20#ifndef ALICEO2_TPC_ParameterGEM_H_
21#define ALICEO2_TPC_ParameterGEM_H_
51 float Distance[5] = {4.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f};
@ EffectiveMode
Effective amplification mode using one polya distribution only.
@ FullMode
Apply noise, pedestal and saturation.
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
AmplificationMode AmplMode
Amplification mode [FullMode / EffectiveMode].
float Distance[5]
Distances between cathode/anode and stages (in cm)
int Geometry[4]
GEM geometry (0 standard, 1 medium, 2 large)
float Potential[4]
Potential (in Volts)
float getEffectiveGain(int gem) const
float AbsoluteGain[4]
Absolute gain.
float CollectionEfficiency[4]
Collection efficiency.
float ElectricField[5]
Electric field configuration (in kV/cm)
float EfficiencyStack
Variable steering the single electron efficiency of the full stack for the EffectiveMode.
float ExtractionEfficiency[4]
Extraction efficiency.
O2ParamDef(ParameterGEM, "TPCGEMParam")
float KappaStack
Variable steering the energy resolution of the full stack for the EffectiveMode.
float TotalGainStack
Total gain of the stack for the EffectiveMode.