| Cell.h |
| A segment connecting two clusters from two planes.
| Cluster.h |
| A simple structure for the MFT cluster, used by the standalone track finder.
| Constants.h |
| Some constants, fixed parameters and look-up-table functions.
| IOUtils.h |
| Load pulled clusters, for a given read-out-frame, in a dedicated container.
| MFTTrackingParam.h |
| Road.h |
| A cylindrical volume, around a seed line connecting two outer clusters, inside which the cellular automaton algorithm is applied.
| ROframe.h |
| The main container for the standalone track finding within a read-out-frame.
| TrackCA.h |
| Standalone classes for the track found by the Linear-Track-Finder (LTF) and by the Cellular-Automaton (CA)
| Tracker.h |
| Class for the standalone track finding.
| TrackerConfig.h |
| TrackFitter.h |
| Definition of a class to fit a track to a set of clusters.