79 const bool doPrint =
Compute the local and global derivatives at an alignment point (track position, cluster position)
ClassDef(AlignPointControl, 0)
void setCyclicAutoSave(const long nEntries)
Set the number of entries to be used by TTree::AutoSave()
AlignPointInfo mPointInfo
information to be written to the output TTree
virtual ~AlignPointControl()
void setOutFileName(TString fname)
choose filename
TTree * mControlTree
the ROOT TTree container
bool setControlPoint(o2::mft::AlignPointHelper *aPoint)
TFile * mControlFile
the output file
TString mTreeTitle
title of the TTree
TString mOutFileName
name of the output file that will store the TTree
void init()
init output file and tree
void fill(o2::mft::AlignPointHelper *aPoint, const int iTrack=0, const bool doPrint=false)
fill the tree from an align point
long mNEntriesAutoSave
max entries in the buffer after which TTree::AutoSave() is automatically used
bool mIsSuccessfulInit
boolean to monitor the success of the initialization
bool isInitOk() const
check if init went well
void terminate()
write tree and close output file
Container of a single alignment point and methods to fill it.
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...