33 LookUp(std::string fileName);
46 int mTopologiesOverThreshold{0};
Definition of the ClusterTopology class.
Definition of the BuildTopologyDictionary class for ITS3.
bool isGroup(int id) const
auto getPattern(int id) const
int findGroupID(int nRow, int nCol, const unsigned char patt[itsmft::ClusterPattern::MaxPatternBytes]) const
void loadDictionary(std::string fileName)
auto getDictionaty() const
static int groupFinder(int nRow, int nCol)
int getTopologiesOverThreshold() const
void setDictionary(const TopologyDictionary *dict)
int getSize() const
Returns the number of elements in the dicionary;.
bool isGroup(int n) const
Returns true if the element corresponds to a group of rare topologies.
const itsmft::ClusterPattern & getPattern(int n) const
Returns the pattern of the topology.
static constexpr int MaxPatternBytes