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Files | |
ApplyCCDBCalibSpec.h | |
Device to apply calibrations loaded from CCDB. | |
CalDetMergerPublisherSpec.h | |
TPC CalDet merger and CCDB publisher. | |
CalibdEdxSpec.h | |
Workflow for time based dE/dx calibration. | |
CalibLaserTracksSpec.h | |
Device to run tpc laser track calibration. | |
CalibProcessingHelper.h | |
CalibratordEdxSpec.h | |
Workflow for time based dE/dx calibration. | |
CalibratorPadGainTracksSpec.h | |
Workflow for the track based dE/dx gain map extraction on an aggregator node. | |
CalibRawPartInfo.h | |
ClusterDecoderRawSpec.h | |
Processor spec for decoder of TPC raw cluster data. | |
ClustererSpec.h | |
spec definition for a TPC clusterer process | |
ClusterQCSpec.h | |
Workflow to run clusterQC. | |
ClusterSharingMapSpec.h | |
Device to produce TPC clusters sharing map. | |
EntropyDecoderSpec.h | |
EntropyEncoderSpec.h | |
ProcessorSpec for the TPC cluster entropy encoding. | |
FileWriterSpec.h | |
Writer for calibration data. | |
IDCToVectorSpec.h | |
Processor to convert IDCs to a vector for each pad in a CRU. | |
KryptonClustererSpec.h | |
Processor spec for running TPC Krypton cluster finder. | |
KryptonRawFilterSpec.h | |
Processor spec for filtering krypton raw data. | |
LaserTrackFilterSpec.h | |
Device to filter out laser tracks. | |
LaserTracksCalibratorSpec.h | |
Device to run tpc laser track calibration. | |
LinkZSToDigitsSpec.h | |
Processor spec for running link based zero suppressed data to digit converter. | |
MIPTrackFilterSpec.h | |
Workflow to filter MIP tracks and streams them to other devices. | |
MonitorWorkflowSpec.h | |
Raw data monitor workflow. | |
OccupancyFilterSpec.h | |
Processor spec for filtering krypton raw data. | |
ProcessingHelpers.h | |
RawToDigitsSpec.h | |
Processor spec for running TPC GBT raw frame to digit converter. | |
RecoWorkflow.h | |
Workflow definition for the TPC reconstruction. | |
SACProcessorSpec.h | |
TPC Sampled Analogue Current processing. | |
TPCCalibPadGainTracksSpec.h | |
TPCCalibPadRawSpec.h | |
TPC Pad-wise raw data calibration processor. | |
TPCDistributeIDCSpec.h | |
TPC aggregation of grouped IDCs and factorization. | |
TPCDistributeSACSpec.h | |
TPCFactorizeIDCSpec.h | |
TPCFactorizeSACSpec.h | |
TPC factorization of SACs. | |
TPC device for processing on FLPs. | |
TPCFourierTransformAggregatorSpec.h | |
TPC aggregation of 1D-IDCs and fourier transform. | |
TPCFourierTransformEPNSpec.h | |
fourier transform of 1D-IDCs used during synchronous reconstruction | |
TPCIntegrateClusterReaderSpec.h | |
TPCIntegrateClusterSpec.h | |
TPCIntegrateClusterWriterSpec.h | |
TPCIntegrateIDCSpec.h | |
TPC integration of IDCs processor. | |
TPCMergeIntegrateClusterSpec.h | |
TPCRefitter.h | |
TPCScalerSpec.h | |
TPCTimeSeriesSpec.h | |
TPCTimeSeriesWriterSpec.h | |
TPCTriggerWriterSpec.h | |
TPCVDriftTglCalibSpec.h | |
TrackAndClusterFilterSpec.h | |
track and cluster filtering | |
ZSSpec.h | |