a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
Float_t rCutAtZmin
Radial vertex position cut at ZVtxMin.
Float_t LTFclsRCut
maximum distance for a cluster to be attached to a seed line (LTF)
Float_t ROADclsRCut
maximum distance for a cluster to be attached to a seed line (CA road)
bool isMultCutRequested() const
Float_t TrueTrackMCThreshold
Minimum fraction of correct clusters MC labels to set True MC tracks.
bool FullClusterScan
Special version for TED shots and cosmics, with full scan of the clusters.
float cutMultClusHigh
reject ROF with estimated cluster mult. below this value (no cut if <0)
Bool_t CAConeRadius
road for CA algo : cylinder or cone (default)
O2ParamDef(MFTTrackingParam, "MFTTracking")
Int_t MinTrackStationsCA
minimum number of detector stations for a CA track
Float_t ZVtxMax
Maximum z vertex position for conical search bin optimization.
bool isPassingMultCut(float mult) const
Int_t MinTrackStationsLTF
minimum number of detector stations for a LTF track
Bool_t LTFConeRadius
road for LTF algo : cylinder or cone (default)
Int_t MinTrackPointsCA
minimum number of points for a CA track
Int_t RBins
number of bins in r-direction
Float_t ZVtxMin
Minimum z vertex position for conical search bin optimization.
bool irFramesOnly
reject ROF with estimated cluster mult. above this value (no cut if <0)
Int_t PhiBins
number of bins in phi-direction