| BCData.h |
| Class to describe fired triggered and/or stored channels for the BC and to refer to channel data.
| BCRecData.h |
| Class to refer to the reconstructed information.
| ChannelData.h |
| Container class to store NTimeBinsPerBC ADC values of single ZDC channel.
| CTF.h |
| Definitions for ZDC CTF data.
| FEEConfig.h |
| ZDC FEE configuration.
| Hit.h |
| Definition of the ZDC Hit class.
| MCLabel.h |
| OrbitData.h |
| Class to describe pedestal data accumulated over the orbit.
| OrbitRawData.h |
| Class to describe ZDC scalers and pedestals per orbit, received from the FE.
| OrbitRecData.h |
| Class to describe ZDC scalers reconstructed from the channels data.
| RawEventData.h |
| Container of ZDC raw data.
| RecEvent.h |
| Class to describe reconstructed ZDC event (single BC with signal in one of detectors)
| RecEventAux.h |
| RecEventFlat.h |
| Class to decode the reconstructed ZDC event (single BC with signal in one of detectors)
| ZDCEnergy.h |
| Container class to store energy released in the ZDC.
| ZDCTDCData.h |
| Container class to store a TDC hit in a ZDC channel.
| ZDCWaveform.h |
| Container class to store the interpolated waveform of the ZDC.