 // Parameters used in electronic noise calculation and thresholds (Digitizer, Calibration)
42 float mReadoutTime = 5.;
43 float mDeadTime = 20.;
44 float mReadoutTimePU = 2000.;
45 float mDeadTimePU = 30000.;
46 bool mApplyDigitization = true;
47 float mZSnSigmas = 3.;
48 float mSortingDelta = 0.1;
50 // Parameters used in clusterization
51 float mDigitMinEnergy = 5.;
53 float mUnfogingEAccuracy = 1.e-3;
54 float mUnfogingXZAccuracy = 1.e-1;
55 float mLocalMaximumCut = 0.030;
56 float mLogWeight = 4.5;
57 int mNMaxIterations = 10;
58 bool mUnfoldClusters = false;
60 O2ParamDef(CPVSimParams, "CPVSimParams");
62} // namespace cpv
64namespace framework
66template <typename T>
67struct is_messageable;
68template <>
69struct is_messageable<o2::cpv::CPVSimParams> : std::true_type {
71} // namespace framework
73} // namespace o2
75#endif /* O2_CPV_CPVSIMPARAMS_H_ */
Definition of the Names Generator class.
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
float mReadoutTimePU
Read-out time in ns if pileup simulation on in DigitizerSpec.
float mA
Parameter to model CPV response.
float mUnfogingXZAccuracy
Accuracy of position calculation in unfolding procedure (cm)
float mB
Parameter to model CPV response.
int mNgamx
Ionization size in Phi.
float mLogWeight
weight in cluster center of gravity calculation
float mUnfogingEAccuracy
Accuracy of energy calculation in unfoding prosedure (GeV)
float mLocalMaximumCut
Threshold to separate local maxima.
float mDigitMinEnergy
Minimal amplitude of a digit to be used in cluster.
float mSortingDelta
used in sorting clusters inverse sorting band in cm
float CellWr() const
Distance between wires (2 wires above 1 pad)
float mPadSizeZ
in phi and z directions
float mDeadTime
PHOS dead time (includes Read-out time i.e. mDeadTime>=mReadoutTime)
float mdEdx
Average energy loss in CPV (arbitrary units);.
int mNgamz
Ionization size in Z.
int mNMaxIterations
Maximal number of iterations in unfolding procedure.
bool mUnfoldClusters
Perform cluster unfolding?
float mClusteringThreshold
Seed digit minimal amplitude.
float mPadSizeX
overall size of CPV active size
float mZSnSigmas
Zero Suppression threshold.
float mDeadTimePU
PHOS dead time if pileup simulation on in DigitizerSpec.
float mReadoutTime
Read-out time in ns for default simulaionts.
float mCPVGasThickness
width of ArC02 gas gap
bool mApplyDigitization
if energy digitization should be applied
O2ParamDef(CPVSimParams, "CPVSimParams")
float mDetR
Relative energy fluctuation in track for 100 e-.