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Files | |
CalibDataProcessorSpec.cxx | |
Device to convert the calibration data into a list of bad channel candidates. | |
calibration-workflow.cxx | |
MID noise calibration workflow. | |
ChannelCalibratorSpec.cxx | |
Noise and dead channels calibrator spec for MID. | |
ClusterizerSpec.cxx | |
Data processor spec for MID clustering device. | |
ColumnDataSpecsUtils.cxx | |
Utilities for MID Column Data Specs. | |
decoded-data-dump-workflow.cxx | |
decoded-digits-writer-workflow.cxx | |
MID decoded digits writer workflow. | |
DecodedDataAggregatorSpec.cxx | |
Data processor spec for MID decoded data aggregator device. | |
DecodedDataDumpSpec.cxx | |
DigitReaderSpec.cxx | |
Data processor spec for MID digits reader device. | |
digits-reader-workflow.cxx | |
MID digits reader workflow. | |
digits-to-raw-workflow.cxx | |
MID raw to digits workflow. | |
entropy-encoder-workflow.cxx | |
EntropyDecoderSpec.cxx | |
EntropyEncoderSpec.cxx | |
Convert MID DATA to CTF (EncodedBlocks) | |
FilteringBCSpec.cxx | |
MID filtering spec. | |
FilteringSpec.cxx | |
MID filtering spec. | |
mask-maker-workflow.cxx | |
MaskHandlerSpec.cxx | |
Processor to handle the masks. | |
MaskMakerSpec.cxx | |
Processor to compute the masks. | |
raw-checker-workflow.cxx | |
MID raw checker workflow. | |
raw-dump-workflow.cxx | |
MID raw dump workflow. | |
raw-to-digits-workflow.cxx | |
MID raw to digits workflow. | |
RawCheckerSpec.cxx | |
Data processor spec for MID raw bare checker device. | |
RawDecoderSpec.cxx | |
Data processor spec for MID raw decoder device. | |
RawDumpSpec.cxx | |
Device to dump decoded raw data. | |
RawGBTDecoderSpec.cxx | |
Data processor spec for MID GBT raw decoder device. | |
RawInputSpecHandler.cxx | |
Handler for raw data input specs. | |
RawWriterSpec.cxx | |
Digits to raw converter spec for MID. | |
reco-workflow.cxx | |
MID reconstruction workflow from digits. | |
TimingSpec.cxx | |
Device to synchronize MID clock with collision BC. | |
TrackerSpec.cxx | |
Data processor spec for MID tracker device. | |
TrackReaderSpec.cxx | |
tracks-reader-workflow.cxx | |
DPL workflow to send MID tracks read from a root file. | |
ZeroSuppressionSpec.cxx | |
MID zero suppression spec. | |